DAC 2.0 för ArmA är här!

Started by KeyCat, December 22, 2007, 12:52:12

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Silola var snabbare än tomten och släppte den efterlängtade DAC 2.0 för ArmA inatt!

Mapfact releases Dynamic AI Creator 2.0 for ArmA!

Two years after the release of DAC V1.0 for OFP, we are glad to announce DAC V2.0 is ready to be downloaded by you, though the development took more time, than we thought.

DAC 2.0 Features:
# generate units and waypoints dynamically in AI-zones
# highly dynamic game experience, because of AI-zones being generated at every mission start
# dynamic decrease of unit number (infantry or vehicle groups)
# freely chosen size and number of zones (modify directly in in-game editor)
# every zone can be configured individually (modify directly in in-game editor)
# up to four different unit-categories can be generated per zone
# two zone types: unit-zones, waypoint-zones, can be combined
# freely chosen number of unit-zones can be linked with each other
# freely chosen number of waypoint-zones can be linked with unit-zones
# freely chosen number of unit-configurations can be defined
# freely chosen number of behaviour-configurations can be defined
# freely chosen number of waypoint-configurations can be defined
# movable zones (global troop movement)
# size of a zone can be changed at every time
# new behaviour-configuration can be loaded at every time
# new unit-configuration can be loaded at every time
# dynamic AI-respawn in camps generated dynamically (no respawn or camp limits)
# freely chosen number of camp-configurations can be defined (by a maximum of six camp-upgrades)
# camps can be linked to zones
# AI-respawn also possible without camp
# ââ,¬Å"Standby-modeââ,¬Â for zones, units are generated when needed
# zones can be activated, deactivated as often as you want to
# script, which can delete units (depending on time and/or distance)
# user defined waypoints can be included
# dynamic AI-addon is defined, possibility to choose between four difficulty levels
# running on dedicated servers
# dynamic weather script
# control markers can be activated
# freely chosen number of marker-configurations can be defined
# new marker-configuration can be loaded at every time
# radio messages and markers depending on chosen side can be activated
# units placed in in-game editor can use DAC routines as well
# AI conquers buildings
# AI detects empty vehicles
# AI uses empty static guns
# AI uses smoke grenades
# complete new routines for detecting the enemy
# scripted artillery support for players and AI (static and mobile)
# AI-(voice-) sounds can be defined on seven different situations (works with MP)
# extended error handling (to avoid user input errors)
# 6 configuration files for individual modifications
# good MP performance

Ytterligare en "must have" IMHO!



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