Nya Armed Assualt skärmdumpar

Started by Jotte, February 09, 2006, 06:47:20

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"It's not easy because it's difficult" - François Duval, Rallye de France 2004
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QuoteOriginally posted by Obizzz

            Juli eller nåt sånt då :)
nahh, slutet av april.. kom igen, alla hall tummarna nu :)
http://www.granq.se Mitt egna krypin.
http://www.anrop.se Mer soldater, mindre flyg :)


http://www.granq.se Mitt egna krypin.
http://www.anrop.se Mer soldater, mindre flyg :)


Super nice, som de säger i reklamen. :)

Två iartiklar på tjeckiska som översatts:

QuoteOperation Flashpoint was created only by 12 developers. How many do you have today and how are they divided in creating of Armed Assault and Operation Flashpoint 2?
Nowadays, we have a few basic groups - first group of about 5 people with Ondrej Spanel in lead is creating engine. There are about 15 people working on every game using this engine, alltogether we can talk about 35 developers, without the Australian branch-establishment.

What is the Australian branch-establishment occupied with?
They are developing the VBS2, another generation of military simulator, which the Australian and American forces are training with.

You have grown quite well! Do you still fit in your cottage on the edge of forest? :o) Are you working on both games there?
Although BIS still settles there, the Armed Assault team settle in newly reconstructed offices in Prague 5.

Do you have any military advisors in your team?
Well, they are not a part of our team, but some are helping with the development of VBS, which influences the appearance of the games.

What's the reason that you don't work with Codemasters anymore? What consequences will it have and does it influence the release dates of your games?
Partnership with Codemasters was ended by both-side agreement, so we will release Armed Assault with another publisher.

About Armed Assault, on the forums, people discussed the name from all the views. Many stated that this name is just WIP one and it's not very "special". So, is this name final or will the publisher or you change it?
In my opinion it is pretty interesting title, we won't change it, only when discussed with new publisher.

You aren't in good stance with Codemasters about the name copyright, did you think of calling the Game 2 just Armed Assault 2?
Absolutely not. Armed Assault will introduce a fictive conflict from the near future with improved OFP engine, but Game 2 will be a breaking game with many features unseen in military simulations.

We have talked about the new publisher. Do you know, who will it be? Will you want to not be held down in supporting the community like before?
I believe that every publisher is happy when a developer supports his game after it's release. I dont't have any fears about this.

What do you think of Enemy In Sight, a project of Illusion Softworks, which could be a rival for Armed Assault?
Enemy In SIght of course is a rival, because like Halo of Battlefield it is inspired by OFP, but it is a different game in many ways, more concetrated on one man's action.

The introduce of Armed Assault on this year's E3 was a big surprise for many people. If we look at the release date, it were surely a good news for OFP community. Is the Q4 2005 still actual?
Well, when we look at the date this interview is being made, it is not. We decided to give the game many new technologies, which have mostly in graphic view improved it a lot. All our concern is to release it in the middle of this year.

OFP 1.5, how is ArmA sometimes called, will be surele welcomed by the community, which awaits it for endless three years. What changes would you like to meniton?
I would like to mentin that ArmA really is a OFP sequel, the fans will get what they already know.

Will ArmA have a strong story like OFP? Can you tell us more about it?
ArmA will take place in a fictive country, where the northern democracy is attacked by southern dictature right in the moment the United States forces get away in expectation of no more danger. With the rest of contignent you will help there, where it is needed most.

Will we meet some animals, too?
Yes, but don't expect squirells bearing your ammo.

Close combat, like bayonets, was completely forgot in OFP. Will be this option in ArmA? Many discussed about jumping, too.
ArmA is like OFP concentrated on ranged fight in huge open area, but we are making some progress in close fight, just don't expect fighting. About jumping, it will not be in ArmA, but there will be other ways to get through fence.

What engine will ArmA run on and what changes will it have?
It will have improved OFP:Elite engine, that means higher distance view, option of massive multiplayer battles and others. You can see much more trees now (you can uproot them to create barriers). Another changes are much more detailed towns and new object destruction capabilities.

The questions were answered by Jiøí Rýdl, marketing director of IDEA games, representing among others BIS.

QuoteIn the second part of interview with Jiøí Rýdl we'll get more info about engine, multiplayer and supporting MODs for Armed Assault, but we'll look at the "Game 2", too.

What changes can we expect in the enviroment, nature? Will the engine support rivers or tunnels?
Rivers will be supported in limited ways, you can maneuver vehicles on them, but you cannot swim. Tunnels are not supported.

Talking about the engine, what system requirements will ArmA have? Did your experience with the optimalization of X-box OFP help in this?
Of course, not only the X-box version helped in optimalization, engine is still in development and many improvements will appear in the next generation games. Optimal configuration for ArmA will be Pentium 4, graphic card with 256MB memory, but minimum will be even lower.The X-box version was useful mostly in memory requirements of the game, withou these we won't be able to make over million objects on the map.

That relates to graphic of the game. What nwew technologies will ArmA have? Do you plan (for example in some patches) supporting PhysX?
ArmA engine is made with DirectX 9 and has HDR effects and other advanced technologies. The physics of ArmA will be the technology developed by BIS, that means no support of PhysX.

How did you work on AI? What changes will it have from OFP?
Mostly the feeling you are a part of giant machinery, which evolves with events, but not only by one of them. Your companions obey your orders, they react on different battlefield situations and of course your enemies try to find a weak spot in your defence - they plan outflanking, call reinforcements and if they are not in advantage they don't draw the attention. From OFP we have removed many bugs and AI better uses the output of your computer.

Let's look at the game itself. Will it be event more realistic or more like arcade than OFP?
It remains the same, we want to be as realistic that the playability does not suffer.

Do you have real models of the weapons and vehicles that will appear in ArmA?
Not all of them, but BIS guys have tested many of them and some vehicles were in the studio in Støíbrná Lhota.

Multiplayer is a must in ArmA. What game mods can we expect? How many players will be supported in one game?
The most interesting is the option to join game that has started before, it can last to few hours. That is because a real attack of few tens of soldiers on fortified base on theother side of huge island doesn't take few minutes.

Will there be voice chat?

Easy editor and making your own units are a great attraction even now. Will ArmA have the same?
Of course. Mod support is one of the main BIS concerns.

Mission makers want to know if the script commands will be like OFP ones and new ones will be added, or will you start from the very beggining?
We use the old scripting with new abilities, so who wants, he can make more, who does not want, can make with what he already knows.

What will be the addon compatibility from OFP?
Compatibility plays a big role in developing, it would be a pity if you lost many thousands fan addons, but we'll have to modify it a bit because of the new graphics.

Will be ArmA localized in czech? Do you want complete dubbing?
That depends on publisher, but yes, we want a complete czech version.

The X-box version has been recently released. Do you plan ArmA for consoles?
Not yet. We can think od XBOX360, but that depends on publisher, too.

There's much time until Game2 release, where are you now in development?
In the discussion with eventual publishers.

Game 2 is very ambicious. Can you tell us how and in what time period will the campaign be? Will there be a strong story, too?
The campaign will be in near future on places all around the world.

Will the game single missions? Or will you just give the player living enviroment and he will decide what to do?
The game will be like RPG in this aspect, you won't have missions, but you will fullfill tasks in what order you will like. Your decisions will influence the whole game.

Will you use modified ArmA engine or a completely new one? What differences between ArmA and Game 2 can we expect, for example in physics?
Engine is in development with every new game, influenced by players and soldiers. It depends on each project - design, platform, publisher - what abilities will the engine have. In physics the Game 2 is completely different from ArmA.

How will you deal with multiplayer? Will you have any new mods?
We will of course have huge online battles of many groups with different tasks.

What will be the Game 2 maps like? Will there be huge cities and for example trains?
Even nowadays the engine can make big cities, but they are mostly for military training. The question is if the player will be trapped there or if it will be an interesting fight. Here we need game designer to make perfectly playable game. Unfortunately, the reality is more grey.

Will there be rain, fog and others?
The Engine supports weather changes, the question remains - will we have computers good enough?

Will be the Game 2 localized into Czech?
Again, it depends on publisher, but of course we want it.

Thanks for the interview. I wish you the will to continue in your fantastic work.


QuoteOriginally posted by Jotte
don't expect squirells bearing your ammo.




Här är en liten Marjasin av en artikel från www.arma.dk

QuoteAnother Czech magazine have had their fingers onto Armed Assault. A new "coop-mode" for singleplayer is being described. It sounds very interesting - when you have completed a singe-mission, it enables a "coop-mode" that allows you to play the same mission again, but as another soldier. Or you can decide to play it in multiplayer. Thanks to Lord Perth for translating the preview into german, and to bör for making the german-english translation.

Armed Assault Preview

Good ol' Flashpoint transferred into a new game, with nice innovations and more beautiful than before. That's, in brief, Armed Assault, the sequel to BIS' game. While early info dated last spring talked about ArmA as a reissue of Operation Flashpoint with a few innovations, the final version will be somewhat different. ArmA is a stand-alone game even if its roots are OFP. In our preview we'll introduce you to innovations that push the gaming experience and that surprise - pleasently.

Closer to mainstream ["mass of gamers" literally]

The first info is shocking: ArmA aims for a larger target group thus carrying some changes along. If you're looking for some sop, I'll clear everything for you: We won't be facing a revolution or an attack on something we loved, but rather an adjusting of the concept. There'll be multiple difficulty levels giving us the option to save more often, to make our fellow combattants tougher, to restrain friendly fire, etc.
Hardcore gamers and fans of OFP shouldn't panic though - ArmA still features the same tough and uncomprimising world they're already used (and they'll still get their super difficult mode)
This time the conflict takes place on an island, about as large as 400 kmÃ,² - that's about as large as the three islands of OFP combined. The environment is richer and more elaborate than before, both its details and accoutrement please the eye. The engine has been nearly entirely reworked, the tree generator, which lets you forget the pseudo trees of OFP, stands for that. Each tree is an object that can be destroyed - driving through a forest with a tank is sensational, and when all the trees are cracking it feels very realistic. That's the case for the whole environment: Towns can be destroyed by bombardement, fences
can be destroyed by cars, etc.

More roles in a mission

An unexpected innovation shows up on a spot, you would hardly have expected. The player will switch between multiple units which contribute to a mission, so the campaign gains an unexpected scale. In the mission we could watch in the developers' presentation the player had to clean a town to advance on the enemy's camp afterwards. While the main force is advancing on the new objective, the player takes the role of a sniper and cleans the approaches.
Completed single player missions will be available in coop mode, in which you'll be able to try out the different roles over and over.
The multiplayer mode gains importence, but at this point we want to describe the single player campaign. Altough it's shorter and it features only half as many missions as OFP, it'll feature a richer and even better gaming experience. The island the action takes place on is seperated in two halfs: The north is a post-communist run-down country whilst the south is a flourishing pro-west country. As in real life the two different forms of governments (and ideologies) don't come along with another very well, and the american army, doing a manoeuvre, intervenes in the conflict, the player will slip into the role of a soldier that is in the american forces. Although the length of the campaign will be shorter than in Flashpoint, the coop mode will countervail this.

Huge battles featuring umpteen players

We hail the reworked multiplayer that BIS has put more work on than before. The multiplayer features huge battles with umpteen players, places left idle will be filled up with bots. Due to the time such a mp game consumes - depending on the map up to several hours - the players may join in progress. The game won't restrain the number of players participating, it solely depends on the single computers. It's already possible today to fight battles with up to 60 players. That number, promising an unseen experience is only an outlook on the huge battlefields of the "future".
Due to multiplayer and the idle places filled up by bots the importance of A.I. rises, the developer team is intensively working on this topic. The enemies will be capable of calling support, taking cover - everything to make them capable of replacing real players and to make a adequate team member. The editor will enhance the durability of the game and we can look forward to further extensions (e.g. new dinghys, choppers, etc.)

It's not necessary to comment on the graphics - form yourself a view by the screenshots and the assurance that the game will look a lot more beautiful and vivious than OFP. Thanks to the used technology ArmA looks good, and it'll run on current computers without a problem. A 2,4 GHz precessor and 1 GB RAM are adequate for a good running gaming experience at good quality. But the developers still have to do the final optimization which will bring down the hardware requirements.
That alone should be enough to calm down the worries, that players of military simulations will have about ArmA. The rest of the ingredients let assume that the obsession called Operation Flashpoint - now called Armed Assault - will erupt once again. We're excitedly anticipating it.


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