Lite info om nästa patch...

Started by KeyCat, February 08, 2004, 16:12:31

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Postat på det officiella UBI forumet 040207. Nu när många av småsakerna blivit fixade med 1.01 och den kommande 1.02 börjar det kanske bli intressant med lite mer MP tester?

As promised, here is a list of the majority of v1.02 changes to date (07 Feb). Note that the list below is simply from the first version of the patch we got this week; it is not final and newer versions will add additional changes. Please hold off on "what about XXXX bug?" type questions.

A key point to remember too: A patch is to fix actual bugs, NOT add new features.

- Fixed inability of some joysticks to use cannon trigger correctly.

- Effect of ECM against the F-15C radar has been reduced.

- Added "+" over padlocked target.

- Re-enabled mini-HUD for all aircraft.

- Increased air-to-air missile effectiveness.

- Players can see each other's smoke rockets online.

- Clients now receive air defense unit radar warnings on there RWR now.

- Fixed blue screen bug of water explosions if user has a GF2 card.

- New controller axis:
Trim Pitch
Trim Roll
Trim Rudder
Radar Slew Horizontal
Radar Slew Vertical
MFD Range
TDC Slew Horizontal
TDC Slew Vertical

- Players can now adjust loadouts of wingmen within player's flight.

- Civilian Traffic option now saved correctly.

- Scenes setting option now saved correctly.

- Hidden objects are no longer visible in the F10 or briefing views.

- All sounds become near silent when game is paused now.

- Reduced radar lock range of Russian aircraft to .85 of radar detection range.

- When Russian planes lock a target and the sensor is changed, the lock will be retained (assuming sensor is capable of detecting / tracking target).

- If Russian aircraft loses lock, the other sensor will attempt to continue lock.

- Fixed aircraft velocity and target velocity indicators for Russian HUDs.

- Range bumping on F-15C VSD has been corrected and TDC is reset to center of VSD after a range bump.

- Increased the thickness of the RPI, RTR, and RMIN lines on the F-15C's HUD DLZ.

- Re-made Mach number indication for Su-27/33, MiG-29 and F-15C.

- Disabled ability to re-arm when landing outside an airfield.

- Trim speed has been increased.

- Removed chaff and flares from MiG-25P / RBT.

- Enabled force feedback trim effect.

- Implemented gain parameters for force feedback effects.

- Disabled cockpit stick neutral position displacement emulation for fore feedback when trim is on.

- Enabled cockpit camera control with joystick axis when cockpit mouse view option is off.

- Changed joystick polling algorithm.

- FBP fixed loadouts now correct.

- Restored mouse zoom limits in the cockpit.

- Mouse view option removed from cockpit options and moved to difficulty options.

- The names for all Russian air-to-ground weapons are now visible on the Russian HUDs when in Russian HUD mode.

- Restored object crash in external view.

- Adjusted visibility range of ground object labels.

- Fixed picture of M-818 on AWACS view.

- Fixed bug regarding Betty voice after switching aircraft (Alt-J).

- Invulnerable flag setting is corrected.

- Ground based SAMs now work correctly with enemy ships in the mission.

- Corrected behavior of turbulence (imperial units).

- Corrected training missions.

- Corrected crash from third mission of F-15C campaign.

This covers most of what has been addressed so far in the 1.02 patch. Again, this patch is not done additional items will be added. Please be patient.


Matt "Wags" Wagner
Producer / Ubisoft


/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

>> It's all about teamwork! <<


apråpå det... i väntan på denna är det väl förra patchen som gäller...

men skall man ha UK eller US? vad är skillnaden? kan tänka mig ett par saker, som tex licenstext el. dyl. men vad kör ni? UK förmodar jag?


"It's not easy because it's difficult" - François Duval, Rallye de France 2004
Martin Ãâ€"berg

mar.oberg på googles emailtjänst




Det enda som skiljer sig är:
-Paketet och dess innehåll (keycard, spelets namn, format osv)
-Safedisk-nyckeln. Det är detta (och endast detta) som tyvärr gör att det måste patchas olika :-(



"Players can see each other's smoke rockets online."
Trevligt trevligt!
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