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Topics - KeyCat

Senaste betan (Build 60141) är väl värd att tanka hem, verkar som BIS äntligen börjat fokusera på att fixa/förbättra AI'n i ArmA II så lagom till jul/nyår kanske det börjar blir dags att starta co-op kampanjen eller köra lite mer co-op's generellt...

~45 MB och tankas här... Senaste betan är alltid överst i gröna fältet och som ni ser så släpps det nya rätt ofta (har kommit 3 nya builds på lika många dagar nu senast)...

Betan installeras parallellt med senaste 1.04 och startas med en separat shortcut, det går även att köra med betan på 1.04 servrar men det medföljer även uppdaterad server EXE för de som hostar server själva :)

(current patch candidate)
  [60129]  Fixed: AI subordinates now move faster (use less cover) to catch up when leader is way ahead of them.
  [60102]  Fixed: AI subordinates should now respect formation more when moving in combat.
  [60101]  Fixed: Group leader was often running far ahead alone in combat.
  [60092]  Fixed: AI leader did not wait for a player to cover him when moving in combat.
  [60090]  Fixed: Improved vehicles and motorcycles driving.
  [60068]  New: Alt-Enter can be used to switch window/fullscreen while paused.
  [60015]  New: Execute action with LMB can be unmapped.
  [60013]  Fixed: Possible freeze under Vista/Win7 when Alt-Tabing out of the game during progress screen.
  [59999]  Fixed: Player is no more target when commanding in external view.
  [59988]  New: Windowed/Fullscreen can now be switched ingame (in Video options).
  [59924]  Fixed: More 32b overflows caused by 8 GB RAM + large VRAM.
  [59906]  Fixed: Most vehicle gunners did not provide suppressive fire.
  [59899]  Fixed: AI did not use suppressive fire against enemies seen while holding fire.
  [59898]  Fixed: Spatial explosions sounds
  [59884]  Fixed: Suppress in the commanding menu did nothing.
  [59875]  New: Suppressive fire against known enemies can be scripted using unit suppressFor time.
  [59873]  Fixed: After spawning new types of entities via script, game could randomly freeze or crash.
  [59872]  Fixed: Airplane, helicopter, car and ship control was lost while map was active.
  [59808]  Fixed: DOF in 3D scope view
  [59741]  Analogue throttle working for helicopters as well.
  [59736]  Fixed: Startup sounds are not spatial and stick to audio channels
  [59715]  Covering soldier in grass ("Grass layer")
  [59691]  Improved: Small hit be ignored by hitpoints (configurable by minimalHit)
  [59668]  Improved: Hitpoint can pass only a part of the hit to the total damage (passthrough setting no longer ignored).
  [59446]  New: IK weapon animations are now blending with primary animations.  
  [59351]  Fixed: VoN direct speaking distance fade out
  [59318]  Fixed: support the highest Matrox TrippleHead2Go resolutions
  [59279]  Fixed: FPS on Dedicated server is not affected by server window manipulation (such as move or scroll).
  [59088]  Mouse lag can caused by GPU render ahead buffer be limited using GPU_MaxFramesAhead=N in ArmA2.cfg.
  [59047]  Fix: When player was a helicopter pilot, the AI gunner sometimes had no weapon selected on mission start
  [59030]  Fix: Helicopters - when manual fire on, do not allow AI gunner to switch weapons
  [59002]  Fixed: Soldier were walking on non-existant heaps of debris from destroyed buildings.
  [58998]  Fixed: Autocoordination caused rudder oscillation in high speed flight.
  [58990]  Fixed: Crashes in VoN when many players were speaking simultaneously.
  [58972]  Hotfix: Possible crashes in VoN when many players were speaking simultaneously.
  [58961]  Fixed: Immortal freezed soldiers occured in MP.
  [58943]  New: Added mouse smoothing to game options
  [58931]  Fixed: Broken kill scoring in MP (two points for unit kill).
  [58924]  Fixed: Input key actions are no longer active while chat mode.
  [58901]  Fixed: Diag_log used with long text argument caused crash.
  [58897]  New: Enabled multiple parameters  for MP mission.  
  [58873]  Mouse filtering strenght adjustable using mouseSmoothing=NNNN in user config.
  [58868]  Fixed: Mouse scrolling in diary.
  [58837]  Mouse smoothing disabled for fast movement.
  [58831]  Mouse smoothing can be disabled in user profile file using line mouseSmoothing=0;
  [58816]  Fixed: Enemy kills made by player using stolen enemy vehicle are no longer considered as friendly kills.
  [58806]  Fixed: Switching to Utes from Chernarus caused Utes to contain infinite landscape.
  [58798]  Fixed: Time of day synchronized on client after connection to server.
  [58789]  Command line argument -cpuCount=NNN to override cpu count detection.
  [58730]  Fixed: Simulate speed of sound
  [58728]  Fixed: fire from rifle distort sound
  [58705]  Fixed: Crash by malformed input to a diag_log scripting function.
  [58702]  Fixed: Muzzle flash was seen dark in some weapon optics.
  [58699]  Improved: Audio volume settings
  [58667]  Fixed: MP: Ships and boats used excessive bandwidth and CPU power.
  [58655]  Fixed: Players are no longer forced to reconnect after MP Load on server.
  [58644]  Fixed: bike rider can be no longer healed
  [58626]  Known issue: Players are forced to reconnect after MP Load on server.
  [58609]  Fixed: no particles effect when hit object with destructNo
  [58601]  Fixed: Player connected to loaded game was sometimes frozen.
  [58590]  Fixed: Game crashed when launched on a system with more then 8 CPUs/cores.
  [58580]  Fixed: Possible crash with laser designator active.
  [58571]  Fixed: Sometimes crew of a near vehicle was visible through the vehicle.
  [58552]  Fixed: Infinite looping of commands 'Stop' in radio.
  [58537]  Fixed: Leaning 'limits' do not work in TrackIR
  [58536]  Fixed: Clients were often endlessly stuck in 'Receiving...' window after MP Load.
  [58495]  Improved building destruction
  [58488]  New: Functions getPosATL and setPosATL to allow controlling position relative to terrain.
  [58487]  Fixed: Rainbow could be visible even with sun below horizon.
  [58481]  New: command line option -showScriptErrors introduced to show errors in scripts on-screen
  [58472]  Fixed: missiles should pass through vegetation
  [58414]  Fix: 3D editor - civilian and resistance units did not work correctly
  [58405]  Fixed: grenades may explode only on the final impact
  [58405]  Fixed: when a grenade bounces on a ship deck, the proper particle effects is shown now
  [58357]  Improved: Better airplane HUD visibility both night and day
  [58349]  New: Direct analogue throttle and brake for airplanes now available.
  [58305]  Optimization: Reduced frame stutter near map borders.
  [58291]  Improved: better handling of gravitation for shots (esp. for grenades)
  [58251]  Fixed: Sea surface was not rendered in NE area out of map.
  [58245]  Fixed: terrain surface was sometimes using wrong parallax map.
  [58240]  Fixed: grenade could destroy a building just by impact
  [58237]  Fixed: Radio messages sometimes echoed
  [58212]  Fixed - Team switch did not work when player died
  [58207]  New: More flexible configuration of Flares in the config (brightness, size)
  [58199]  Fixed: Reduced AI detecting slowly moving enemy vehicles by ear.
  [58190]  Fixed: Prevent killed units reporting who killed them.
Patch 1.02
  [58147]  MP - when unit is respawned, its tasks, diary content and skills are transferred to the new entity


Sprang på denna...

Har inte haft tid att testa men om någon annan gör kan ni väl posta vad ni tycker. Undras vad denna har som inte AAA har? Skall även finnas en annan IL-2 mod som heter något i stil med "HFSX" eller nått, någon som vet mer?


Har inte haft något direkt emot NP tidigare men måste erkänna att deras giriga affärstaktik i samband med att DCS:BS och sedan ARMA II släpptes ändrade på det. Att inte erbjuda sina gamla TIR1/TIR2 kunder bakåtkompabilitet på sina produkter suger röv IMO (vilket också jag framfört till NP direkt vid ett par tillfällen)!

Men som tur är finns det smarta grabbar på nätet  ;D

Precis provat och min TIR2 funkar OK i ArmA II 1.04 (2DOF men mer begär jag inte)! Skall även funka I DCS:BS men den har jag inte köpt pga av att jag inte kunnat använda TIR2:an där heller (och det är ju ED som förlorar på det)...


Allmänt / TM HOTAS Warthog på G!
October 16, 2009, 18:58:01
Någon på SimHQ har skarpa ögon...kolla Flash reklamen....

Hoppas nu denna konstrueras rätt från början så man inte behöver köpa diverse mods/uppgraderingar för X antal tusen innan stickan blir bra!


Vet inte om det är någon större idé att posta här längre (?) men gör det ändå...

Första CF (CF = IC:ArmA fast för ArmA II) kampanjen börjar om två veckor och pågår i 10 veckor framöver!

110+ spelare i PvsP med fokus på teamwork och combined arms! Har själv joinat min gamla grupp och denna gång lirar vi (RS) med US vapen.


IL-2 / CoD / BoS / Patch 4.09m (final) släppt!
October 02, 2009, 16:17:45

Tog sin lilla tid men nu är den här...

PS: Kan nog bli trångt på linorna de kommande dagarna så Torrent är nog att föredra.


För er som inte hängt med...


Kju & Co har precis gjort CAA1 publik! I korthet ger den oss större delen av vad som finns i ArmA I (Sharani, Porto, United Sahrani + modeller etc) i ArmA II och måste varit ett stort projekt att ro iland!? Den stora fördelen IMO är att dessa öar är betydligt resurssnålare än Chernarus vilket innebär bra FPS även på en lite äldre dator.

The CAA1 project is to make BI ArmA addons available in ArmA II. Yet there is more to it!

# What can You do with CAA1?

-Try, test, explore and play. If you like it, tell your friends.
-Explore the ArmA I and Queen's Gambit worlds.
-Build new missions on these amazing worlds.
-Convert your ArmA I missions of the given worlds to ArmA II.
-Try any ArmA I mission or campaign in ArmA II. May or may not be playable.
-Try missions ported to ArmA II by community members.
-Help convert popular ArmA I or Queen's Gambit missions and campaigns to ArmA II.
-Help convert popular OFP missions and campaigns to ArmA II.
-Make use the new units in your ArmA II missions.
-Use CAA1 as a base to convert your ArmA I vehicles/weapons/objects/worlds to ArmA II.
-Try any ArmA I world in ArmA II. May or may not work.

~2 GB att tanka men BitTorrenten funkar bra...

PS: Kolla även deras info/FAQ för där är en del kända problem som de fortfarande jobbar på.



Three years after the conflict in Chernarus, portrayed in the original ARMA II, a new flashpoint in the Green Sea region heats up and coalition forces led by the US Army are sent to Takistan to quickly restore peace and prevent further civilian casualties.

Set into the new, visually attractive environment of hilly central Asia, Operation Arrowhead will offer realistic combat simulation experience in a modern day setting with unprecedented freedom of movement, actions and tactics. Players will enlist into various roles within the US Army, from basic infantrymen, through special operatives, to pilots and tank crew in this new installment in the award winning line up of military simulators for PC from Bohemia Interactive.

ARMA II Operation Arrowhead will be presented during the Gamescom; trade fair for interactive games and entertainment in Cologne, Germany 19th ââ,¬â€œ 23rd August 2009. Visit us at our stand in hall 4.2, stand no. L034.

Bohemia Interactive is fully committed to supporting the existing ARMA II user base whilst also working on the expansion pack, this will not only allow us to introduce a new and original theater of war to the simulation series, but also improve numerous areas of the core game, for both the original game and the expansion, where we can go even further with adding completely new features" said Marek Spanel, Bohemiaââ,¬â,,¢s CEO.

Join the duty in ARMA II, this ultimate military simulator, and get a taste of what it takes to be a soldier in a modern warfare conflict!


Copyright (c) 2009 Bohemia Interactive. All rights reserved.

- ANY ORIGINAL VERSION OF ARMA 2 from 1.00 to 1.02 other than the Steam version, Steam users should use the auto updating feature instead (their game will not be playable if they apply this patch until they recover it again from Steam)
- DirectX 9 March 2009 is required and should be updated during the patching process automatically as needed or you can update your version of DirectX from

- Run the patch exe to apply the patch setup automatically.
- It will install all content of the patch to the folder with your ArmA 2 installation (default is C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 or Bohemia Interactive\ArmA2).
- Please note that it is not possible to rollback to a previous version after the installation of this patch, only a full reinstall of the game is possible, if you want to keep your previous version you may want to backup the entire game installation folder before applying this patch.
- It is not recommended to use any savegames created in versions 1.00 or 1.01, if you use a savegame from 1.02 some of the fixes may not apply to that game in progress until the beginning of a new mission.

* Major AI tweaking and balancing (especially AI infantry can hear much less)
* Improved multiplayer and cooperative campaign (saving games, connection issues)
* Numerous fixes and improvements in the Harvest Red campaign


show spoiler


* New: Functions getPosATL and setPosATL to allow controlling position relative to terrain.
* New: command line option -showScriptErrors introduced to show errors in scripts on-screen
* New: Direct analogue throttle and brake for airplanes now available.
* New: More flexible configuration of Flares in the config (brightness, size)
* New: Mission name (with * indicated unsaved work) displayed in the mission editor
* New: Keyboard shortcuts in the mission editor
* Improved: better handling of gravitation for shots (esp. for grenades)
* Improved: Building destruction
* Improved: Better airplane HUD visibility both night and day
* Optimization: Reduced frame stutter near map borders.
* Hotfix: Players are forced to reconnect after MP Load on server.
* Fixed: no particles effect when hit object with destructNo
* Fixed: grenade could destroy a building just by impact
* Fixed: grenades may explode only on the final impact
* Fixed: when a grenade bounces on a ship deck, the proper particle effects is shown now
* Fixed: missiles should pass through vegetation
* Fixed: Player connected to loaded game was sometimes frozen.
* Fixed: Game crashed when launched on a system with more then 8 CPUs/cores.
* Fixed: Possible crash with laser designator active.
* Fixed: Sometimes crew of a close vehicle was visible through the vehicle.
* Fixed: Infinite looping of commands 'Stop' in radio.
* Fixed: Leaning 'limits' do not work in TrackIR.
* Fixed: Clients were often endlessly stuck in 'Receiving...' window after MP Load.
* Fixed: Rainbow could be visible even with sun below horizon.
* Fixed: 3D Editor - civilian and resistance units did not work correctly
* Fixed: Sea surface was not rendered in NE area out of map.
* Fixed: Terrain surface was sometimes using wrong parallax map.
* Fixed: Grenade could sometimes destroy a building just by impact
* Fixed: Radio messages sometimes echoed
* Fixed: Team switch did not work when player died
* Fixed: Reduced AI detecting slowly moving enemy vehicles by ear.
* Fixed: Prevent killed AI units reporting who killed them.
* Fixed: After respawn in MP, player's tasks, diary content and skills are transferred to the new entity
* Fixed: Leaning 'limits' did not work with TrackIR
* Fixed: MP client frozen in Receiving... screen sometimes
* Fixed: Problems with saving and loading games in cooperative campaign


* Fixes and improvements in most of the campaign missions (Into the Storm, Harvest Red, Bitter Chill, Manhattan, Badlands, Dogs of War)
* Improved: autosave logic to not save when it was not safe
* Improved: Eye for an Eye in Scenarios

* Fixed: Warfare fast travel on clients was not using logistic values
* Fixed: Warfare money sending
* Fixed: Warfare HQ multiple reports
* Fixed: First-Aid: Action module caused healing scripts to run twice
* Fixed: Supply drop not ending (wrong vehicle class)
* New: First-Aid modules work with respawn
* New: First-Aid ability to stop healing
* New: Added ability to add Support Requests that do not expire.
* Improved: First-Aid modules more robust and faster
* Improved: Better support for side Resistance in SOM / ACM.


* Fixed: Invisible driver in UAZ (MG and GL)
* Fixed: AI soldiers were able to hear extremely well
* Fixed: various minor problems on buildings
* Fixed: rocks destruction effect changed
* Fixed: penetrability of some vegetation
* Fixed: collision geometry of A_BuildingWIP
* Fixed: react FSM core conversations
* Fixed: cargo animations in LAV25
* Fixed: indicators in Ka52 when using NVG
* Fixed: cargo animations in BTR
* Fixed: Warfare keypoint on Chernarus

Snabbast här tror jag...


Tänkte samla alla officiella DD's i en tråd så de är enkla att hitta... De första är kanske inte så intressanta för de som lirat OFP/ArmA tidigare men bra för alla som är är nykomlingar till serien!

No.1 - Basic Controls

ARMA II DeveloperÃ,´s Diary - No.1 Basic Controls

No.2 - Mission Editor

ARMA II: Editor Basics Dev Diary Available Today!

No.3 - Team Command - Part 1

ARMA II: DevDiary No. 3- Team Command - Part 1

No.3 - Team Command - Part 2

ARMA II: DevDiary No. 3- Team Command - Part 2


Falcon 4.0 / Livstecken från LP...
July 15, 2009, 23:59:17
Postat för ca en vecka sedan, ger ju en lite hopp....

Quote from: Ed-1 @ Lead Pursuit
I'll try an answer some of this but really i can not go into details at this time..

LP is now a commercial entity , giving out details and info to far ahead of release does not help at all and can be negative with regard to Dev work.
We are not big AAA dev that can make market share with details ahead of time and we won't have time to respond to any questions, it takes away time dev'ing (even this post does on my work).

When the publisher feels is right time (nearing release) there will be a official announcement with plenty of info.
So anything here I say is unofficial in a way, but if LP was not a working dev company i would not bother to even post here, what would I get or reason to ?

I have posted in past what I could about whats being worked on, its Dx 9 based Sim with dynamic shadows, sun light, water etc(full environment), (most of affects you see in other Dx9 titles.

Feature wise would be same as AF with advances on avionics and weapons, campaign, new high poly 3d pit rendered on a new terrain from RL data. .

That's best I can do, any more you will have to wait on official info.

Hoppas vi får se en efterföljare till F4 så småningom!




;D  ;D


Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / ArmA II är #1
June 30, 2009, 14:37:17
Roligt att se ArmA II säljer som smör i... Hoppas dock att alla nya "beväringar" har tålamod nog så att de upptäcker dess djup och även intar sin ADHD medicin så de klarar invänta ytterligare ett par patchar :)

Enligt uppgift skall den även ha legat #1 på Steam ett par dygn nu och det påstås vara få spel/sim förunnat!


Om vi bortser från de problem/buggar som finns och som mest troligt kommer att fixas framöver vilket/vilka nya saker slår högt hos er andra?

Efter att ha lirat från och till den senaste veckan måste jag säga att den nya ljudmotorn gör allt mycket bättre. Vissa av ljuden känner man igen sedan OFP/ArmA men många är nya. Allt från utrustning som skrammlar, till subtila knak när du befinner dig i skogen, för att inte tala om vinandet från kulorna som flyger förbi huvudet eller ljudet från rikoschetterna och att flygplan nu låter som flygplan och inte som dammsugare :)

Språkpolis får gärna rätta alla mina meningsbyggnadsfel etc - orkar/kan själv inte, hick :D


Klerkan har satt upp en dedikerad ArmA II server för Anrop/NOSIG bruk, servern finns i listan som [ANROP] Sweden BBB.

Om jag förstått det hela korrekt körs den på en Q6600 och en 100/10 MBit lina. Fortfarande lite oklart hur många spelare och hur stora mission det hela klarar laggfritt men det ger sig framöver. Den är precis uppsatt och jag misstänker att det krävs lite tweakande i config filerna innan allt lirar 100% men kommer att fixas under sommaren, vilket lovar gott inför hösten/vintern.

Vet inte exakt vilka uppdrag klerkan vill/kommer lägga in men han är säker öppen för förslag så posta här eller skicka honom ett PM.

Btw, välkommen till forumet klerkan och coolt du har fått upp en ArmA II server!


Snackade med en på TS (klerkan) och han får virus varning så fort han försöker komma in på NOSIG forumet?

Trojanen hette HTML:IFrame-GZ [Trj] och han körde Avast AV. Kankse en false positiv men det hindrar kanske en del som kanske skulle joina så kanske värt att kolla upp?


Dslyecxi har precis uppdaterat sin maffiga TTP guide för ArmA 2! Massor med läsning som klart rekommenderas.


Nu när ArmA II är ute i Tyskland börjar det dyka upp en del material från vanliga användare och räknar med betydligt mer efter helgen. Tänkte vi kunde samla alla "first impressions" i en och samma tråd och börjar med denna...

Äntligen verkar AI'n kunna utnyttja suppressive fire!  ;D

Nu återstår det att se hur AI'n reagerar när man själv skjuter automateld mot/på dem...

Arma2 - AI "Suppresses" Me.

Gillar även det nya ljudet, märks att de jobbat hårt på det. Noterade även en svag visuell "blur effekt" när han sprang fort eller rullade runt på marken.


Allmänt / Dags för TrackIR 5!
May 01, 2009, 13:50:53

Kanske börjar bli dags att uppgradera min gamla TrackIR 2 snart.