The Virtual Festival of Aerobatic Teams

Started by watar, September 20, 2009, 17:28:19

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QuoteWhat is VFAT?
The Virtual Festival of Aerobatic Teams or VFAT is a big international airshow like RIAT or MAKS, flown using mainly the Lock On flight simulator.

The pilots mostly simulate the displays of real aerobatic teams like the Patrouille Suisse, Thunderbirds, Blue Angels, Russian Knights and Blue Impulse, however, many teams also create their own spectacular displays instead of simulating real life counterparts. VFAT is currently the only virtual airshow where such a large group of performers gather to create an event of this size and since 2007, spectators can watch the event live using internet streaming technology.

Our sponsors, Interoute and now also LiveStream, allows us to provide this internet streaming technology necessary to show VFAT demonstrations LIVE on the internet. VFAT takes place once a year and offers the opportunity for virtual aerobatic teams and solo pilots to present their hard work for the enjoyment to the general public!

*5th* VFAT 2009 Dates:
Rehearsal Weekend - November 27/28/29
VFAT Weekend - December 04/05/06

Stay tuned about the event at the VFAT Website & Forum!

