Vad tycker ni? (mycket långt post)

Started by Petter_Gul, June 21, 2002, 22:33:53

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Hello fellow IL2 junkies!

I have some unsolved mysteries that I wish someone helped me with:

1.In the FMB (Full Mission Builder)Is it possible to change so that non flying objects you create in a "Dogfight type" mission has respawn turned off, for example a AA-gun or a naval vessel. The reason I ask these questions is because my missions that i create are object related dogfight missions but with a certain object respawning after a while, it is very hard to complete it. Sure its ok if a AA-gun gets back in action after a 1/2 hour, but hey! not even the russians can build a brand new destroyer fleet in that time!  

2.Is it possible to assign any form of win/loose conditions to an object in dogfight mode?

3.Will Maddox/1C release a dedicated server version of this simulator?
Will that version have a ability to cycle maps? or missions?

4.Ok here comes a long one that needs some explanation:
Having played IL2 for a while now, I have realized that the simulator itself is amazing, but I feel there is something missing... The offline flying is ok in the beginning, but after a while it looses edge on the point that it doesnt feel like you are actually helping to turn the winds of the war. There was a very very old PC/Amiga simulator that Lucasfilm games once did called BoB; "Battle of Britain" it was my favourite because it had simple yet VERY good feeling of your place and importance in the campaign, if you took out all the radarstations in a massive strike the course of the war was completely different than if you failed completely in the same day. It also added some small pictures of events and medals were given also at extaordinary performance (And yes I KNOW that medals can come your way in IL2 too but im too lousy of a pilot to get any, lol)

The online flying is absolutely the best that has happened to online gaming EVER. the netcode is very good, if not the best I have ever seen... (those netgaming developers at Microsoft FS2XXX ought to get fired NOW)

But after a while if u go hang around in the hyperlobby u get a bit bored of all the dogfights with all those showoff pilots that will teach you how good energy managment they have in that spin machine (109G6/AS)
or in any other fighter. (I bet these guys have long conversations to their girlfriends and friends or even parents on how important it is not to overshoot!)

hehe well, seriously.

The COOP missions are good to, but as one mission is completed the ppl all leave the server except for those who already left tired of waiting cause they got shot down or beacuse of jealousy to guys flying better than themselves (read above)  

And then we have that fantastic IOW. that IOW seems like serious stuff and its probably very exciting, the guy who came up with that idea knows what he is doing. good job! Unfortunately I find it a bit too much work to get a good gameplay, I dont have enough time to wait all week to play one mission and so on. No offence again, IOW is probalby the best thing out there for the hardcore IL2 simmmer.

=Here is question #4 actaully=

But there is something Im not quite getting here:

Why is there no possibility to fly a sort of online campaign?

It would be so very simple to create.

1.Make it possible to have dedicated servers.
(sooner or later this HAS GOT TO COME. HL is getting crowdy)
2. Each mission have a certain goal or objective.
3.When a team achieves one objective, the server will change the mission (load a new map), maybe even a map premade so that battle situation is reflecting the previous victory of the other team (maybe a bit overkill but hey!)
4.Make it possible to create these campaigns so that the entire IL2 community can make them (I know very good mission builders out there waiting for a big challenge) and that would take the heavy load off the developers at 1C/Maddox.

I can only make a paralell to why this idea WOULD work:
Imagine if you were playing the game (3d FPS)Counterstrike
and these settings where true:

1.The server will never change the maps.
2.If you get killed you have to watch an empty wall with your blood on it.(where you got killed)
3.You have to stare at this wall and wait for ages (hehe that can happen in CS though)
4.When the wait is over everyone leaves the server just to start another server.

Who would want to play THAT GAME?
well belive it or not obviously you do, because thats what IL2 online is today im afraid.

I never think Counterstrike would be so popular if these settings where true: (its the most popular/played game on internet, i hate to admit  )

And I KNOW, by writing this im going to get many people upset and angry (you are probably thinking: who is this jerk?) but listen to me first:

--=I LOVE IL2=--

Thank you 1C/Maddox for givin me many hours of pure enjoyment of Historical Air Combat.
Thank you all pilots, yes yes even the cocky-energy-managment-kind-of-guys-bringing-me-down-type.
I love u all!
I just want to give my ideas on how this sim could get a little longer lifetime.
I hope I didnt upset anyone too much. (yes you know who i mean read above, lol)

If u want to send emailbombs or say your opinion, do it at
or just drop a reply and say what YOU think!

-Fighter Pilots make movies, bomber pilots make history.


Mycket bra sagt Petter_Gul :)

Gillar verkligen iden om en online campaign, vore super häftigt :D


Intressant text som jag missat tidigare! Skulle nån kunna förklara för mig vad som menas med dedicated servers? Är det helt enkelt en server med olika uppdrag som rullar på utan att behöva startas om? Eller mer än så?