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Svart Haj

Started by KeyCat, August 23, 2005, 18:27:40

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Har kommit lite mer info om den kommande Ka-50 addonen till LOMAC. Skall bli intressant och se om de lyckas fånga mitt intresse denna gång. Hitintills har de inte lyckats speciellt bra med varken LOMAC eller Flaming Cliff men vem vet...

För mig är en helikopter simulator högintressant men det krävs mer än snygg grafik och single player kampanj för att jag skall köpa det.

Lock On: Black Shark

Here is the following portion of information, Text from the advertising leaf: "game" Lock- On: Black shark "continues a series of the game- aviation simulators, developed on basis" Lock- On: Contemporary combat aviation ".

In contrast to the predecessors, in the new game it is proposed to govern not only aircraft, but also the newest domestic combat helicopter - KA -50.

As became traditional for the games of series LockOn, the simulation of the new object of control, helicopter KA -50, is executed with the degree of realism unprecedented for the computer games.

Here, first of all, it involves: detailed 3D model, aerodynamics of flight, physical model and the model of destruction. One of the main innovations of the game is the detailed clickable 3D model of the KA -50's cockpit, with complete support of the system of remote camera control TrackIR 3 pro.

Interesting innovations appeared also in the simulation of navigation system, and also system of control of armament.
In addition to the existing in "LockOn: Hot cliffs " system Of shkval/Vikhr', is in detail modelled onboard radio-technical integrated system" Abriz ", with the navigation cartographic system.
Among the innovations in the simulation of avionics is also the system of night vision OVN-Y "Skosok".

Significant attention is given to the dynamics of the missile flight and AI aircraft. The characteristics of the AI aircraft are completely brought into correspondence with the player-controlled aircraft, which makes the simulation of air battle even more realistic.

The combat theater, represented by the coast of the Crimea and Caucasus, underwent further improvements, the set of new military targets appeared.

Play aspect, besides control of aircraft and helicopter, is represented by the large number of missions and campaigns, accompanied by the impressive videotapes.

Game "LockOn: Black shark ", works independently, but also includes the possibility of working with the game LockOn: Hot cliffs, and is its further development.

Thus, the most essential innovations: ââ,¬Â¢ the unprecedented for the computer games realism of the simulation of the Russian combat helicopter KA -50, equipped with the unique complex of anti-tank weapon "shkval"/"Vikhr'" and with another high-precision weapon of class "air-surface". ââ,¬Â¢ the improved dynamics of the AI aircraft, bombs and missiles, ââ,¬Â¢ fully clickable 3D cockpit with support for TrackIR 3 Pro ââ,¬Â¢ onboard radio-technical, integrated system "kabriz" and the system of the night vision of 0VN-"Skosok". ââ,¬Â¢ the collection of missions and a large scale military campaign for the pilots of the KA-50. ââ,¬Â¢ the detailed course of the interactive instruction of the combat employment of a helicopter KA -50, equipped with the vocal tracking of instructor pilot ââ,¬Â¢ the set of the new military targets: block signal posts, military storages, the fastened points, and so forth ââ,¬Â¢ the gripping videotapes, developed on the basis the graphic engine of game. The output of game is planned on March 2006."

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

>> It's all about teamwork! <<


Och här är några screen shots...

Så långt verkar det ju super, grymmaste 3D cockpit jag sett hitintills med stöd för TIR 6-DOF och klickbar!... Återstår att se om det kommer att finnas något spelvärde för min del - time will tell!

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

>> It's all about teamwork! <<


Edit: Argh! En aningen för sen med att lägga in samma bilder som ovan


LOL @ Phlerp

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

>> It's all about teamwork! <<


Oj! Riktigt snyggt! Kan nog bli kul att testa.
Mvh Lupson - kortklippt.

"Kustartilleriet fördröjer fienden i kustbandet till militär hjälp kan anlända".
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Utseendemässigt är det en klar 10-poängare!
longbow är ju tyvärr passe numera, EECH vet jag för lite om....
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Av skärmskotten blir jag nästan lite klaustrofobisk av den lilla styrhytten. Lyckas jag bli det sen när det rör sig så ska dom ju faktiskt ha en eloge, så har ett spel aldrig känts förr. Fast förutsättningarna kanske är större iom TrackIR:ens intåg på marknaden.