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IL2: Cliffs Of Dover

Started by Justin Case, January 14, 2011, 11:31:54

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Justin Case

Är det någon här som aktivt flyger Cod? Det känns som att det börjar bli dags att prova det snart för min del.


I full gång på min nya dator...

...eller inte.

Jag är fan bittrare än er alla just nu. :)

Hörde något bra idag i högen av nätrykten. Tydligen så låses ATI-kort till 400 MHz då man startar CoD. Varför? Jo, för att filmen med UBI-loggan i början inte går snabbare på något vis. Löstes genom att radera filmfilen... hoho, gick nog fort när det här skulle ut genom dörren!

Stercus accidit
Quando omni flunkus moritatus


Nå.. Är det något att ha? Är det en värdig uppföljare eller duger gamla IL2?


Kul att flyga och jävligt snyggt! Dock fler buggar än features än. Jag tycker att jag får valuta för pengarna, för jag gillar att flyga runt och att leka med motorerna, men vill man ha en ersättare till Il-2 är det nog smart att se om det blir en patch eller om 1C konkar först.

Stercus accidit
Quando omni flunkus moritatus


Blir update igen strax och de låter spännande!

QuoteHi everyone.

Hereââ,¬â,,¢s what weââ,¬â,,¢ve been doing, and what weââ,¬â,,¢re planning for the nearest future.

The main areas of development are:

1. Graphics. Our graphics team is in the middle of a dramatic revision of our graphics engine. The new engine, still in alpha stage, is both faster and better looking. I wonââ,¬â,,¢t get into the technical details, but in a word itââ,¬â,,¢s faster and more streamlined.
From the appearance point of view, the change is equally as dramatic but is easier seen. Colors are calculated differently, especially in terms of distance. Iââ,¬â,,¢m attaching some screenshots showing before and after. The colors are not yet tuned, and there are some other issues but we are much happier with the gameââ,¬â,,¢s visuals today than weââ,¬â,,¢ve been for quite some time.

2. Sound. As Iââ,¬â,,¢ve mentioned earlier, weââ,¬â,,¢re completely redoing our sound engine from scratch. The work is being done in three stages. Stage 1, alpha, where we test basic functionality with some bare-bones samples has been passed a while ago. Stage 2, beta, where we have all aircraft sounds complete, and have some bare-minimum sounds for other objects, is almost here. Stage 3, a complete sound engine with all object and ambient sounds, will follow.
What we have now is brand new DB601, Merlin, Mercury, and Jumo 211 engines in a new environment, infinitely more stable and supporting realistic sounds from dozens or hundreds of engines within hearing distance. Various secondary and tertiary sounds are also there ââ,¬â€œ G loads, flutter, controls movement, etc. The aircraft feel alive, especially when youââ,¬â,,¢re inside the cockpit.

3. Physics. We are doing a major rewrite of some portions of aircraft landing gear physics (i.e. landing, taxi, take-off) as well as major changes to our secondary physics (ships, vehicles, debris, etc).

4. Models. We have quite a few new aircraft variants in the oven, and our ground modeling team has finally finished a major task that perhaps too few people will appreciate. Weââ,¬â,,¢ve completed a huge library of historical German rail engines and cars.

Timeline wise, what weââ,¬â,,¢re looking at is a beta sound patch in a minimum of 2 weeks, and at least a week of tests for that. The new graphics will also be included with it. The same upcoming patch will also include some new aircraft and most likely the German trains. Due to all new sounds, itââ,¬â,,¢ll be one of the largest patches so far, but still way under a GB.

Thank you all for your support!

Do you know how you can tell if there's a fighter pilot in the room?


Don't worry, he'll tell you.


Do you know how you can tell if there's a fighter pilot in the room?


Don't worry, he'll tell you.


Känns som att den inte säljer särskilt bra? Sugen på ett köp men i dagsläget skulle det nog inte bli mycket spelat tyvärr. Har precis börjat jobba igen efter semestern och har apmycket att göra och sen ska ju WoT ha sitt. :D
We're standing here by the abyss, and the world is in flames
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out, to the beast with many names


Kan köpa spelet för 69:- efter att jag loggade in.  :P