Nya Armed Assualt skärmdumpar

Started by Jotte, February 09, 2006, 06:47:20

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Idag postades en kort liten video på William Porters blog  som visar patrullerande soldater i ArmA.


Gubbarna rör sig mjukt och snyggt,.. Jag är bara rädd för att jag inte ska kunna spela det på min dator. Även fast den är ganska fräsch så orkar den inte OFP(1) fullt ut. Visserligen är man ju lite kräsen med viewdistance.

EDIT: Detta gillar jag!!

"ArmA will include a "capture the island" type game mode, this mode allows for a continuous battlefield spread over the whole island with forces fighting to capture individual towns, thus gaining resources to further their war effort, with the end goal being to capture the whole island. Large numbers of players with the ability to rejoin straight into the action means that ArmA will offer hours if not days of solid gameplay just from one single mission. "


hoppas även på en BF2 mission typ.. bara för att locka över fler folk == mer pengar till bis.

men med Join in progress så, och dessutom så fixar ju fansen sånt på 0 sek :)
http://www.granq.se Mitt egna krypin.
http://www.anrop.se Mer soldater, mindre flyg :)


haha gran, du kan'la skicka in din BF2 style mini-cti till BIS för officiell release :P
eller blev den aldrig klar?


QuoteOriginally posted by Oden

            haha gran, du kan'la skicka in din BF2 style mini-cti till BIS för officiell release :P
eller blev den aldrig klar?

tja, till 50 % kanske.. scripten funkade men orkade aldrig göra bra missions med placering osv.

kanske skulle pröva göra en med hel ö att lira på, men nu har jag så mycke projekt får bli en annan gång.. kanske till arma =)

edit back to topic checka:
http://www.granq.se Mitt egna krypin.
http://www.anrop.se Mer soldater, mindre flyg :)


En kille,ThruYerStErNuM, som spenderat tid i BIS/IDEAs bås på E3 postade följande på BIS ArmA forum:

QuoteOK guys, you all talk too much  :p so much to read through, even about the one preview, I'm not as motivated to read speculation knowing stuff first hand, now I know how Placebo feels. :ban: ALL :ban: :ban:

Well I'm back from spending a goood deal of time with Idea games, I think they might be sick of me by now, Jiri called me "too educated" (Although I will be back tomorrow, I'm growing on them dont worry ;) )

I've heard probably most of what they've had to say across the press interviews, I've spent probably 3 hours total around them (Jiri and Robert) in the last 3 days, talking mostly about Armed Assault and Idea Games. I did play Armed Assault btw, did not play Alpha Prime (did not know much about Alpha Prime until today)

Screens wont do justice, but I did notice some UK online guy setting up a video camera in that tiny cubicle, expect nice media very soon.

So many things I could say about the game, but heres a list of some of the coolest things I did not know before E3...

1. THERE IS NO MP PLAYER LIMIT. How many people can join is only limited by bandwidth and hardware.

2. You can gain the ability in the single player campaign to switch mid game from man to man, when I watched Robert show this off he had a list of 3, soldier, sniper, apc gunner.

3. The campaign progresses based on the missions you choose from. The mission selection is limited, but you atleast have the option to play based on what kind of player you are.


5. When at 10000 view distance it was like OFP at 5000 viewdistance, but with no stutters from loading terrain (meaning the OFP: Elite streaming technology is working beautifully)

6. ALL NEW GOOD ANIMATIONS (from what I saw) some were still missing, but the ones I saw were a huge improvement (even reloading)

7. Expected release date from the mouth of Jiri was "Q3 2006" (and it sounded like if they couldn't get an international publisher, they would seriously consider digital distribution, meaning we would be able to play this year regardless)

I am withholding all criticisms and concerns till after tomorrow  :D



Det börjar suga fint i Flashoint tarmen..  ;)


gillar 10 000... älskar hur ofp alltid varit ett spel som är optimerat för dagens datorer, går använda på gårdagens och som kan växa med nya datorer.. Så tråkigt att låsa tex viewdistance till 900 meter, som i många spel.. eller antalet MP klienter..

men det jag tänkte säga, kommit en trailer nu.

http://www.granq.se Mitt egna krypin.
http://www.anrop.se Mer soldater, mindre flyg :)