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Lite tråkiga länkar

Started by F16_Filur, September 12, 2005, 05:00:10

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Nu har jag haft en jättetråkig stund med dina... tråkiga länkar... inte...

Precis den sortens godis jag vill ha mer av. Får börja prenumerera på den där tidsskriften. :)
We're standing here by the abyss, and the world is in flames
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out, to the beast with many names


87th Stray Dogs VFW


Tänkte  belasta er med lite mer info, om några saker radar/datalänken på JAS39 kan åstadkomma. :) Det är säkert bara en bråkdel av alla möjligheter.

Vore kul om någon annan kunde gräva fram uppgifter om tex Link16, så man kunde få en jämförande och sammanfattande bild av vad olika system är kapabla (och inte) till.

1. The PS-05/A can operate in passive mode, as a sensitive receiver with high directional accuracy (due to its large antenna). Two PS-05/As can exchange information by datalink and locate the target by triangulation. edit: i.e. permits multiple fighters to quickly and accurately lock onto a target's track through triangulation from several radars.

2. The datalink results in better tracking. Usually, three plots need to track a target in track-while-scan mode. The datalink allows the radars to share plots, not just tracks, so even if none of the aircraft in a formation gets enough plots on its own to track the target, they may do so collectively.

3. Each radar plot includes Doppler velocity, which provides the individual aircraft with range-rate data. However, this data on its own does not yield the velocity of the target. Using the TIDLS, two fighters can take simultaneous range-rate readings and thereby determine the targets track instantly, reducing the need for radar transmission.

4. In ECM applications, one fighter can search, while the wingman simultaneously focuses jamming on the same target, using the radar. This makes it very difficult for the target to intercept or jam the radar that is tracking him. Another anti-jamming technique is for all four radars to illuminate the same target simultaneously at different frequencies. edit: i.e. allows multiple fighters to collaboratively to "burn through" jamming transmissions.

5. The Gripen is fitted with the "Tactical Information Datalink System (TIDLS)", which gives the fighter four high-bandwidth, two-way datalinks with a range of about 500 kilometers (310 miles) and very high resistance to jamming. The datalinks allow the Gripen to engage in combat using another aircraft's sensors or from targeting data provided by other defense systems. Data acquired from remote sources is fused and displayed on the fighter's main MFD. The link is fully operational when the aircraft is on the ground, allowing a pilot on standby to have high situational awareness of the battle environment.

6. One Gripen can provide radar sensing for four of its colleagues, allowing a single fighter to track a target, while the others use the data for a stealthy attack.

7. TIDLS also gives the Gripen transparent access to the SAAB-Ericsson 340B Erieye "mini-AWACs" aircraft, as well as the overall ground command and control system. This system provides Sweden with an impressive defensive capability at a cost that, though still high, is less than that of comparable systems elsewhere.

8. The primary AAM is the Raytheon AIM-120 AMRAAM, and the Gripen's PS-05A radar can guide four of these weapons simultaneously. Sweden is the only nation approved by the US to perform flight tests of AMRAAM, and Swedish AMRAAMs have minor modifications to fit Swedish specifications.

Mr Jim

Skulle vara intressant om Sverige köper ryskt när det kommer till inköp av attackhelikopter (om det nu blir av)...ryskt chassi och svenska med EU bakom ryggen kanske Tiger är det givna valet?
\"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing\" - Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

För att kontakta mig, maila på
To contact me directly mail me at


Det är inte så ofta man ser radarmodes listade och beskrivna för stridsflyg, men hittade lite här. Undrar dock om det finns svenska beteckningar i flygvapnet för de engelska namnen, och i så fall vilka de är?

Vad menas förresten med "Raid assessment"?



The Gripen's Ferranti-Ericsson PS-05/A X-band pulse Doppler radar has three times the processing power of the Viggen's PS-46/A radar, but only 60% of its volume and weight ((156 kg only). The PS-05/A has all-altitude look-down capability, resistance to jamming, and provides a number of operating modes. (Can count anchored ships and follow road traffic at at least 90 km and detect typical fighter sized targets at 120 km).


edit: de här länkarna funkar inte längre (de verkar nyligen ha gjort om sajten). Ny länk här med lite mer detaljer om air to ground men mindre om tekniken, uppgraderingar (AESA) mm.

Gripen radar features the operating modes required for all missions. They are software-driven and include in the air-to-air role:

Long range search
Multiple target track while scan
Multiple priority-target tracking
Single target tracking
Raid assessment
AMRAAM mid-course update

close combat search and auto-acquisition (wide angle search and track)
automatic gun and missile fire control

(AG) (update)
long-range search/surveillance,
surface moving-target indication,
priority tracking of multiple ground and sea targets;
real-beam mapping,
high-resolution mapping using synthetic aperture radar technique (SAR),
air-to-ground ranging and velocity vector calculation.


Det finns det.

Radarpresentationen i 39 skiljer sig totalt från F-16 (och F-15, F-18 etc) liksom handhavandet och inställningar. Fina engelska namn. Var tvungen att tänka till en stund innan jag kopplade.

Du är duktig på att googla Filur.


BEQ:\> Med risk för att få tystnad som svar, men... Hur visas ekon på radar i Gripen? Är det "som objektet ser ut i verkligheten", eller bygger radarn upp små fyrkanter/trekanter/rektanglar/cirklar som presenteras i MFD'n? Det var väl ingen för hemlig fråga va?
We're standing here by the abyss, and the world is in flames
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out, to the beast with many names