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Topics - KeyCat

Det har tagit lite tid men så blev det också bra!

Mr-Murray & Co har precis släppt den engelska versionen av hans utomordentliga ArmA Editing Guide och översättning av den sk "Deluxe Edition" pågår!

MapfactÃ,´s Mr Murray, the author of the Armed Assault Editing Guide for the German ââ,¬Å"ArmA Special Editionââ,¬Â has released an English version of his great editing guide. This guide contains nearly 170 pages divided in 9 chapters. Additional to that he has finished his next German editing guide named "Deluxe Edition" which contains exactly 335 pages divided into 11 chapters. This big one already includes the complete patch 1.14 content and Queens Gambit. An English version of it is still in progress!

Here and now he wants to say thanks to his translator MemphisBelle and his great reviewing team Metal0130 and Matt Rochelle who have corrected the text. ââ,¬Å"They all did a very great job for me and for the English speaking ArmA-Community. Honour them all! Very special thanks to MemphisBelle who have spend so much time for this guide!ââ,¬Â



Många trevliga fixar, bland annat så funkar det inbyggda VoIP bra nu o låter helt OK om man drar upp codec kvalitén från default 3 till 10 i server configen. Direct Speech är mkt nice ;)



Sahrani Radio har gjort en ~90 minuters intervju med BIS lead programmer Ondrej "Suma" Spanel. Ger en hel del bakgrunds information om OFP/ArmA/ArmA II...;9566579;/fileinfo.html


Silola var snabbare än tomten och släppte den efterlängtade DAC 2.0 för ArmA inatt!

Mapfact releases Dynamic AI Creator 2.0 for ArmA!

Two years after the release of DAC V1.0 for OFP, we are glad to announce DAC V2.0 is ready to be downloaded by you, though the development took more time, than we thought.

DAC 2.0 Features:
# generate units and waypoints dynamically in AI-zones
# highly dynamic game experience, because of AI-zones being generated at every mission start
# dynamic decrease of unit number (infantry or vehicle groups)
# freely chosen size and number of zones (modify directly in in-game editor)
# every zone can be configured individually (modify directly in in-game editor)
# up to four different unit-categories can be generated per zone
# two zone types: unit-zones, waypoint-zones, can be combined
# freely chosen number of unit-zones can be linked with each other
# freely chosen number of waypoint-zones can be linked with unit-zones
# freely chosen number of unit-configurations can be defined
# freely chosen number of behaviour-configurations can be defined
# freely chosen number of waypoint-configurations can be defined
# movable zones (global troop movement)
# size of a zone can be changed at every time
# new behaviour-configuration can be loaded at every time
# new unit-configuration can be loaded at every time
# dynamic AI-respawn in camps generated dynamically (no respawn or camp limits)
# freely chosen number of camp-configurations can be defined (by a maximum of six camp-upgrades)
# camps can be linked to zones
# AI-respawn also possible without camp
# ââ,¬Å"Standby-modeââ,¬Â for zones, units are generated when needed
# zones can be activated, deactivated as often as you want to
# script, which can delete units (depending on time and/or distance)
# user defined waypoints can be included
# dynamic AI-addon is defined, possibility to choose between four difficulty levels
# running on dedicated servers
# dynamic weather script
# control markers can be activated
# freely chosen number of marker-configurations can be defined
# new marker-configuration can be loaded at every time
# radio messages and markers depending on chosen side can be activated
# units placed in in-game editor can use DAC routines as well
# AI conquers buildings
# AI detects empty vehicles
# AI uses empty static guns
# AI uses smoke grenades
# complete new routines for detecting the enemy
# scripted artillery support for players and AI (static and mobile)
# AI-(voice-) sounds can be defined on seven different situations (works with MP)
# extended error handling (to avoid user input errors)
# 6 configuration files for individual modifications
# good MP performance

Ytterligare en "must have" IMHO!


Har kommit lite info om den kommande 1.09 patchen, nedanstående berör de förbättringar som gjorts på den inbyggda VoIP'en och vem vet kanske det är så bra att TS2 blir mer eller mindre överflödigt...

This topic will be covering the upcoming 1.09 patch for ArmA, as experienced by myself and some fellow ShackTac members. I'll post some info and videos and then answer general questions about the patch for anyone who's interested. Bear in mind that I will not do the following:
a) Post the entire changelog (as it's still WIP)
b) Get into very fine detail about anything other than VOIP

With that being said, my impressions of the 1.09 patch at this stage are that it's going to be a very good one for this community. I think the most telling aspect of 1.09 testing is how frequently our players want to "test" it. The amount of depth and fun that is brought on by the enhanced VOIP is incredible - it has been awhile since I have had so much fun, or laughed so hard, as when testing 1.09 VOIP.

Moving away from the VOIP briefly, I'll touch on a few of the other changes in 1.09 that are particularly significant.

- Framerate has improved a good deal, especially in North Sahrani.
- Ballistics have been enhanced.
- Recoil has been tweaked to be more responsive (you can see this clearly in my videos)
- Vehicle damage models have been tweaked for better gameplay (more survivable).
- AI has been improved in several ways (ie: they do not zero in on your so accurately based upon sound, their dispersion is related to their skill more clearly now, and a few other things). The best way to sum it up is that the AI is more fun to play against now.
- NetStats difficulty option. This allows you to disable the scoreboard during a mission, and see it when the mission actually ends. ShackTac has been running a mod that totally removes the scoreboard for awhile, and this actually ends up being better than that - you prevent people from seeing their scores during the mission, but still allow for the possibility for people to see those scores when the mission has ended.
- Kill message difficulty option. Another favorite of ours - now, instead of having to use a stringtable mod to disable the death messages, you can disable them server-side.

There are a bunch of other changes in 1.09 - BIS has been very responsive to suggestions and comments on it. As I said, I'm not going to go into the full changelog. There has to be an element of surprise, after all.

And now... moving back to VOIP.

VOIP in 1.09 is amazingly cool. We've been testing it extensively, oftentimes going through five builds in a week, with each one addressing issues noticed and implementing feature requests or tweaks that we've suggested after our test sessions.

The pride and joy of VOIP for me is that we finally have a "Who's Speaking" indication . You will not see this in the videos (afaik) because it was literally just added, but our initial testing of it has revealed it to be very, very handy. This is set as a server-side difficulty option in case any groups don't think it's "realistic" to have an indication of who's talking over VOIP.

The indicator works like this:
- When someone speaks on Direct Speaking (locational chat), their name does not show up. You can hear their voice coming from their body instead.
- If someone speaks on Global, Side, Group, or Vehicle chat you will see their name display at the bottom of the "chat" bar. When they stop speaking, their name will linger for one second and then disappear. The name is color-coded based on what chat channel they're speaking over - white for global, blue for side, green for group, yellow for vehicle. If more than one person is talking at once, you will have their names appear to the right side of the first speaker, in the order that they started talking. Because of this, you can have many people talking at once and still be able to figure out who's who, while screen real estate is preserved due to the fact that it lists them horizontally instead of vertically.

Think "Teamspeak Overlay", except integrated into the game by default. It's an awesome feature.

Oh yeah - when you die, you can speak in VOIP with the dead players, without the living players hearing you. The same thing happens with text - dead people's text cannot be seen by the living. Admins can still transmit to all players, though, if they choose.

Here are some videos of us testing VOIP. Bear in mind that this is obviously prerelease test footage and that there are elements in the behavior of VOIP that are still being tweaked and addressed.

The first video is a simple "Battle Drill" mission of ours that is meant to train MOUT fighting and movement through urban areas. This mission shines with VOIP - the amount of communication fluidity that is present now due to the VOIP is fantastic. This is the video you should probably check out first - I went through after the mission and subtitled what I was saying, due to the fact that (as is to be expected) my voice was not recorded via FRAPs.

Next up we have a mission where our squad is moving through a forested area to try to locate two captured pilots. My voice isn't subbed one this one, but you can see where I'm talking (due to the VOIP transmit indicator showing up). This is a pretty neat video as well and is fairly typical of our VOIP experiences thus far.

And, finally, some stupid outtakes and such from our testing. Things can't always be serious, after all. If you have sensitive ears or no sense of humor, you might want to avoid these.

Dslyecxi och andra i Shack Tactical är med och beta testar 1.09...

Själv gillar jag speciellt följande lilla rad...

- AI has been improved in several ways (ie: they do not zero in on your so accurately based upon sound, their dispersion is related to their skill more clearly now, and a few other things).

Förhoppningsvis innebär det att AI'n inte längre kan köra "uber triangulering med hörseln" och få din exakta position varje gång du avfyrar ett (icke SD) vapen  ;D

Länk till BIS forumet:;act=ST;f=64;t=70399;st=0


Sprang på denna som kan underlätta i ArmA (funkar även i andra simmar)...


OFPEC har påbörjat en bra tutorial serie, länk till del 1 nedan...


Intressant läsning om historian bakom OFP/ArmA...

Making of Operation Flashpoint


Allmänt / OS Shootout 2007
September 04, 2007, 18:10:16
Intressant SimHQ artikel och en av anledningarna till varför jag håller mig till XP Pro ett tag till...

 Windows XP Professional vs. Windows Vista Ultimate


Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / FPS möter strategi
August 27, 2007, 19:15:53
Spana in vad Spinor och de andra CoC killarna håller på med...

Jag testkör en tidig beta av CEX och om allt går som det skall kommer detta att bli mycket bra!

Edit: Glömde tillägga att det har fullt stöd för MP ;)


Massiv ArmA läsning från Dslyecxi!

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Köpes och säljes / SB Live ljudkort
May 14, 2007, 06:19:36
Någon som har ett SB Live 5.1 eller SB Live 1024 ljudkort att sälja?

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Verkar vara bra sammanställd och täcka det mesta. Engelsk version påstås komma inom kort för oss som inte kan Tyska...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

BIS har tydligen hittat och eliminerat en major bug som påverkat hazen och därmed också view distance. Detta kommer att bli ett total lyft för alla (som har kapabla maskiner)  men troligvis mest för piloter :)

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / ArmA 1.05 changelog
February 28, 2007, 16:10:01
Här är en summering av kommande 1.05 patchen. Om allt klaffar dyker den upp på fredag!

Summary Version 1.05

5122 - Changed: Video options Quality preference now affects terrain detail as well.
5122 - Fixed: Setting overall settings to Very low was not properly indicated in video options.
5122 - Fixed: AI Machine gunners are now more aggressive against near infantry unit.
5122 - Fixed: Motorbikes right/left turning is now enabled even when looking around
5122 - Fixed: AI could sometimes aim into the air when targeting an unknown land unit.
5122 - Fixed: Explosion sometimes revealed the exact unit position to the AI units.
5122 - Fixed: Texture extension can be supplied with the procedural color texture now (texture type is calculated according to it)
5122 - Fixed: AI was planning the path over the destroyed bridge
5122 - Fixed: Boat can now be controlled by mouse
5123 - Fixed: Bad voice buffer unqueuing, could cause memory leak when using voice over net.
5123 - Fixed: Silent sound cut off too early when load sound was near
5123 - Fixed: AI was not able to uses satchels on Destroy waypoints.
5123 - Fixed: Binocular style laser designators were using wrong models and animations.
5123 - Improved: Increased internal cache size for computers with more than 512 MB of RAM.
5123 - Fixed: AI usage of laser designators much improved.
5124 - Fixed: MP session list - Server state not shown for incompatible sessions
5124 - Fixed: MP session list - country is shown for all sessions now
5124 - New: New trigger types "Seized by ..."
5124 - Fixed: MP session browser - sometimes session info was hiding and showing repeatedly
5124 - New: Access to option categories directly from the main menu
5124 - Fixed: When the script change the player using "selectPlayer" function from the dead one, game info about the mission state is changed as well.
5124 - New: different progress indicator during game startup
5124 - New: playerKilledScript entry in the description.ext of the mission can override this entry in the config
5126 - Fixed: Crash when command "hintC" was used
5126 - Fixed: status of disableAI is now saved and loaded.
5126 - Fixed: DS crash occurred when mission with some special name (containing '%') was selected
5126 - Fixed: MP - manual fire rate was too high sometimes
5126 - Fixed: Aircraft were sometimes disappearing when flying above small objects.
5126 - Added: MP - new server scripting function lock
5126 - Added: MP - new commands #lock, #unlock
5126 - New: Possibility to show satellite textures in the in-game map and briefing
5126 - New: Multiple layers of cut effects, extended version of commands cutText, cutRsc and cutObj
5126 - Added: functions titleFadeOut, cutFadeOut
5126 - Fixed: View limits in vehicle applied on TrackIR and NumPad looking around
5126 - Fixed: MP - Cancel button in the briefing will return player to lobby, not to server browser
5126 - New: Map legend parameters are now read from the resource
5126 - Fixed: When using shadow detail high with some nVidia cards (Nv3x chip-set) loading screen could happen sometimes mid-game.

The problem was caused by bad usage of D3DSAMP_SRGBTEXTURE, which was wrongly handled by the driver.

5126 - New: commands hint, hintCadet now works also with the structured text
5126 - Fixed: MP game using ships was crashing
5126 - Fixed: Function "hintC" (versions with the title) - when dialog is closed, text is shown in HUD
5126 - Fixed: Integer light constants as I_POINTLOOPCOUNT were not recorded and there was a problem when using compass during the day
5126 - Fixed: MP Voice over Net on LAN sessions was not working sometimes
5126 - Fixed: Hellfires (maverickweapon) on a helicopter were visible even when the helicopter was destroyed
5127 - Fixed: Mouse cursor color was not handled correctly
5127 - Added: function difficultyEnabled
5127 - Added: functions ctrlMapScreenToWorld, ctrlMapWorldToScreen
5127 - Fixed: Threat calculation was inaccurate for weapons with multiple modes
5127 - Fixed: Fully closed vehicle interiors were rendered with strange gray shadows with shadow detail Normal or lower.
5127 - Fixed: Switching into the mission editor by clicking on the Task bar caused selecting mode to be active.
5127 - Changed: Message about addons not listed in the mission is no longer displayed when playing single player missions.
5127 - Added: New animation controller cabin for airplanes.
5128 - Change: airplane fuel consumption dependent on thrust.
5128 - Added: function addVehicle
5128 - Fixed: Crash during saving game in Library mission
5128 - Fixed: Zoom instead of optics in transport
5128 - Fixed: Improved airplane landing autopilot.
5128 - Fixed: STOVL ability added (use autohover action to toggle VTOL mode).
5128 - Fixed: AI now considers grass layer in the visibility calculations.
5128 - Fixed: Terrain detail low/very low no longer degrades quality unless viewdistance requires it.
5128 - New: enableGPS vehicle config entry can enable GPS for given vehicle
5128 - Fixed: When OpenAL is unable to create sound buffer for VoN, the game continues without VoN.
5128 - Fixed: Group leader now can command subordinates to get in secondary turrets
5128 - Fixed: command "crew" now lists all gunners in the vehicle
5128 - Fixed: Units created dead were partially alive.
5128 - Fixed: "fire" command works for all turrets now
5128 - Fixed: AI cars not willing to drive under power lines.
5128 - New: Any combinations of two keys can be used for user action mapping
5128 - Fixed: Dedicated server radio processing was broken, resulting in AI often not doing what expected.
5128 - Fixed: watch and compass no longer shown once mission is restarted.
5128 - Fixed: Moving of cars in convoy - better following of road
5128 - Fixed: Controls mapped on 3D object did not work correctly in different screen ratios than 4:3
5128 - Fixed: AI sometimes did not takeoff when placed on the runway.
5128 - New: Gear shifting limits can now be defined in the config for each vehicle.
5128 - Fixed: UI - button text position calculation improved
5128 - Fixed: UI - structured text drawing - spaces between elements
5129 - Fixed: MP - Radio messages echo on remote clients was missing
5129 - Fixed: MP - get out waypoint did not work as in single player (player not forced out, player commanded to get in)
5129 - Fixed: UI - disabled default button responded to Enter
5129 - Fixed: The game crashed when gear screen was opened and the player was vanished (using scripting functions)
5129 - Fixed: Airplane landing light may be now off when gear is up.
5129 - Fixed: Aircraft may miss lighting from its own lights when airborne.
5129 - Fixed: Colored positional lights were rendered white.
5129 - Fixed: Display all (fading) HUD elements when mission is restarted
5129 - New: possibility to skip briefing screen using "briefing = 0" in the mission description.ext
5129 - Improved: Delay when returning from map to game is now much shorter.
5129 - Improved: Improved night vision goggles rendering.
5129 - Added: functions setCurrentWaypoint, waypoints
5129 - Added: function distributionRegion
5129 - Fixed: Reduced water splash volume when boats are not moving.
5129 - Fixed: Reduced distant unit warping / jumping.
5130 - Fixed: Languages switching was disabled for some distributions
5130 - Fixed: mission editor - condition changed when Continue button is shown
5130 - Added: functions assignedVehicle, assignedVehicleRole
5130 - Fixed: function "deleteWaypoint" now works for all waypoints (recent, current)
5130 - Fixed: After save/load weapons might become invisible.
5130 - Fixed: AI - After transport of player's group, AI was staying on the same position
5130 - Fixed: Drawing of subtitles (all structured texts) - the offset of shadow was not always fixed
5131 - Fixed: Prone rolling no longer activates lean toggle
5131 - Fixed: Tracers are visible again early in the night
5132 - Fixed: When fleeing is disabled, units never flee - even when having no weapons
5132 - Fixed: AI did now follow player over the bridge
5132 - Fixed: server config parameter persistent is fully working now
5132 - Fixed: MP - situation when admin logged in during mission voting is handled correctly now
5132 - Fixed: AI flying helicopter was changing dive wildly when flying fast.
5133 - Fixed: Iron sight view no longer strictly tied to a weapon.
5133 - Fixed: MP - admin is deciding when briefing is finished now
5133 - Fixed: UI - Single missions dialog title is changing by the selected folder
5133 - Fixed: when alternate directory for profiles given by command line options -profiles, user profiles are no longer stored to this directory, but to its Users subdirectory
5134 - Fixed: Improved AI spotting ability in towns.
5134 - Fixed: Look around in vehicles (faster and better limits now)
5135 - Fixed: AI deprecated to get in heavy damaged vehicle even when repaired again


New engine sound for AV-8
Disabled lights on parachutes
Mi17 added mirror material
SU34, SU34b - added clansigns and proxy flag
GPS disabled for Camel and Parachute
configured HUD
fixed Harrier landing light
changed head movement limitations
openable canopy for harriers
Betaversion of Harrier STOVL capability introduced, add to README:

Harrier (AV8B) can now perform Short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL).
It is controled with "Autohover ON/OFF" action.
When activated, there is no such autopilot for slowdown that helicopters use.
Thrust vector is just rotated downwards. Q/Z keys control only airplane speed.
There are no keys for control over vertical thrust,
so it is not possible to hover up/down like in helicopter.
Takeoff procedure:
- activate Autohover
- extend full flaps (2x crtl+K)
- gain some speed by holding Q for a short while and then release it.
- once in the air, retract gear (crtl+G)
- hold Q a little longer until you move fast enough
- retract flaps as you build more speed (2x ctrl+L)
- at aprox 180kmph toggle autohover off and control flight as regular aircraft
Landing procedure:
- reduce speed and altitude same way as during conventional landing
- extend full flaps (2x crtl+K), drop gear (crtl+G)
- hold Z to reduce speed
- at aprox 180 kmph activate Autohover
- pitch nose up to reduce speed, check speed, height and flight path vector indicated on HUD
- hold Z for descent at aprox 2m/s
- at touchdown toggle autohover off

modified pilot anims for crew in cocpits with HUD
fixed hud definition for helicopters
parachute sound occlusion fixed


Fixed inbetween issue that civilians could not go prone forward
Sprinting enabled for several stances
Bug in the transition from handgun to launcher fixed
Deformation when looking around with lowered rifle
Improved middle part of animations in cutscene 7 - fingers and hands


fixed wire fences AI can now shoot through them
panelak*.p3d - fixed collisions


added Library models
Road Cone, Obstacle - Saddle, Ramp - concrete, Humps - dirt, Buoy small, Buoy, Road barrier and Road barrier small are now also available in editor as Objects


Addondependency for ak74pso added
Civilians have the same ammount of slots as regular soldiers
Anchorman2 introduced to be used for regular missions
GPS enabled for Special forces and squad leaders n
np_soldier_officier.p3d "osobnost" redefined


Grass layer information added.


No fade vertex shader definition added to trunk materials, fixed polyplanes in str krovisko vysoke.p3d, added viewgeom and materials on dead trunk models.


config.cpp disabled destruction on PaletaBase models
deleted ViewGeometry in Rock*.p3d models (fireGeo will be used instead)
removed specularity for ground clutter stones (did not work well)


Grass layer information added.


moved two "podesta" objects at Ga66


repacked from VCS data


Limited head movement on M163 and M113 ambulance drivers
Fixed bug with interior shadows in BMP-2
M113, M113_RACS - Fixed gunner animation in cargo LOD

Aspect ratio indicator added to the video options dialog
Option to display satellite texture map
Empty mission translations updated
Notepad model updated


GPS enabled for RHIBs


Hellfire and Vikhr hitvalues slightly raised
MP5 was very uneffective
changed config.cpp
laser designators to use binocular style animations
Javelin scope to protected
AGS30 library description fixed
adjusted weapons dextrity values
changed Soflam laser designator model
aligned chamber points with scope at M4_GL_ACOG and M4_SPR
ACOG gun sights and balistics modified, changed balistics also on M4 Aimpoint
SVD optics modified
changed M119 gunnerview
changed optics zoom settings on all rifles
add to readme:
Optics/Ironsights leveling on distance:
50m > MP5, pistols
100m > AK74UN, M4/M16 with Aimpoint, ACOG sights or suppressor
120m-400m > M4SPR
200m > SVD, KSVK, AK74PSO
300m > AK74, AK74GL, AK74U, M16A2, M16GL, M16A4, M16A4GL, all G36, machineguns
500m > M107


M107 autofire disabled
M16 ACOG optics leveled on 100m
M107 and KSVK config.cpp
modified dextrity of weapons
new KSVK and AK74PSO optics introduced for better aiming
M16A4, M16A4GL aiming fix


Stryker gunner is able to turn its head now
Stryker drivers FOV changed
Added driver optics to all Strykers
added mirror material (Stryker*.p3d, 5t*.p3d, Landrover*.p3d, Urals*.p3d, hilux*.p3d)
Fixed bug with interior shadows in Strykers
GPS enabled for Humer, Stryker and BRDM


getting rid of some hardcoded strings
Added destruction effect
Fixed damper selection for M1030
Improved alpha faces for Both Bikes

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Undrar vad det smidigaste sättet att jobba med en PBO-fil under utveckling är utan att behöva PBO:a varje gång man ändrar ett tecken eller dyligt?

Kommer ihåg att jag gjorde så i OFP någon gång tidigare men har tyvärr glömt hur jag gjorde! Förhoppningsvis kan granQ eller någon annan addon maker uppdatera min smått senila skalle?

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / Snyggt collage
February 17, 2007, 15:03:34
Made by Parvus.


/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)
Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / Urban Patrol Script
February 12, 2007, 14:06:02
För er som börjar bli lite varma i kläderna efter granQ's och ctrl's utmärkta nybörjar guider.

Urban Patrol Script by Kronzky

Kortfattat så blir det ännu enklare att få slumpmässigt patrullerande fiender i uppdragen och utan att placera en enda WP. Används detta script blir inget mission lika oavsett hur många gånger man lirar det och är även enkelt att använda (följ bildspelet på hans hemsida).

Har testkört det sedan i december och nuvarande version (1.70) är MP kompatibel och fungerar utomordentligt bra. Ett av de script jag alltid kommer att köra med i mina egna uppdrag.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Håller på med lite nya ArmA script och undrar om här finns någon med medfödda ljudediterings talanger och som kanske vill hjälpa till att skapa/editera lite ljudfiler?

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)