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Topics - KeyCat

Uppdaterat 090519!

Milton Keynes, 18 Mai 2009 ââ,¬â€œ 505 Games and Bohemia Interactive are thrilled to announce that the release date for the upcoming tactical military simulator ArmA II forward by precisely one week, to 19th June 2009. Fans eagerly awaiting their next foray into the world beating tactical action the ArmA series has become renowned for now have just over one month to wait.



Milton Keynes, 29th April 2009 - 505 Games and Bohemia Interactive today confirmed 26th June as the long anticipated European release date for ArmA II. The sequel to Bohemia Interactiveââ,¬â,,¢s celebrated military shooter promises to deliver more of the authentic battlefield experience the series is famed for, while developing each area of game play with expansive new features.

Featuring the most realistic warfare ever, ArmA II promises to build on the excellent features that have made Bohemia Interactive a respected name among gamers. Players can expect in-depth team-based combat, a comprehensive playbook of military tactics and an enormous battlefield to push strategy to the limit.

ArmA II benefits from a 3rd generation game engine that has been in constant development for 10 years; no other developer can offer such a great heritage in creating open-world military shooters. The Bohemia engine has been recognised as a benchmark in producing realistic warfare simulations to such an extent that the developer has used its Real Virtuality engine as the basis for training simulators used by armies across the globe, including the United States Marine Corps, UK Ministry of Defence and Australian Defence Force.

This experience is also helping Bohemia Interactive to craft an incredibly detailed storyline, full of political intrigue and plot twists, which blurs the boundaries between fact and fiction. Set in the near future in a fictional post-Soviet country called Chernarus, players take on the role of a United States Marine Corps Force Recon squad, who are called to the country as a peacekeeping force to prevent further civilian casualties and ensure ongoing stability.

ââ,¬Å"It has been a pleasure building on the success of the first ArmA title,ââ,¬Â commented Alex Price, Senior Global Brand Manager, 505 Games. ââ,¬Å"ArmA has such a vociferous community behind it that we new we had to get this one absolutely right. We are confident that the dedicated fans wonââ,¬â,,¢t be disappointed as will as any newcomers to the series.ââ,¬Â
ArmA II will be released for 26th June exclusively for PC. For all the latest information please visit



Har inte själv testat eftersom min gaming rig är nere! Skall tydligen vara dunder medicin för ATI ägare, om någon testar posta gärna vad ni tycker...


En kille vid namn mikebart släppte en nice gräs addon för ett tag sedan och jag pillade ihop en alternativ config som ger mixat kort/långt gräs...

Hojta om någon vill ha den. Kudos till mikebart/Q!


För alla som gillade Soldiers: Heroes of World War II och Faces of War så har efterföljaren nu släppts...

SP demo (~250 MB)

Själv undrar jag om de lyckats fixa multiplayer delen? När jag testade FoW för ett par år sedan var det ett skämt om man blev fler än 3+ i ett lir pga lag. Hoppas de fixat det denna gång...

Annars ett roligt spel med bra grafikmotor och nice effekter (förstörbar terräng och byggnader etc). Själv gillar jag att man slipper bygga en massa baser etc. som i CoH (jag ser det som en modern 3D-version av Close Combat serien).

Om någon testar/testat MP berätta gärna, skulle vara roligt hur 8 vs 8 funkar i verkligheten...


Hello Community

Today I am very proud to present you together with MemphisBelle the finished version of the long announced
Armed Assault Editing Guide ââ,¬â€œ Deluxe Edition. It was a long and hard journey to reach our target, but we finally made it.

ArmA Editing Guide Deluxe Edition - English Version

Ett måste för alla som gör mission/script i ArmA! Mycket välgjord och de 332 sidorna innehåller det mesta man behöver veta för att göra allt från enkla till lite mer avancerade mission i editorn.

Hämtas här:

Kudos tlll Mr-Murray & Co för deras enorma arbete!


Allmänt / Nice flightsim setup...
February 13, 2009, 17:22:56 man inte är trångbodd och har pengar över!

That's a 46" Samsung 1080p monitor. 5 CH Controllers, 2 X-Keys, 2 Touchscreens (with TouchBuddyâ„¢ software), 5.1 Logitech surround, TrackIR 4/Vector, Buttkicker Gamer.

Falcon 4.0 / TacView funkar nu även med Falcon 4!
February 06, 2009, 17:50:01
Smidigare än den inbyggda ACMI'n i F4 och ett lysande program för att se vad man gjorde för fel sekunderna innan man blir nerskjuten ;)

Kan användas till DCS:BS, LO:FC, F4 och Digital Fighters, funkar även i multiplayer.


Intressant läsning, ser fram emot den nya väder simuleringen i BoB: SoW :)


Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / Group Link 3 släppt!
January 13, 2009, 17:10:56
SNKMAN tog vid där jag slutade och har jobbat mycket och länge på Group Link 3!;act=ST;f=70;t=76900;st=0

PS: Kudos även till Toadlife som startade det hela för 5-6 år sedan med första Group Link scriptet!


Efter några veckors paus drar kampanj 6 snart igång och pågår i 10 veckor framöver!

Yes folks, the preparations for Campaign 6 have started, and army sign-ups are ongoing.

The upcoming campaign looks to be one of, if not THE, most exiting so far, with a new mod containing a lot of new goodies and a new campaign concept.
Thanks to our in-house dev-team and quite a few modders from the community we have added a bunch of new toys for the armies to blow each other to pieces with.

Jones' artillery and Ike's T-90 are two of the new heavy hitters, and we also have the Be-32 from GranQ to help out with those express deliveries, along with some other stuff to help the armies fight the good fight.

Scrim 1 was the premiere for the new mod and the new territory capping concept, both very well received. It was fought in what will be the Northern chain in the campaign, the one we call the 'Airborne chain'. The second chain will be armor-based and together they're putting a whole new spin to the teamwork this tournament fosters. It will also be quite the test to the players' skill as they might pilot a UH-60 one battle and be the gunner of an MBT the next.

All-in-all, we think campaign 6 will be really awesome, so don't hesitate - join the fun today!

100+ spelare i P vs P med fokus på teamwork och combined arms! Kräver viss dedikering, 1 match varje vecka samt träning däremellan. Fråga om det är något men annars står allt att läsa i deras forum (


Mycket som händer nu runt jul och mycket godis i denna :)

The A.C.E Development Team is proud to present to you today; the public beta version of A.C.E. Mod!

The A.C.E. Mod is primarily intended as Enhancement and Extension of the game, it is a full conversion mod and it builds on it's predecessor; WGL Mod (OFP).
We had to make many different choices, and we've tried to make the best choices / balance between Realism and Gameplay.

The mod is intended to be fully MP Compatible, and builds on the most commonly used frameworks, like XEH and S_Hole Display Eventhandler, to be as compatible as possible with other Mods and Addons.


Mer info och länkar:;act=ST;f=70;t=76692;&#top


Några "long standing" MP issues skall nu vara fixade, har inte testat ännu men lär bli efter tomte bestyren imorgon... Hoppas den inte fibblar till något annat!?




Copyright Ã,© 2008 Bohemia Interactive. All rights reserved.


5257  - Fixed: Game did not run on ATI cards in fullscreenmode on Vista x64 with large memory.
5257  - Fixed: Crash at ArmA.exe:0x174b27 - caused by wrong internal weapon state.
5257  - Fixed: Crash at ArmA.exe:0x56536 - caused by wrong turret state in MP.
5257  - Fixed: MP: Player driving motorcycle could be ejected with no apparent reason, sometimes leading to death.
5257  - Fixed: MP: Sometimes falling of a parachute a few meters above the ground.
5257  - Fixed: Dedicated server: Bandwidth balancing was often wrong, showing problems esp. when new players were joining.
5257  - Fixed: Players connecting JIP with custom files do not cause server lagging.
5257  - Fixed: Players with custom files get no longer kicked when server does not run on default port.
5257  - Optimized: Reduced memory usage with large view distances.
5257  - Fixed: Scene loading when starting a mission might sometimes use excessive amounts of memory.
5257  - Optimized: Slightly reduced VRAM usage with large view distances.
5257  - New: "Absolute" mouse control bindings (no auto centering) are now possible.
5257  - Improved: Provided error message for some unexpected memory initialization failures.
5258  - Fixed: Command line parameter -maxmem=xxx was not working on LINUX dedicated server.
5258  - Fixed: Crash at offset 0xfb57.
5259  - Fixed: Voice over Side channel could be transmitted to wrong listeners after respawn.
5260  - Fixed: Dedicated server crashed when script made soldier fire with Binocular.
5260  - Fixed: Grass and foliage was not affected by helicopter down wash since 1.04 version.
5260  - Fixed: status of disableAI was reset during save
5261  - Fixed: The FOV was deflected after TrackIR +tZ input had been removed from Zoom in/out action.
5262  - Fixed: Fast forward is now disabled when using binocular.
5262  - New: Optional server.cfg entry timeStampFormat to specify time stamp for each line in *.rpt file.  Possible values: "none", "short", "full".
5262  - Fixed: Manual camera left/right movement was not mapped to mouse.
5262  - Fixed: Some AI commands on dedicated server might be delayed when the server window had focus.
5263  - Improved: Texture mip management more reliable in low VRAM conditions.
5264  - Fixed: Incorrect simulation importance for some entities in MP (for players in vehicles)
5264  - Fixed: Only relative path is now supported in commands: loadFile, exec, execVM, execFSM, preprocessFile, preprocessFileLineNumbers, kbAddTopic

* FIX (USMCD) Wound materials for all WDL soldiers.
* NEW (USMC) More Woodland Army soldiers.
* FIX (MI-17 (57mm rockets)) Fixed rockets count.

God Jul!


Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / Ny ArmA II video
November 27, 2008, 18:04:33
Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / Då - nu - snart!
October 15, 2008, 17:33:50
Har ju hänt en del sedan OFP släpptes 2001 :)





Tänkte det kunde vara idé att flytta fokus från det ganska uttjatade ämnet StarForce (har dock full förståelse för er som drabbats av tidigare versioner) till vad det egentligen handlar om...

DCS: Black Shark to be released in Russia on 17 October

Digital Combat Simulator: Black Shark will be released in Russia and other CIS states through 1C Company on 17 October. Details of DCS: Black Shark includes:

Digital Combat Simulator: Black Shark

ââ,¬Â¢ DCS: Black Shark is a simulation of the Russian Ka-50 attack helicopter and is the first simulation module of the Digital Combat Simulator series by The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics.

ââ,¬Â¢ DCS: Black Shark can be played as the most realistic combat helicopter simulation ever created for the PC with authentic flight dynamics and systems modeling. Black Shark may also be played as a console-style arcade game for the casual gamer.

ââ,¬Â¢ A detailed and accurate 330,000 sq km depiction of the western Caucasus region serves as the battlefield and includes a broad array of eastern and western air, land and sea units.

ââ,¬Â¢ Each air, land and sea unit is accurately modeled to include detailed models, weapon systems, movement dynamics and artificial intelligence. Each bullet, rocket, shell or bomb fired is modeled in detail for accurate performance.

ââ,¬Â¢ Powerful and easy to use Mission and Campaign Editors are provided to allow creation of user-created missions and campaigns. Non-linear campaigns are provided with unlimited replayability.

ââ,¬Â¢ Multiplayer game play is provided to include both cooperative play using the Ka-50 data link and head-to-head. Multiplayer supports up to 16 players.

ââ,¬Â¢ A set of detailed training missions, single missions and a campaign are included.

Ka-50 ââ,¬Å"Black Sharkââ,¬Â Features

ââ,¬Â¢ A highly-detailed six degrees of freedom cockpit allows you to look anywhere in the cockpit using TrackIRÃ,®.

ââ,¬Â¢ An unrivalled flight physics system provides the most realistic helicopter flight experience available.

ââ,¬Â¢ Interface with the fully 3D cockpit using a mouse with the option for an English cockpit.

ââ,¬Â¢ Detailed modelling and control of engine, fuel, hydraulics, electrical, navigation, radio, fire suppression, sensor, and weapon systems (casual game play modes also available).

ââ,¬Â¢ Advanced weapon physics for missiles, rockets and cannon rounds to include ricochets.

ââ,¬Â¢ Detailed simulation of the ââ,¬Å"Shkvalââ,¬Â optical targeting system and the ââ,¬Å"Vikhrââ,¬Â anti-tank guided missile system that allows attacks on both ground and air units.

ââ,¬Â¢ Accurate emulation of both the ââ,¬Å"ABRISââ,¬Â moving map navigation system and ââ,¬Å"Skosokââ,¬Â night vision goggles for day and night missions.

In addition to the Russian version, a single western version (DVD and download) including support for English, French, German and Spanish is currently in development. Much localization work still remains and there will be a 90-day period between when the western version is completed and submitted to the various Age Rating Authorities as required by law (ESRB for USA, PEGI for Europe (less Germany) and USK for Germany), then presented to distributers and when the game will be available for purchase. Although the game will be completed in 2008, it may not be available for purchase until early 2009.

Between now and the release of the western version, we will be releasing free content for DCS: Black Shark to include: the PDF DCS User Manual (165 pages), the PDF Ka-50 Simulation Flight Manual (400 pages), and an English-only interactive demo.

A printed, spiral-bound, extended 550 page Ka-50 flight manual will also be available for sale.

Both the retail and digital download versions of DCS: Black Shark will be using the latest version of StarForce. The DVD version will require a weekly check and the download version with have 10 activations. This decision was made only after three years of testing using well over 100 beta testers over a wide array of hardware and installed software. During these three years of intensive testing, not a single tester encountered a StarForce-related problem. We feel StarForce provides a safe and effective means of combating software piracy.

DCS: Black Shark will be available in both boxed retail versions and internet download from

Sales price of the western version is to be determined.

Minimum system requirements: Windows XP, Vista; CPU P4 2GHz or AMD equivalent, RAM 2 GB; Video 256MB RAM, compatible with DirectX9; 5GB of HDD space; sound card; DVD ROM; keyboard; mouse.

Recommended system requirements: Windows XP, Vista; CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 3GHz or AMD equivalent, RAM 2 GB; Video Card with 512 MB RAM (ATI Radeon HD4850+ or nVidia GF8800+), compatible with DirectX9; 5GB of HDD space; sound card; DVD ROM; TrackIRÃ,®; keyboard, mouse, joystick.

Efter att ha snurrat rundor på diverse forum etc. igår kväll så har jag personligen följande reflektioner (som först och främst fokuserar på de saker jag irriterar mig på i LO:FC):

- Av de screenshots jag sett så ser DCS:BS i stort sett identiskt ut med LO:FC. Med andra ord förvänta er inga stora förändringar grafik mässigt, frågan är om de har implementerat ett bättre LOD-system denna gång (jag hoppas verkligen det)?

- Samma terräng/miljö att flyga i som i LO:FC dock något högre terrain mesh.

- Vet inte om detta är sanning eller myt men det påstås att träd ej skymmer AI LOS och att det dessutom går att flyga rakt igenom dem som i LO:FC. Förvånansvärt om detta är sant med tanke på att det är en hkp simulator???

+ Mission editorn verkar kraftigt förbättrad med stöd för slumpade objekt och stöd för triggers.

- Vädret verkar vara det samma livlösa "3-läges väder" som LO:FC har, dvs antingen inga moln, lite moln eller massivt overcast.

+ Inbyggd multiplayer game browser.

+ Skalbar avionik och flightmodel för de som inte vill köra max realism.

o Maximalt 16 spelare i multiplayer (vi brukar ända aldrig bli så många ;) ) men utesluter några större MP events.

+ Fullt stöd för 6DOF TIR (men hoppas att min gamla hederliga TIR 2:a fortfarande funkar i 2DOF mode).

+ Klickbar 3D cockpit.

- Ingen dynamisk kampanj, de kallar den "phase based", kanske funkar ok/bra men svårt att säga innan test. Den håller dock inte koll på objektstatus mellan mission vilket är mindre bra.

- Ingen dedikerad server (påstås dock att sådan skall "eventuellt" släppas vid ett senare tillfälle).

+ Flight model och avionik verkar simulerat i detalj.

+ Bra skade modellering där olika delar/system kan skadas eller slås ut.

Använder "+", "o", "-" för att indikera vad jag personligen tycker är bra, neutralt eller dåligt och detta är vad jag hinner med för tillfället men hoppas andra fyller på med fakta ni hittar.

Kanske också kan vara bra att samla länkar till de first impressions/reviews som lär dyka upp inom kort här...


Har lyckats få en spricka i plasten på en av "benen", allt funkar iofs som det skall men tänkte höra om någon här sitter med en LGA775 orginal kylare som de inte använder och som de kan tänkas sälja för en slant?


Hösten närmar sig och kampanj 5 startar om några veckor....

100+ spelare i P vs P med fokus på teamwork och combined arms! Kräver viss dedikering, 1 match varje vecka samt 1-2 träningar däremellan, kampanjen pågår totalt i 8 veckor, fråga om det är något men annars står det mesta att läsa i forumet (

Detta blir min 3:e kampanj (denna gång i [REAF]) och IC:ArmA kan varmt rekommenderas om du gillar ArmA!


Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / Ny patch på G!
July 28, 2008, 16:28:20
1.14 var egentligen tänkt som sista patchen men det ser ut till att släppas en till lagom till höst mörkret!

Ser fram emot denna eftersom de enligt uppgift fixat ett par mycket viktiga MP buggar, JIP och bandbredds kontroll för dedikerad server, och det påstås dessutom att de äntligen hittat och åtgärdat MP MC buggen :)

Dessutom låter CCP som ett mycket bra initiativ om än lite sent påkommet...

Någon som har erfarenhet av dessa (något kontroversiella) community mods till Il-2?

The package includes:

- SoundMod 0.93
- 6 DoF mouse
- AI aircraft converted to flyable
- Exhaust flames at startup
- Modified dust and smoke
- Tire Screech on landing
- Modified explosion effect
- New explosion craters
- Rear view Mirrors for me109E, P51D, F6F
- Cleaned gunsight reticles for Zero
- Modified Gunsight reticles for regular gunsight and gyro gunsights
- Gyro gunsights for P51, P47, Ta183, Fw190D/45
- New Oil blotch effect
- New dive sounds v.2
- No-wheel-pants visual model for Cr42 (only when flying for Italy)
- Reworked cockpits for me109 E4, F2, G2, G6, G10, G14, K4
- Extra gory damage model
- New high cloud (cirrus)
- New airfields textures
- New land textures
- Smaller Navlight
- Folded wing bug fix for 'kate' bomber
- Instruments bug fix for me210, me110C4, etc
- Fixes for Russian briefings in dynamic careers and map names
- Italian package (adds italian voices, italian missions, italian campaigns)

Also included but not installed by default (you find them in a folder called 'extra')
- High-immersion on-screen messages: reduce on-screen messages to the bare minimum
- Modified Net Messages : replace boring server messages with funnier ones
- Version Switcher: quickly switch back and forth between 4.08 and 4.09, mods ON and mods OFF
All complete with detailed descriptions and easy install/uninstall instructions

I 1.12 Beta/1.14 har BIS ändrat default Field of View. Vissa gillar den nya FoV, andra inte och det beror säkert på vilken upplösning man kör i.

Personligen fördrar jag den som vi hade i 1.08 och den får man enklast tillbaks igen med denna lilla addon...