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IL2: Cliffs Of Dover

Started by Justin Case, January 14, 2011, 11:31:54

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Jag tycker (som bekant) att han har känts trött de sista fem åren, så det vore väl på tiden att någon ny skeppare med lite nya idéer får ta över rorkulten. Med reservation för om CoD är en total revolution, men jag tror som inte det. Sett hur sidorodren fladdrar på AI-kärrorna i filmerna som släppts? Precis som på den gamla onda tiden...

Stercus accidit
Quando omni flunkus moritatus


Även om jag forfarande tror att det kommer att krävas ett antal patchar/addons så försöker jag vara (försiktigt) positiv men UBI-idioterna gör sitt bästa för att ta död på denna flygsim innan den ens är släppt.

Om nedanstående angående det sk "anti-epilepsi filtret" är sant (vilket det verkar vara för Luthier tillhör dev) vet jag inte om jag skall skratta eller gråta...

Luthier wrote on forum at 19:38 GMT (sorry Google translated):

In our game there is a wonderful new feature that saves you all from epilepsy. It is made at the request of the Western publishers, Yubisofta.

Since epilepsy is caused by a rapid flashing of the facilities, and flight simulator is basically a genre of fast flickering objects, the epilepsy caused all: propeller, shooting, explosions, sun, flying airplanes, transportation machines, entry into the hangar, flying at low level, and etc .

Despite the fact that in the old IL-2 it was more an epileptic, new requirements were introduced only last year. We perelopatli entire game because of this unfortunate epilepsy.

The main protivopripadochnaya shell, which is above everything that was done two weeks ago, the total despair. It compares each previous frame with each frame and compares the brightness of the pixel by pixel, and if it is too large, averaging pixels to give pleasing epileptic-limits. This crap brakes at the ground, and does not work with cards SLI. Off with her we can not yet make it optional, too, can not yet.

Without it Yubisoft refused to publish the game.

But as the 1C in general all the same, cause you have a game fits or not, we are urgently looking for a way to cut it all on the Russian version. It is necessary to assure Yubisoftu and give them a check that off in Russia will not allow Western epileptic somehow disable this thing at home.


>> It's all about teamwork! <<


Bekräftas av Luthier här...

I want to confirm that everything said here is true, we have implemented some drastic features for anti-epilepsy protection which are affecting FPS and killing SLI support.

We CANNOT make these optional. That will allow an opportunistic or an unfortunate person suffering from epilepsy to sue Ubisoft for damages and literally close down the studio for good.

This was a stop-gap measure to make sure the game gets released. As I explained in the clumsily-translated Russian article, everything in our game causes seizures - gunfire, explosions, fire, sun passing behind canopy framework, etc. Basically flight sims are an epileptic's nightmare.

We'll work to improve the framerate and perhaps address individual issues individually as opposed to applying a single rough post-effect filter, but it is basically a very sad situation. Something completely unrelated and unexpected came to our sim with a giant axe and whacked at it at the last moment. We just didn't have time to properly address it.

Att de månar om epileptiker är väl en bra sak men även detta borde vara valbart! Ja vad skall man säga??? Först Steamskiten och nu detta... Go UBI Go - LOL


>> It's all about teamwork! <<


Jag blir allt mindre sugen på att köpa CoD...
"It's not easy because it's difficult" - François Duval, Rallye de France 2004
Martin Ãâ€"berg

mar.oberg på googles emailtjänst


"It's not easy because it's difficult" - François Duval, Rallye de France 2004
Martin Ãâ€"berg

mar.oberg på googles emailtjänst


We're standing here by the abyss, and the world is in flames
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out, to the beast with many names


"It's not easy because it's difficult" - François Duval, Rallye de France 2004
Martin Ãâ€"berg

mar.oberg på googles emailtjänst


>> It's all about teamwork! <<