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ArmA Progress Update

Started by KeyCat, December 02, 2005, 20:53:12

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#16 ( har en trailer som visar ArmA. Kom ihåg, det är WiP. ;)

Gillar utseendet på naturen. :)

Finns även lite översättningar av artiklar och annat i 2 trådar på BIS forum
här och här


oj, det var riktigt vackert. Det som dock var tråkigt se, siktet som skytt var exakt likadant, inga nyheter där inte.

men bara terrängen blir ju underbar, grafiken.. synd att antagligen dröjer till maj innan man får pröva ;/ Mitt egna krypin. Mer soldater, mindre flyg :)



Återpostar en översättning av en av artiklarna här. Den ger ganska mkt info trots sin korthet.

Postat av bör på BIS forum:

QuoteSummary of the Score article about Armed Assault

The graphics are praised. Theoretically you shall knock over every single tree, meaning you can drive with tanks through woods, which wasn't possible in OFP. Some improvements that already came with OFP:Elite will come for Armed Assault too. The vegetation shall be denser, there shall even be animals and insects you can shoot.
On the same page the author describes a mission. At first glance the mission isn't revolutionary, it's on the high level of the OFP campaign missions we're used to. Something particular is that you play the same mission in different roles: The first time as tank commander, then as specop and at last as a chopper pilot, whereas all of the three roles start at different times (e.g. the chopper comes in after the AA is taken out, you've got to do that as tank commander). In multiplayer you've got even more possibilities, because the player can appoint, when is what applied.
There shall be a huge island of 400kmÃ,² featuring a lot of different vegetation like jungle, wood and desert. The war around the player shall always be vivid, you can call in artillery or plane support (which you could miss later on if they get destroyed) and it might be that you're taken to another place in the conflict by chopper.
There will hardly be any scripted events, but the course of war is affected by your actions; you're making the difference, if you play good. There shall be civilians, but they've got a neglectable role, it shall be made similar to Resistance.
In the campaign you shall often be forced to improvise, e.g. searching parts for broken down vehicles. The campaign will be about North vs. South, inspired by the Corean War.
The information about multiplayer and editor are almost identical to the one in "Level"

Some notes by Perth:
The Score article has confused me a little. Basically it's the same as the Level article. Following Score the campaign shall be a lot more dynamic than in OFP, if not so much as in Game2 that features RPG elements and questionable civilians.
Level says that Armed Assault is more 1.5, Score thinks of it as a adaequate sequel. The different sizes of the island are quite confusing.
I've read the articles several times very closely, because I was confused about the different statements.
I can't really imagine that the Score redacteurs have mixed Armed Assault and Game2, as one of the devs is an editor at Score. The half-dynamic campaign (I've read the article several times!;) would be too awesome to be true...
It seems that I've made the first translations from the article. I hope that I don't create too much confusion because of some translation errors or bad translation.

I join Lord Perth: I hope that I don't create confusion by producing translation errors translating german -> english.
In german we call a game like this "Stille Post", I think in English it's called "Chinese Whisper"
Again: I thank Lord Perth for translating this article from Czech to German, allowing me to translate in into English.


Quoteand insects you can shoot
hur har vi kunnat leva utan det? =) Mitt egna krypin. Mer soldater, mindre flyg :)


Quoteand insects you can shoot

Confucius says: Don't use a cannon to kill a mosquito


föresten, är det bara jag som inte gillar det där med "mixa flera olika sorters klimat på en ö".. tänker på skogen och öken i nogova, eller denna nu med som står beskrivit om skog och jungel.. okey att stora banor men flera klimatzoner känns bara onödigt. Mitt egna krypin. Mer soldater, mindre flyg :)


Jepp, har aldrig gillat mixen som gjordes på Nogova. Kändes som om de slösade bort en god portion terräng där. Iofs kan "öken" förekomma i tempererade zoner under vissa vilkor, men som det är nu blir det bara irriterand för min del när det är på en "liten" ö. Bättre att dela på det på olika öar.

Vi kanske får annordna en tävling sen; Nosig mästerskap i skjuta mygg med kanon. :D