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Kriegstagebuch U-78

Started by Jotte, May 04, 2005, 22:10:08

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Här nedan följer rapporten från min första patrull med Wolves at War.

Roligt sätt att ge ens offlinespel extra krydda. Bygger på ett hederssystem, dvs att man följer de riktlinjer och regler som finns för svårighetsinställningar mm. Om man börjar rapportera "Schepke-tonnage" så lär det dock märkas rätt fort. ;)

Svårighetsinställningarna är allt förbockat utom WO assist som man får använda om man vill. Dessutom används vissa editerade configs så man inte får "tell tale" grejerna på notepaden (warship/merchant/unknown som flashar i notpaden även om man knapt ser röken av skeppet) och inget håkors i kikaren och lite annat. Riktigt trevligt. :)


Kriegstagebuch U-78

Kapitan Name :  Jürgen Möwe

Date : 1/9 1939

Tonnage Sunk: 8821

Merchant Shipping :  8821 brt

Enemy Warships : -

Neutral Shipping : -


2 September
Grid AO71
12.36 Visual contact bearing 123 with Kriegsmarine destroyer.

4 September
Grid AN31
10.36 Small Norwegian merchant spotted in bearing 332.
16.30 Norwegian trawler spotted , bearing 332.

9 September
Grid AM28
21.44 Radio messege recived.
Large enemy convoy in grid AM02. Course ESE, Speed 6 kts.
Intercepting on course 160.

10 September  
Grid AM51
11.00 Faint sound contact, bearing 230.
14.00 Sound contact with merchant. Moving slowly away in bearing 349.
14.20 Surface to send contact report.
18.03 Visual contact with a small merchant, ~2400 brt.
Surface attack despite bad weather. (manual TDC with WO)
18.09 Tube 1 fired at 3800 meters.
18.11 Torpedo impact at aft mast. Fires break out and it starts to list to port. Sinks by the stern in 1 minute. No survivors sighted.

12 September
Grid BF17
23.17 Reached assigned patrol grid, BF 17.

13 September
Grid BF17
19.15 Ship spotted bearing 027. English coastal merchant of ~2000 brt.
Surface attack. (manual TDC with WO)
19.18 Tubes 1 and 4 fired at 2400 meters
19.21 Torpedo hit in the stern.
19.35 Tube 3 fired at 1000 meters. No apparent result.
19.43 Tube 2 fired at 600 meters.
19.44 Impact amidships, large explosion. Ship breaks in two at the bridge. Sinks in less then 1 minute leaving a large burning oil slick. No survivors.

15 September
Grid BF13
10.52 Faint sound contact in bearing 240.
12.23 Distinct sound contact with fast moving merchant in bearing 010.
15.15 New sound contact bearing 305, slow moving merchant.
15.20 Visual contact with small coastal vessel (110 brt)
Submerged attack (manual TDC, not using WO)
15.35 Fire tube 4 at 1000 meters. Miss.
15.40 Fire tube 5 at 400 meters. No detonation (magnetic fuse)
15.42 Engine trouble, disengaging and heading towards base.
22.00 Faint sound contact bearing 350.
23.59 Visual contact at 2300 meters (low visibility) with small merchant of ~2000 brt.
Surface attack (manual TDC with WO)
00.06 Tube 1 fired at 800 meters, detonates after a mer 400 meters of run! (magnetic fuse)
00.07 Tube 2 fired at 550 meters.
Hit amidships, sinks in 2 minutes.

16 September
Grid AM87
19.18 Visual contact in bearing 060 with 2 C class Destroyers on E course!
Crash dive and evades to SW.

18 September
Grid AM52
05.02 Sound contact, slow moving merchant. Very long range bearing 308.
08.16 Sound contact , slow moving merchant. Very long range bearing 225.
09.00 Contact lost.

22 September
Grid AN23
16.05 Radio report. Enemy warships in Grid AF27. Course SSW. Speed 30 kts.
Investigating on course 315. Unable to make contact.

27 September
Grid AN31
06.58 Visual contact with small Norwegian freighter.

28 September
Grid AN35
01.01   Ship spotted in bearing 018, long range. Small English merchant ~2000 brt
Surface attack (manual TDC with WO)
01.09 Tube 3 fired at 1400 meters. Detonates after 30 seconds! (magnetic fuse)
01.17 Tube 4 fired at 1100 meters. No result.
01.21 Tube 5 fired at 1500 meters.
01.22 Hit amidships aft of bridge. Bridge catches fire. Sinks in less then a minute.
All internal torpedoes spent.

30 September
13.57, arrive back at Kiel. End of patrol.

Respectfully submitted,
Oblt z. S Jürgen Möwe
30/9 1939.