Lite info om kommande 1.09 patch

Started by KeyCat, December 15, 2007, 09:32:52

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Har kommit lite info om den kommande 1.09 patchen, nedanstående berör de förbättringar som gjorts på den inbyggda VoIP'en och vem vet kanske det är så bra att TS2 blir mer eller mindre överflödigt...

This topic will be covering the upcoming 1.09 patch for ArmA, as experienced by myself and some fellow ShackTac members. I'll post some info and videos and then answer general questions about the patch for anyone who's interested. Bear in mind that I will not do the following:
a) Post the entire changelog (as it's still WIP)
b) Get into very fine detail about anything other than VOIP

With that being said, my impressions of the 1.09 patch at this stage are that it's going to be a very good one for this community. I think the most telling aspect of 1.09 testing is how frequently our players want to "test" it. The amount of depth and fun that is brought on by the enhanced VOIP is incredible - it has been awhile since I have had so much fun, or laughed so hard, as when testing 1.09 VOIP.

Moving away from the VOIP briefly, I'll touch on a few of the other changes in 1.09 that are particularly significant.

- Framerate has improved a good deal, especially in North Sahrani.
- Ballistics have been enhanced.
- Recoil has been tweaked to be more responsive (you can see this clearly in my videos)
- Vehicle damage models have been tweaked for better gameplay (more survivable).
- AI has been improved in several ways (ie: they do not zero in on your so accurately based upon sound, their dispersion is related to their skill more clearly now, and a few other things). The best way to sum it up is that the AI is more fun to play against now.
- NetStats difficulty option. This allows you to disable the scoreboard during a mission, and see it when the mission actually ends. ShackTac has been running a mod that totally removes the scoreboard for awhile, and this actually ends up being better than that - you prevent people from seeing their scores during the mission, but still allow for the possibility for people to see those scores when the mission has ended.
- Kill message difficulty option. Another favorite of ours - now, instead of having to use a stringtable mod to disable the death messages, you can disable them server-side.

There are a bunch of other changes in 1.09 - BIS has been very responsive to suggestions and comments on it. As I said, I'm not going to go into the full changelog. There has to be an element of surprise, after all.

And now... moving back to VOIP.

VOIP in 1.09 is amazingly cool. We've been testing it extensively, oftentimes going through five builds in a week, with each one addressing issues noticed and implementing feature requests or tweaks that we've suggested after our test sessions.

The pride and joy of VOIP for me is that we finally have a "Who's Speaking" indication . You will not see this in the videos (afaik) because it was literally just added, but our initial testing of it has revealed it to be very, very handy. This is set as a server-side difficulty option in case any groups don't think it's "realistic" to have an indication of who's talking over VOIP.

The indicator works like this:
- When someone speaks on Direct Speaking (locational chat), their name does not show up. You can hear their voice coming from their body instead.
- If someone speaks on Global, Side, Group, or Vehicle chat you will see their name display at the bottom of the "chat" bar. When they stop speaking, their name will linger for one second and then disappear. The name is color-coded based on what chat channel they're speaking over - white for global, blue for side, green for group, yellow for vehicle. If more than one person is talking at once, you will have their names appear to the right side of the first speaker, in the order that they started talking. Because of this, you can have many people talking at once and still be able to figure out who's who, while screen real estate is preserved due to the fact that it lists them horizontally instead of vertically.

Think "Teamspeak Overlay", except integrated into the game by default. It's an awesome feature.

Oh yeah - when you die, you can speak in VOIP with the dead players, without the living players hearing you. The same thing happens with text - dead people's text cannot be seen by the living. Admins can still transmit to all players, though, if they choose.

Here are some videos of us testing VOIP. Bear in mind that this is obviously prerelease test footage and that there are elements in the behavior of VOIP that are still being tweaked and addressed.

The first video is a simple "Battle Drill" mission of ours that is meant to train MOUT fighting and movement through urban areas. This mission shines with VOIP - the amount of communication fluidity that is present now due to the VOIP is fantastic. This is the video you should probably check out first - I went through after the mission and subtitled what I was saying, due to the fact that (as is to be expected) my voice was not recorded via FRAPs.

Next up we have a mission where our squad is moving through a forested area to try to locate two captured pilots. My voice isn't subbed one this one, but you can see where I'm talking (due to the VOIP transmit indicator showing up). This is a pretty neat video as well and is fairly typical of our VOIP experiences thus far.

And, finally, some stupid outtakes and such from our testing. Things can't always be serious, after all. If you have sensitive ears or no sense of humor, you might want to avoid these.

Dslyecxi och andra i Shack Tactical är med och beta testar 1.09...

Själv gillar jag speciellt följande lilla rad...

- AI has been improved in several ways (ie: they do not zero in on your so accurately based upon sound, their dispersion is related to their skill more clearly now, and a few other things).

Förhoppningsvis innebär det att AI'n inte längre kan köra "uber triangulering med hörseln" och få din exakta position varje gång du avfyrar ett (icke SD) vapen  ;D

Länk till BIS forumet:;act=ST;f=64;t=70399;st=0


>> It's all about teamwork! <<


Läste dessa patch notes och blev faktiskt lite sugen på en omgång ArmA någon dag. Men hur många gånger har jag inte sagt detta? Låter ju nästan som Jens juh! :D
We're standing here by the abyss, and the world is in flames
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out, to the beast with many names


En Beta version av kommande 1.09 patch finns tillgänglig här för de som vill testa.


>> It's all about teamwork! <<


Är 1.09 fortfarande beta? Ursäkta att jag spammar till höger och vänster i ArmA-forumet men jag ville komma igång och öva lite inför lanet. :D
We're standing here by the abyss, and the world is in flames
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out, to the beast with many names


Hmm, jag får nog öva lite... Testade några single missions men stendog hela tiden utan att lyckas träffa annat än gräs, träd och stenar. :D Ska det vara så svårt? Man var ju en fena på OFP när det begav sig. Här ser man inte ett skit och fienden verkar pricka pannan på en så fort de får syn på en. :)
We're standing here by the abyss, and the world is in flames
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out, to the beast with many names