Project Reality Mod för ArmA II

Started by KeyCat, March 13, 2010, 00:41:24

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Our main aim for PR:ArmA2 is:

"To create a realistic and immersive modification for ArmA2, which focuses on encouraging teamwork through gameplay"

As with Project Reality's original conception on the Refractor 2 engine, at this stage PR:ArmA2 should be classed as a Mini-Mod; we have to start somewhere! Don't be fooled though, this release will by no means disappoint, due to the large number of high quality art assets already created by the Project Reality Team, and the considerable experience of the PR:ArmA2 Development Team on the Real Virtuality 3 engine!

PR:ArmA2 will exist as a standalone modification. It will remain self contained, self developing and not rely on or use externally held add ons from other sources where at all possible. What that means to the player is that it will be a 'one stop shop' as an installation package, with no requirement for additional multiple add on packs.

We also want to emphasis we are not in direct competition with any of the other great mods out there. However as a team we want to see what we can now do with the Real Virtuality 3 engine, as well as the continued full scale continued development of PR for Battlefield2. We are not in any way changing engines. We have simply expanded the team's reach into ArmA2 with new developers. It is not PR2, nor are we ceasing PR:BF2 development.


>> It's all about teamwork! <<


OOoh!! Detta kan inte bli dåligt.
För mycket att spela.. för lite tid!
Do you know how you can tell if there's a fighter pilot in the room?


Don't worry, he'll tell you.