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USAs utrikespolitik

Started by Jotte, May 19, 2005, 17:25:47

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Kommer inte ihåg vart jag sparade detta ifrån men det är iallafall en kul ironisk metafor. :)

QuoteRe: Did Terror Pay Off In Spain ? Have The Spaniards Been Routed ? Who Will Fall Next ?


Lemme twist it some more. The arguement, gets your hands off your crotches.

Back to consistancy:

*Puts on radical liberal suit* Polyester is kinda itchy aint it?
*Devils Advocate Mode On!! Full power to the shields Scotty!*

Regarding our policies in the world. The hunt for weapons of mass destruction. Countries A,B,C, get rid of your nukes and chems!!!

Who died and made us king? Does economic success=We get to call the shots worldwide?

[Insert Irony] Country with the largest amount of weapons of mass destruction demands other countries get rid of them or else.

Lets take this to a small office environment, swallow your red pills please

[Whoooooooooooosh!!!!!!!!] [Enters Matrix]

[The U.S. is now substituted for a office manager in a blue suit with brown shoes]
Looking and feeling out of place and wanting to sound important regardless of the fashion fopar he speaks to his employees.

Manager: "Look here now!!!! There will be no more gum chewing in this office!! I want you to dispose of all your gum within the next hour. Your either with me, or against me!!"

Employee A: What about me? I dropped your laundry off last week?

Manager: Ermmm okay yeah, you can keep your gum.

Employee B: Hey I fill your car up on my own time?

Manager: Oh yeah, no problem keep your gum. *pats employee on the head*

Employee C: I am not getting rid of my gum, this aint fair!!

Manager: You WILL <--- insert Spectre Underline for emphasis> get rid of your gum!!

Employee C: No........... I wont

Manager: Either get rid of that gum or their will be dire consequences!!

Employee C: No...............I want to discuss this with H.R.

Manager: You have 4 minutes to dispose of your gum! I dont need any outside sources to help me make this decision. Your either with me, or against me!!!!!

tick tick tick flash forward 4 minutes. Sorry, I will reimburse you fellers for 4 minutes in your next life time.

Manager: Did you dispose of the gum?

Employee C: No, I didnt, and I just stuck another in to refresh the flavour.

Manager: You leave me no choice.....................

*Pulls out a .38 pistol and shoots the employee in the head.*

Manager: Okay see here!!!!!!!!! This is what happens when you have gum around here!!

*Sticks finger in dead employees mouth and swirls it around.*

Manager: Hrmmmmm no gum. I guess he was only bluffing..............

*Everyone stands around uncomfortable looking*

Manager: Well...............okay there was no gum but I did it to save his ummmmmm penis, yeah thats it!! I know for fact he beat his penis every night!! Yeah I saved him from that. I am sure he has gum on him somewhere.

*Begins to check every body cavity*

Manager: Theres gum here I know it!!

[Whoooooooooooooooooooooooosh][You have now left the Matrix, please make sure you have your personal carryon luggage before leaving the vehicle]

*Tosses polyester suit to Cricket like Mean Joe Green did in that COKE commercial*

Panther: Here ya go kid

Cricket: Thanks Mean Thong Leather!!!


men detta skämtet har jag sett en gång innan, på rapport. Fast dom drog det med USA och så..

kom med någe nytt jotte ;)

Den var rätt bra faktiskt, skall "sparas" för nästa gång någon börjar vimsa på något forum.. =) Mitt egna krypin. Mer soldater, mindre flyg :)