Dynamisk Online Campaign på G...

Started by Petter_Gul, July 08, 2002, 08:26:09

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Hej alla! jag har varit lite busy på sistone.

Jag håller på att skapa en Dynamisk Campaign som kan spelas ONLINE.

Jag kommer att skapa en egen hemsida där ni kan ladda ner missions o skins.

Igår kväll körde vi ett premiär betatest med finska LLv26 oh LLv34 och några andra trogna IL2 anhängare. Förutom några småproblem (de tyckte att det var för mycket luftvärns eld)
så gick det hela mycket bra.

Spelidén är följande:

Speltypen är DWO (Dogfight With Objectives) alltså Dogfight mode. Det tillåter respawn, och är mer actionpackat än om man kör COOP mode (det saknar respawn och speltiden blir därför mkt kort)

Jag kommer att behöva hjälp med att producera Campaigns o uppdrag och eventuellt hjälp med hemsidan, så om du tror att du är av rätta virket och känner att du brinner för IL2 kan du skicka ett mail.


Jag skickar med en förklaring på engelska samt en briefing på det första uppdraget i testkampanjen det är mycket text så är ni inte väldigt intresserade av IL2 sluta läsa nu.

Hello LLv26!

Today I made a test campaign spanning 5 missions in a winter map.
Im planning to get the game going for a test where I hope we can be at least 8 players. As this is a first time test there will be mission bugs or many things that are incorrect and I would be happy if you told me so it can be changed.

The mission tree looks like this:

Mission 0:
German wins (loads mission 1G= German victory)
Russia wins (loads mission 1R= Russia victory)

Mission 1G or 1R:
Germany wins (loads Mission 2G= German victory)
Russia wins (loads Mission 2R= Russia victory)

Mission 2G or 2R:
Russia wins (and is the campaign winner)
Germany wins (and is the campaign winner)

If a team wins a mission and looses the next, the mission loaded will be the previous one to simulate a recapture of the battlefield.
(this will be changed later on)

here comes the Briefing text of the first mission that explains some good to know info:

Online Dynamic Campaign
December 19, 1940

Welcome to this test campaign that consists of a series of dogfight missions with objectives (DWOÃ,´s)

The campaign has a storyline that is not Historical correct, its there to make the campaign more realistic and exciting.

Each mission has an objective that has to be achieved to go to the next mission. When a team wins a mission, the next mission loads and will reflect the previous victory of the team that won the mission played earlier.
Russia wins one mission, the next mission that loads, russians will have a military advantage and gained more German territory.

Each team consists of 6 players, and there is one Referee (Judge)

To see who has completed its mission objectives you can use the Static cameras that are placed near the objectives

The Campaign can also end if a team accumulates a total score of 5000 points, this is to simulate that it has caused tremendous damage to the enemy military power. and thus the campaign ends. (the points are not reset when a new mission loads)

The airbases are marked according a positional system: the first red airbase from top (the airbase that is most northern) is called 1, and the next airbase below is called 2 and so on, also the airbases are called R1 or B1 depending on its team R=Red, B=Blue. The airbase in the lower right corner is Golden and is ONLY for the referee (Judge) Its is a red base in the campaign and should be ignored.

ok, enough with the rules, let the fun begin:

Mission #0:
Air Superiority

In order to make this Campaign a successful one, you and your team must take command of the aerial battlefield and secure the victory. In this mission the target is to cause as big damage to the enemy airforce as possible and therby making it easier for future advancments.

## R U S S I A N ## B R I E F I N G #########

Red Objective for todays mission:
Destroy all aircraft parked at German Airfield B1

Availble airbases:
Red1, Red2, Red3

Availbable aircraft:
IL2 at base R1
I16 at base R1, R2, R3
Mig3 at base R3

Good luck!
## E N D ## O F ## B R I E F I N G ########

## G E R M A N ## B R I E F I N G#########

Blue Objective for todays mission:
Destroy all aircraft parked at Russian Airfield R1

Availble airbases:
Blue 1, Blue 2, Blue 3

Availbable aircraft:
109E4/B at base B1
109E4 at base B2, B3

Good luck!
## E N D ## O F ## B R I E F I N G ########:)
-Fighter Pilots make movies, bomber pilots make history.