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Started by weezer, December 04, 2003, 02:26:08

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Cockpit Builders Needs from G2Interactive
Hi Guys

Please pass this around to all the Falcon cockpit builders.

Greeting from G2interactive. I think you are all going to love OIR. We are very close to going Gold and the project is going great.

I need to know the following:

If we were to make a Falcon OIR mod SPECIFICALLY for the Cockpit builders...

What would you want in it?
What would need to be fixed?
What features are missing?
What would you be willing to pay for a mod that gave you all these things? (Cockpit Building specific like output to working MFD's and DED, Diff Toe Brakes, etc etc)

Please get this information back to me in a concise form (maybe a spreadsheet) As Soon as Possible

You can send the information to me Tejay at this email address

This will be a one shot deal if we do it, so lets figure out exactly what the mod would need to be.

I also need an estimation of the number of people that are interested in this. This work cannot be done for free as it is a huge task and it will be mostly for the cockpit builders. The more people who chip in the smaller that price will be.

Thanks Again and get back to me ASAP

Stang out
Tejay Beauparlant
G2Interactive Inc.

Beta Team Coordinator

Stang out

Det hät låter väl spännande..
Har redan skickat et litet mail ang. möjligheten att ansluta flera datorer till samma JET...det skulle ju öppna ett par dörrar minst sagt..

Fridens Raviner,
HOTAB - Hands On Throttle And Beer