IL-2 DCG 3.00 for Pacific Fighters

Started by KeyCat, November 24, 2004, 09:58:16

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DCG blir bara bättre och bättre....

Based on the Dynamic Campaign Generator for Combat Flight Simulator 2, this program generates dynamic campaigns for IL-2 Sturmovik, IL-2 Forgotten Battles and Pacific Fighters by Maddox Games. Over time, the front lines will shift, airfields may be captured and recaptured and objects appear and disappear. Squadrons will transfer closer to the front as friendly ground forces advance or bug-out should the enemy break-through. Armor, truck columns, and trains will also move from city to city during missions and ships from harbor to harbor, starting the next mission at the city or harbor moved to in the previous mission. Build ups of guns and armor will also appear at the "front" and captured locations will have new defences generated.

IL-2 DCG will also track plane losses, pilot deaths, and the replacement of both, awards and promotions, as well as the destruction and replacements of moving vehicle and tank columns, trains, and ships, and static ground defenses. All in all, DCG offers IL-2 players a dynamic world in which to fly.

IL-2 DCG can now fully replace the stock dynamic campaigns ("DGen"). If IL2DCG.exe is used to replace DGen.exe, selections from the DGen campaign selection screen will over-ride selection made in DCG when in single player career mode. See the Installation and Settings Instructions for more details.

IL-2 DCG also works with the IL2FB Dedicated Server and FB Daemon 2.2 (or greater). From the IL2DCG Menu just set the "IL2 Program Location" to the il2server.exe file in the IL2 Server folder in the same way you would select il2fb.exe in the "Forgotten Battles" folder.

Although IL-2 DCG does all the above and more, it remains a work in progress. Bug reporting, comments and suggestions are welcomed. For the latest news, support, and bug reporting visit

BTW, Någon som vet när den dedikerade servern till PF tänkt släppas?

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

>> It's all about teamwork! <<


DCG slår  fortfarande den inbyggda kampanjen på fingrarna. :)