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Topics - KeyCat

Helikoptrar für alles / Longbow 2 - igen!
December 21, 2005, 17:47:56
Har regelbundet kört LB2 lite då och då med hjälp av Zeckensack's Glide wrapper och CPU Killer (se äldre trådar).

Detta har fungerat ganska OK i single player men pga att man slöar ner CPU'n ganska rejält var det svårt att få den där riktiga "flytkänslan" och det var lite trixigt att slöa ner CPU'n så att FFAR raketerna träffade någorlunda rätt, dessutom påverkade det mitt ljud ibland så att radio meddelanden inne i LB2 blev upphackade.

Vad det gäller multiplayer så visade sig bli större problem när jag och ctrl testade för nått år sedan. Problemet var att ctrl alltid flög snabbare än mig i 3D-världen även om vi höll samma hastighet enligt instrumenten. Detta berodde troligtvis på att vi slöat ner burkarna olika mkt och eftersom vi hade olika CPU'er kunde vi inte bara kopiera varandras inställningar. Dessutom upplevdes en del lag (dock spelbart) när vi flög on-line vilket säkerligen också berodde på att vi inte var 100% i synk med varandra .

Nu till det roliga :D

Efter att ha snokat lite på SimHQ beslutade jag att testa en alternativ "Glide wrapper" vid namn dgVoodoo och rätt inställd behöver man nu INTE slöa ner datorn med CPU Killer eller nått annat (dock kan det fortfarande krävas att man begränsar RAM om man har mer än 768 MB) utan Longbow 2 funkar perfekt och med flyt i 1280x960 (eller 1600x1200) med max AA och max AF på mitt nVidia 6600 GT :)

dgVoodoo 1.40+ hittas här:

Och "hemligheten" är att låsa Reresh Rate till den man kör på monitorn, själv kör jag 75 Hz. Se också till att VSYNC = ON via grafikkorts drivern.

@ ctrl: Vi borde ju nästan ta och göra en ny MP test vid ett lämpligt tillfälle för med ovanstående metod kommer alla automatiskt att vara i synk med varandra :p

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Allmänt / Någon med Force Feedback?
December 06, 2005, 22:01:36
Någon som kör med Force Feedback joystick och kan/vill beskriva hur de fungerar i IL2, LOMAC och F4?

Taktil feedback ger säkert ytterligare inlevelse men jag har aldrig använt en FFB joystick därav frågorna...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Verkar användbart om man kan rigga den andra monitor på ett smidigt sätt...

Om någon testar kan ni väl berätta ;)

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / ArmA Progress Update
December 02, 2005, 20:53:12
ArmA kommer tyvärr inte med tomten i år men det är väl knappast speciellt överraskande...

Gillar dock view distance'n på de nya bilderna :D

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Battlefield / Project Reality Mini-Mod 0.2
November 08, 2005, 16:55:29

Lite info om vad de ändrat och många saker verkar ganska vettiga...

Om någon testat/r on-line kan ni väl skriva en kommentar.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

IL-2 / CoD / BoS / Patch 4.02 släppt...
October 18, 2005, 19:08:44
Allmänt / TeamSpeak Overlay
October 08, 2005, 15:36:29
Kanske kan vara användbart om man inte känner igen rösterna...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Inget direkt nytt för er som brukar hänga här men en bra artikel ändå... Kanske motiverar det någon "lurker" att åter installera OFP med någon av alla de fantastiska addons som finns att tanka hem gratis...

Below are a few screenshots of Armed Assault. This game is due out around Christmas. Stay tuned to SimHQ for a detailed preview coming soon.

Kan ju alltid hoppas på lite mer info eller en saftig preview inom kort för det är ju snart jul!

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

BIS har fått upp sin officiella sida...

Inte så mycket nytt egentligen men intressant om alla/vissa av nedanstående saker även trillar in i Armed Assault???

- The sea has fully simulated tides? Wave size and pattern change according to weather conditions at sea?

- Seagulls fly mostly near the sea? You can spot a hawk, if you're lucky?

- Trees, bushes and grass not only sway in the wind but are also influenced by nearby landing helicopters

- There are flies, honey-bees, and even dragonflies, mosquitoes or butterflies flying around?

- You can hold your breath for a couple of seconds in the game to aim more accurately?You can stabilize your weapon aim by slightly pressing the firing trigger.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)
Övriga/Gamla godingar / Vietcong 2
September 12, 2005, 22:39:20
Såg att MP demon släppts...någon som hunnit testa?

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Battlefield / Hur pass buggfritt?
September 01, 2005, 00:29:01
Nu när hösten närmar sig med stormsteg tänkte jag höra hur pass buggfritt BF2 blivit innan jag eventuellt köper det. Hur är det egentligen med CTD'er och annat skit som man inte pallar med? Kanske bäst att vänta tills nästa patch är släppt?

Och sist men inte minst lirar ni fortfarande?

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Övriga/Gamla godingar / Eagle Lander
August 25, 2005, 14:47:09
För er som gillar 60-70 talets rymdfärder...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

DCS / Flaming cliffs / Svart Haj
August 23, 2005, 18:27:40
Har kommit lite mer info om den kommande Ka-50 addonen till LOMAC. Skall bli intressant och se om de lyckas fånga mitt intresse denna gång. Hitintills har de inte lyckats speciellt bra med varken LOMAC eller Flaming Cliff men vem vet...

För mig är en helikopter simulator högintressant men det krävs mer än snygg grafik och single player kampanj för att jag skall köpa det.

Lock On: Black Shark

Here is the following portion of information, Text from the advertising leaf: "game" Lock- On: Black shark "continues a series of the game- aviation simulators, developed on basis" Lock- On: Contemporary combat aviation ".

In contrast to the predecessors, in the new game it is proposed to govern not only aircraft, but also the newest domestic combat helicopter - KA -50.

As became traditional for the games of series LockOn, the simulation of the new object of control, helicopter KA -50, is executed with the degree of realism unprecedented for the computer games.

Here, first of all, it involves: detailed 3D model, aerodynamics of flight, physical model and the model of destruction. One of the main innovations of the game is the detailed clickable 3D model of the KA -50's cockpit, with complete support of the system of remote camera control TrackIR 3 pro.

Interesting innovations appeared also in the simulation of navigation system, and also system of control of armament.
In addition to the existing in "LockOn: Hot cliffs " system Of shkval/Vikhr', is in detail modelled onboard radio-technical integrated system" Abriz ", with the navigation cartographic system.
Among the innovations in the simulation of avionics is also the system of night vision OVN-Y "Skosok".

Significant attention is given to the dynamics of the missile flight and AI aircraft. The characteristics of the AI aircraft are completely brought into correspondence with the player-controlled aircraft, which makes the simulation of air battle even more realistic.

The combat theater, represented by the coast of the Crimea and Caucasus, underwent further improvements, the set of new military targets appeared.

Play aspect, besides control of aircraft and helicopter, is represented by the large number of missions and campaigns, accompanied by the impressive videotapes.

Game "LockOn: Black shark ", works independently, but also includes the possibility of working with the game LockOn: Hot cliffs, and is its further development.

Thus, the most essential innovations: ââ,¬Â¢ the unprecedented for the computer games realism of the simulation of the Russian combat helicopter KA -50, equipped with the unique complex of anti-tank weapon "shkval"/"Vikhr'" and with another high-precision weapon of class "air-surface". ââ,¬Â¢ the improved dynamics of the AI aircraft, bombs and missiles, ââ,¬Â¢ fully clickable 3D cockpit with support for TrackIR 3 Pro ââ,¬Â¢ onboard radio-technical, integrated system "kabriz" and the system of the night vision of 0VN-"Skosok". ââ,¬Â¢ the collection of missions and a large scale military campaign for the pilots of the KA-50. ââ,¬Â¢ the detailed course of the interactive instruction of the combat employment of a helicopter KA -50, equipped with the vocal tracking of instructor pilot ââ,¬Â¢ the set of the new military targets: block signal posts, military storages, the fastened points, and so forth ââ,¬Â¢ the gripping videotapes, developed on the basis the graphic engine of game. The output of game is planned on March 2006."

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Nya ECP är väl värd att tanka hem och testa...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / Tracers take 2!
July 08, 2005, 01:25:26
Än en gång dags för lite tracer snack... En snubbe vid namn Grendel har lyckats överträffa både Wolfbane och bn880 på de flesta punkter vad det gäller tracers i OFP!

Tanka hem och testa följande script med demomission och säg vad ni tycker...

Det är fortfarande under utveckling men personligen gillar jag (majoriteten av) effekterna. Dock kvarstår att testa det i MP för att se hur mycket det påverkar lag och annat innan jag bestämmer mig för vilken som passar bäst. Wolfbane's script som jag använder i nuläget är mycket bra men detta verkar bli snäppet bättre :p

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

...följande står att läsa på deras web-sida idag och kommer garanterat att generera kraftig motvind - Bad move IMHO!


Lead Pursuit would like to remind all current owners of Falcon 4.0 and Falcon 4.0: Allied Force that they are bound by the EULA they accepted when they loaded the product onto their PC.  There are no exceptions to this.  Atari and Lead Pursuit will vigorously defend their intellectual property.  This includes modification or redistribution of any portion of Falcon 4.0 and Falcon 4.0: Allied Force.

Speciellt som det verkar som de retroaktivt gör alla moddar till Falcon 4 olagliga!? Vad detta leder till i längden är det nog ingen som vet, vi kan ju alltid hoppas på ett klargörande från Atari/LP...

Det behöver ju inte tvunget vara en dålig sak (hmm förutom det där retroaktiva då) men det beror helt och hållet på vad LP har för planer med F4:AF framöver. Tror dock att reaktionerna från många kommer att vara starka, åtminstone initialt.

Tror jag sätter på en stor kanna kaffe, stoppar in en stor snus och lutar mig tillbaks för det kommer garanterat bli ett par heta veckor i diverse forum :p

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Se till att rösta här om du vill se TIR stöd i OFP (klart vi vill!)

Track IR

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Inte OFP men väl värt att tanka hem eftersom det är gratis...

America's Army: Special Forces (Q-Course)
Release Notes (Version 2.4.0)

What's new

New Multiplayer Missions

Included in this version of America's Army are four new
Special Forces multiplayer missions. Two of these new
missions contain both the Special Forces playable Soldier
class, as well as the Indigenous Forces playable class.
The other two new missions are 'SF Exclusive'containing
only the Special Forces playable Soldier class.

- SF Courtyard: (SF & IF)

A daytime rural village mission where players must
question informants to find the location of a laptop
computer containing information about terrorist
operatives. Once secured, the Assault team must then
reach the extraction point with this laptop. The other
team is on Defense trying to prevent the other team from
securing and extracting with the laptop. This mission's
spawn points, NPC objectives, laptop objective, and
extraction points - are all randomly selected each round.
This mission includes the following new v2.4 features:
Random Spawn Points, Random Objectives, Inventory
Objectives, and Door Breachers.

- SF PCR (Precious Cargo Recovery): (SF & IF)

A night urban mission where both teams must race to
retrieve a briefcase containing sensitive information
about terrorist operatives. Each team must locate and
secure this one briefcase and then carry it to their
extraction point successfully. The team that successfully
extracts with the briefcase in-hand wins! This mission's
spawn points, briefcase objective, and extraction points
(1 per team) - are all randomly selected each round. This
mission includes the following new v2.4 features: Random
Spawn Points, Random Objectives, Inventory Objectives,
and Bunker Defeating Munitions (BDM).

- SF Blizzard: (SF Exclusive)

A night mission set in a snowy Alpine forest environment
where soldiers must gain entry and assault a remote enemy
compound. This map has 2 different objective scenarios
which are randomly selected each round. In one scenario
the soldiers must either destroy or protect the electrical
power station. The alternate scenario requires the
soldiers to either deactivate or protect the radio
communications equipment. This mission includes the
following new v2.4 features: Random Spawn Points,
Random Objectives, Door Breachers, and Bunker
Defeating Munitions (BDM).

- SF WaterTreatment: (SF Exclusive)

A night urban mission where players must either protect or
secure containers of radiological material stored in
various locations within an urban complex. The Assaulting
team must gain entry to the building, locate and secure
the radioactive material container, and then reach the
extraction point successfully with this container. The
Defending team must protect and prevent extraction of this
sensitive container. This mission includes the following
new v2.4 features: Random Spawn Points, Random
Objectives, and Inventory Objectives.

New Weapons

- M141 Bunker Defeat Munitions (BDM):

The M141 BDM, or Bunker Defeat Munitions, is a shoulder-
fired rocket designed to defeat fortified positions,
bunkers, and light armor. The BDM is given to the 18C SF
MOS Soldier (Engineering Sgt.) but can be used by any
member of the SF A-Team (ODA). The BDM can be used
anywhere, but will have specific targets designed as
objectives or obstacles. These specific targets will be
identified by a HUD message that will appear when the
player's crosshair moves over the object. The BDM in our
new v2.4 missions can be an advantageous tool to use in
order to tactically and efficiently gain entry into the
enemy's compound.

- AGP-DB14 Door Breacher:

The Door Breacher is an explosive device designed to make
entry on locked or un-operable doors. Another
MOS-specific weapon, the DB will be issued only to the
18C SF MOS Soldier (Engineering Sgt.). The Door Breacher
will be usable on designated locked doors in the new
missions. The player will be able to identify valid
targets by a 'Breachable' message that will appear on
the player's HUD. The Door Breaching in our new v2.4
missions can be an advantageous tool to use in order
to tactically and efficiently gain entry into enemy
restricted areas.

New Features

- Updated Game Engine:

The entire America's Army game is now running on an
updated version of the Unreal Engine - Unreal Engine 2.5.
This updated engine code base provides several
enhancements to the game engine in several areas,
including efficiency (optimizations), security,
stability, bug fixes, new gameplay feature
infrastructure, etc.

- Updated User Interface:

As part of the new engine code base update, many new
user interface specific enhancements were implemented.
The v2.4 User Interface has been overhauled 'under the
hood' to take advantage of these new engine optimizations
and functionality. The game's new UI will look very
similar, however it will run much more efficiently and
utilize some of the new features of the new engine.

- Random Player Starts:

In v2.4 players will start randomly between
predetermined locations on the new levels. This allows
for a more dynamic and realistic game experience,
increasing replayability and helping to limit the
predictability of enemy placement and routes. Random
Player Starts will also enhance the current game by
putting more emphasis on strategy rather than the
memorization of map geometry. It will also reduce the
negative impact of exploits such as grenade spamming.

- Random Objective Locations:

In v2.4 the location of objectives will change for
each round, and can move around between any number of
possible positions. With the addition of random
objectives, the locations change from one round to the
next, forcing the need for both Assault and Defense
teams to search for the objective. This new feature
promotes replayablilty, and helps to enhance strategy
over predictability in game play.

- Inventory Objective Type:

v2.4 features an all new objective type in which
objectives can be transportable in maps (via a player's
inventory), requiring their delivery to specified
locations. These 'inventory objectives' can be picked up,
dropped (upon death), and passed on to other teammates.
Inventory objectives provide a new style of objective-
based game play by adding another dimension to objective
completion. These objectives must be picked up and taken
to a specific location in order to be considered complete.
If a player dies while carrying one of these objectives,
it drops, and must be retrieved by another teammate to
continue the mission. Inventory Objectives can be passed
on to teammates by using the action key on a teammate
(just like healing a teammate). These objective types also
take advantage of random objectives, by moving the drop
point/pickup point of the inventory objective to different
locations from one round to another.

- NPC Conversation Objective Type:

This feature allows a qualified player to help their team
by speaking with the NPC (Non-Playable Characters) placed
randomly around the level to gain intelligence about the
whereabouts of the mission's main objectives. Talking with
the NPC's will help the team locate the randomly placed
objectives in the level. Once a qualified player speaks to
an NPC in the level, the mission's main objective location
will show up on their team's HUD compass as normal.

- Special Forces A-Team Videos:

Included with this release of America's Army are all new
Special Forces informational videos. These 7 videos
describe each SF MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) in
detail as well as show some exclusive footage of the
Special Forces A-Team members in action. There is one
video for each member in the standard Special Forces ODA
(Operational Detachment Alpha - or 'A-Team'). These 7 SF
MOS team members are as follows:

18A - Detachment Commander
18B - Weapons Sergeant
18C - Engineering Sergeant
18D - Medical Sergeant
18E - Communications Sergeant
18F - Intel Sergeant
18Z - Team Sergeant

These videos are included in the v2.4.0 Full Install and
can be accessed using the desktop shortcut created or by
navigating to the 'America's Army\System\Videos' directory
and double clicking the 'SF_A-Team_Videos.exe' file.

What's fixed

This v2.4 release of America's Army contains a substantial
number of other miscellaneous enhancements.

Included in these are enhancements to the following areas:
security, authentication, optimization, and much more.

v2.4 also contains a whole host of exploit fixes, bug fixes,
and other miscellaneous fixes.

Known Issues


/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)
Inget officiellt är sagt men det ryktas om att detta är bilder från efterföljaren till OFP och det ser ju inte helt fel ut ;)

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

IL-2 / CoD / BoS / IL2 Mission Log Reader
May 03, 2005, 15:42:16
IL2 Mission Log Reader is an utility for IL2 Sturmovik.
It works with all IL2 versions, IL2 stand alone, Forgotten Battle, Ace Extension Pack, and Pacific fighters (stand alone or merged).

Its purpose is to read for you the "eventlog.lst" file, located in the installation directory of your game, and extract all informations written in this file. It will load in this file all availables informations about the last game you played.

Its work with all kind of missions, played online or offline, quick mission or not, campaign or single missions.

IL2 Mission Log Reader

Och så lite screenshots:

Har inte hunnit testat det ännu men det verkar klart användbart!

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)