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Ubis Lomac-forum... igen

Started by Phlerp, November 06, 2004, 13:11:36

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Kunde inte komma på något bättre ställe att lägga detta än under humor.

Allt eftersom Bigvette verkar lugna ner sig så har jag fått en ny favorit på detta så underhållande forum. Eller vad sägs om nedanstående kommentarer av PLAVIOUS från en bitvis seriös diskussion om varför USA inte använder deltavingar och canarder på sina plan. Kan ju nämnas att han inte är ensam om skrattretande inlägg i den tråden, men han tar nog priset.

QuoteFirst of all , all design patents held by the U.S. government are obviously far supperior to any axis nation. Eurpeon allies rely on our design technology to protect them as well. Canard aircraft are inherently inferior to the coeficients of any of the current fighter craft in our inventory! You can go one on one in a standoff and compare the numbers. No one would prefer the Eurofighter over the F-16 it just isn`t that good. Same for the commies!

QuoteThe original drawings for many canard aircraft didn`t include canards at all! They were an after thought put to practice because the engineers who designed these craft were not well trained. If you were to examine the fact that the weight of the canards, actuators asoociated other control parts,and drag caused problems not to mention that extra weight had to be added to the tail to get the C.G. closer what would be so great about it ? Many pilots wouldn`t fly the canard configuration untill well after 1973 when the design was proven to have finally been flown safely by U.S. test pilots who actually had degrees in design. European and communist pilots didn`t then. That`s what I know about the Eurofighter and others that I learned first hand in the Air Force durring that period. The U.S.A.F. actually wrote and designed quite a bit of the work on the canard craft,in order to bring the Allied powers up to a level of acceptable air power in the European theatre during the so called cold war. "seemed pretty hot to me then" We wre shooting down migs faster than they could try to draw them and not with Eurofighters either!

Tråden hittar ni här.


...Såg på Discoverychannel häromdagen, och där sa dem att F16 var världens bästa flygplan faktiskt!!

:-OO :p :D

K-k-k-kötta bandlåda! || Amfibieregemente 1 Vaxholm RIP.


Ursäkta, men vilken jävla idiot! Nu ser jag rött.... :-(
MSI Z77A, Intel i5 3570K, MSI GTX 660 ti 2GB, 16 GB DDR 3 1600 MHz, OCZ SSD 120 GB, Seagate 1 TB
TM Cougar w/ Cubpilot\'s Hallsensor mod för joystick och throttle, IJ\'s ÃÅ"ber II NXT mod, SIMPED-F16/C, TIR 3 PRO


Quoteduring the so called cold war. "seemed pretty hot to me then" We wre shooting down migs faster than they could try to draw them and not with Eurofighters either!

Hmm vad menar han egentligen? Han kan väl inte vara så korkad att han tror det utkämpades ett faktiskt krig mellan NATO och WP under kalla kriget? Luktar LITE troll om den här killen måste jag säga (utan att ha läst mer än phlerps citat dock).

Odi profanum vulgus, et arceo


Ett tvättäka exempel på att hjärntvättning fungerar.

Han verkar ha varit med några år att dömma av ord som "of own experience" etc. Om man systematiskt under en lång tid får itutat sig att "vi är bäst" "vi uppfann det här" "vi ligger bakom det här" så blir det sanning till slut.

Läs boken 1984 så förstår ni vad jag menar.

Intressant att se, tråkigt men lärorikt. Det är så man får se det tycker jag.


Ska man vara riktigt snäll så kanske man kan spekulera i att han ser exempelvis vietnamkriget som en del av kalla kriget :-OO

Funderar på att posta länken till canardforumet... men de skulle nog åka över till honom och snacka lite allvar om canarders förträfflighet :)

Den här borde man skicka till Burt Rutan: "The original drawings for many canard aircraft didn`t include canards at all! They were an after thought put to practice because the engineers who designed these craft were not well trained."
87th Stray Dogs VFW


ah Lockon Forum..... Inte blir man så shockad.
Medel åldern på dess forum hålls på en 7 årings nivå.


Hittade det här på första sidan... ganska rolig läsning..

posted Tue October 05 2004 11:26  


As far as the US goes, we rule and will continue to rule the BVR fight. The idea of killing your enemy before he gets within striking range of you is the best way of preserving a pilot's life.

What's the use of canards if they can't be used in a BVR fight? When you are up close, thrust vectoring (what is in place in the F-22, and F-35) should be able to do the job. If not, I'm thinking the US armed forces would have made the canard requirement in production of the newer fighters.

The fact is this: The US believes in stealth and canards increase radar signature. It's like this, would you rather be super maneuverable or just down right almost invisible to enemy radar? I think we would all choose the latter.

Jag highlightade några extra roliga partier.