Charlie Foxtrot - Kampanj 1 börjar inom kort!

Started by KeyCat, October 06, 2009, 19:38:26

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Vet inte om det är någon större idé att posta här längre (?) men gör det ändå...

Första CF (CF = IC:ArmA fast för ArmA II) kampanjen börjar om två veckor och pågår i 10 veckor framöver!

110+ spelare i PvsP med fokus på teamwork och combined arms! Har själv joinat min gamla grupp och denna gång lirar vi (RS) med US vapen.


>> It's all about teamwork! <<


Jag ser inget om vilka tider det är.... 3 timmar varje veckoslut ser jag men inte när....
87th Stray Dogs VFW


Klart du ska posta här KC, låt inte så bitter! :)

Vill se vad ni sysslar med och om gud vill så kanske till och jag själv spelar ArmA II någon gång i framtiden. ;)
We're standing here by the abyss, and the world is in flames
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out, to the beast with many names


Tyvärr kommer jag nog inte ha tid till det denna gången heller  :(


Quote from: ctrl on October 06, 2009, 21:17:35
Jag ser inget om vilka tider det är.... 3 timmar varje veckoslut ser jag men inte när....

Om jag förstått det rätt så är det numera Söndagar 1900-2200, lägg till ~20 min före och efter match för briefing/debrief på TS. Är inget krav att man lirar hela matchen men det är så spännande att man gör det!

Bara fråga om det är något (här eller via chat) för det kan ibland vara lite rörigt när man är ny på CF forumet men det går över ;)

>> It's all about teamwork! <<


Liten beskrivning av CF postat av Mickd (en av CF's tournament admins)... Går utmärkt att joina under pågående kampanj också men det är IMO roligare om man är med från start och 10 veckor framöver.

Gentlemen (& women),

its time to lock and load for the first full Charlie Foxtrot Campaign after our successful 6 week beta campaign & scrims. Sunday the 18th October 2009 will see the first battle of ten in CF1 where the River Stone Inc take on Shashka International in a battle to the last for control over Chernarus. It promises to be a long, bloody hard fought campaign, come be part of it.

Charlie Foxtrot Mod v1.0

As always we had created a mod which tweaks the gameplay to our liking. At present this is only a few config changes but in future will be expanded to included new vehicles, soldiers and islands. Here is a brief overview of the changelog.

*Added CF vehicle configs
*Added CF scripts used by battle map
*Disabled radar from CF vehicles ~ no vehicle/gunner hax
*Disabled parachuting from helos ~ proper tactical use of of helos, paradrops still done via fixed wing drop planes.
*Disabled "command spotting" ~ no command hax
*Reduced CF vehicles fuel amount, (~30min running time land vehicles, ~15min air) ~ Fuel and Ammo now valuable part of Logistics

Charlie Foxtrot Campaign System

On the face of it Charlie Foxtrot can be quite a daunting thing to face however, its really quite simple. A Charlie Foxtrot Campaign lasts for 10 weeks. Battles are fought week by week, gaining territory as you go. At Charlie Foxtrot we have 5 Fronts. A Front is a chain of Objectives (9 in total) linked together. At the start of the campaign each Front starts in the middle along a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). During a single battle over a Front, Objectives are captured and the battle progresses forward or back depending on which side you are on. In total there are 45 territories up for grabs, the army with the most at the end of the 10 week campaign is declared the winner.

Charlie Foxtrot Battle System

The Charlie Foxtrot system works on a points system. The first army to reach 500 points in an Objective captures it and the fight moves on into the enemy territory. Points can be accumulated in two ways. The first is by occupying the Objective. Secondly you get points for killing the enemy, this includes soldiers and vehicles. You get more points for killing the enemy inside the Objective than outside. All of this gives a highly dynamic gaming experience.

The Battle System also enforces teamwork. The slots i.e primary and secondary weapons, are fixed but there is ammo available so you can pick up extra mags, grenades, smokes or explosives. The point of this is, you will see no Machine Gun totting Sniper-AT Men here. This is a team game, not one for 'Rambo's'.

At this time our focus is directed mainly towards infantry. Infantry make up the vast majority if our player base and as a result we have created a high intensity infantry experience. We do use air transport (fixed wing and rotary) so there are still avenues for fly-boys to take, taking a bird into a hot LZ is an experience not for the faint hearted.

CF1 Battle 1 Information

Battle Day: Sunday 18th October 2009
Battle Time: 1800BST-2100BST (1300-1600EST)

Battle Map: CF1 Mod Battlemap, Central Front (starting at Novy Sobor)
Ingame time: 1200 mid-day


>> It's all about teamwork! <<


Jag säger som jag sagt tidigare... det verkar jäkligt kul. Får fundera på ArmA II en stund... hmm...
We're standing here by the abyss, and the world is in flames
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out, to the beast with many names


Efter 3 matcher kontrollerar RS (vi) 9 regioner vs SI som har 7 regioner. 7 matcher återstår så mycket kan/kommer att hända...

Grön = RS
Röd = SI
Grå = Neutrala


>> It's all about teamwork! <<