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CobraOne Feature list

Started by Mr_Pyro, January 18, 2005, 00:19:15

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Ø Cobra One is a continued development of the 1.08/SP3/BMS code base.
Ø Cobra One will work with WIN98/ME.
Ø This patch would not be possible without the contributions and hard work of all of the groups
that have worked on the Falcon 4.0 code, including: the Realism Patch Group, the eFalcon Team,
the Falcon 4.0 Unified Team and BenchMark Sims.
Ø Cobra One has been tested with Free Falcon 3 only. Attempting to run Cobra One with any Super
Pak or Free Falcon 1 or 2 install may not work properly.

1. Run the installer and let it install Cobra One.
2. Start Falcon 4.0 and first create a new pilot in Setup. This will allow Sound settings to stay as
you set them. Later you can rename your pilot to your old name.
3. You must use 32-bit resolution as Cobra One may cause problems if you do not.
4. Two versions of Cobra One are included. The default version is SSE. The files for the Non-SSE
version will be placed in a separate folder after install. If your system cannot run Cobra One with
the SSE version, try using the non-SSE version.
5. Once you have installed Cobra One, start your Cobra Config Editor. Make sure the executable
task bar at the top is pointed to Cobra One. C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\CobraOne.exe. You may then
make changes to the Cobra Config Editor. Note the new Cobra settings in the menu.
6. Make sure your desktop Icon is pointing to Cobra One and not another Falcon 4.exe.

General Additions, Fixes & Changes -
1. Hot-pit Refueling ââ,¬â€œ Anytime you are at a complete stop on any Taxiway or Parking ramp, you can
press T-7 (ATC menu) for "Request Hotpit Refuel" and get Hot-pit refueling. Upon your request,
you will hear the ATC reply "Cowboy X, copy" and your fuel tanks will begin to be refueled at a
reasonable rate. This also works for Guests in Multi-player. Additionally, in the Dogfight arena,
all Host and/or Guests have to do is land and come to a full stop on any Runway, Taxiway or
Ramp. They do not have to request Hot-pit Refuel, as they will be automatically refueled.
2. Weather features are now enabled. You can select Sunny, Fair, Poor or Inclement weather as the
weather type in your graphics set-up menu. The initial weather type is fair which gives you 3
different cloud layers, including cumulus. If you have a saved TE or Campaign file, you will have
to click on the ââ,¬Å"unlockââ,¬Â window in the weather graphics set-up menu in order to change the
weather type. Additionally, you can only change the weather type once in making a TE, thereafter
you have to use TacEdit v2.46.
3. Specular lighting effects work in Cobra One.
4. TEs and Campaigns saved in this version can be edited using TacEdit v2.46.
5. Turbulence is active in all 4 modes of weather. Pilots will experience different types of
turbulence based upon different conditions and time of day.
6. Cloud heights and weather types can be edited using the weather page in Tacedit. You can edit
Weather Conditions, including Cloud Base, Thickness, Contrail Level, Wind Speed and Direction
plus type of Weather. See Addendum-A for more details.
7. Thunder sounds are now enabled. You can turn the thunder sound on or off using the Cobra
Config Editor in the Cobra menu.
8. Sky-Fix- The tod.lst file can now be edited to affect changes in sky colors and other features
affected by this file. The tod.lst file is in the Falcon4\terrdata\korea\weather folder and controls
advanced lighting effects and the times of day the various lighting effects are activated. Many
star constellations are visible if you fly high at night. Big Dipper can be seen just left of heading
360 degrees for example.
9. Night Cockpits that you have installed can automatically be loaded while upon committing to Fly
depending on the Time of Day. See Addendum-B for more details.
10. Fixed the engine code issue where thrust was tied to the player's throttle and not the engine
RPM. Single and Dual engine codes fixed.
11. Fixed AI engine ramp starts. AI will now start correctly. Dual engine AI will now start both
12. Added visible engine smoke while on the ground for planes that have engines that smoke.
Additionally, smoke now only turns on from 80% to 100% power.
13. Aircraft engine smoke is now only visible below 10,000 ft. This is more realistic and should help
improve frame rates on some systems.
14. Added new ground smoke effect for moving vehicles. This can be turned on or off by using your
Cobra Config Editor in the Cobra menu.
15. Fixed AI so that the AI can fly NOE. This is set to 200ââ,¬â,,¢ by default, but can be lowered to 100ââ,¬â,,¢ by
changing the settings found in your Cobra Config Editor in the Cobra menu.
16. Fixed AI ground avoidance behavior so that it is no longer jerky or pitches up sharply.
17. Speech Message Voice Inhibit switch now works (Ctrl-v). Shuts up Bitchin' Betty but leaves tone
warnings on.
18. Wind speed and your direction shown in the briefing screen is now the same when you enter the
3D world.
19. Rockets now fire correctly. Results will not show in De-Briefing, but if target is destroyed, you
will get a successful mission rating.
20. Contrails will automatically appear on aircraft when they are at proper altitude.
21. ILS for Home Plate now works correctly on takeoff and return.
22. The A-G missile step has been fixed in all aircraft that would stick after one cycle.
23. Added ability to stop new Particle effects according to the levels of FPS. This can be adjusted in
the Cobra Config Editor in the Cobra menu. The default setting is 15 FPS.
24. Multiple CTD fixes.
25. A list of useful keystrokes and some new ones are in Addendum-C.

ATC Additions, Fixes & Changes-
1. Time to Abort flight is changed so there is a less chance of getting kicked out of line in long
delays to Takeoff.
2. Added Taxi-Time variable to Cobra.cfg. See Addendum-E
3. Added player warning and then abort if he is close to landing without gear down. You will
repeatedly hear the ATC call gear checks if your gear is not down.
4. ATC now gives departure vector upon take-off.
5. ATC is now aware of human player on the runway and will tell the AI to go around if a player is
on the runway while the AI is on final. Also, the ATC will give players or AI a go around if AI
aircraft take the runway to takeoff.
6. Added ATC command for when a player aborts landing sequence through the ATC Menu. Player
will now be told to resume own navigation.
7. Fixed aborted AI never being allowed back into ATC cycle.
8. Fixed ATC checking for AI on the runway when AI landing.
9. Fixed Divert Airbase code and call-outs.

Avionics Additions, Fixes & Changes ââ,¬â€œ
1. Scan IFF Mode is now featured on the FCR. See Addendum-D for more details.
2. Added display of designated ground targets of wingmen (GDLNK) on the NAV HSD. This will
show a circle with the wingmanââ,¬â,,¢s number over top of it. This is enabled by default and can be
turned off by clicking the CNTRL button and then clicking the GDLNK button.
3. Enhanced ADLNK and added ATA (antennae train angle) check for target display. This shows
your wingmanââ,¬â,,¢s bugged target in the HSD. ADLNK targets will now only display if within the
radar constraints of the AI aircraft.
4. Air-to-Air radar bug is fixed. This is the bug where your radar could not detect contacts beyond
the bubble distance of the contacts.
5. Speed caret on HUD has been changed back to operate on most types of aircraft. HUD specific
models of the F-18, F-14 & F-15 remain the same as are described in the BMS 2.0 manual.
6. The HUD Airspeed/Altitude/Radar Altitude readouts will now have a 250 ms delay in updating
(like the real jets). This works for Non-F-16 aircraft as well.
7. The F-16 HUD speed meter now reads 000 when under 60 knots and Mach 0.10.
8. Radar Altimeter no longer turns itself off when disabling Combat Auto-Pilot.
9. Added fix for A-G radar ground light intensity being too high and washing out screen and
10. CTD's should be greatly reduced when using Simplified Avionics in Setup.

Campaign Additions, Fixes and Changes-
1. Changed mix of A-A missions generated by the campaign ATO. Flights will now be tasked with a
mix of BARCAP, Sweep and DCA flights.
2. Changed the way Intercept flights are generated. Intercept flights will be more frequent and will
be generated to intercept certain types of enemy flights.
3. Enhanced SAD (search and destroy) missions.
4. Fixed the problem with some planes not having the correct amount of gun rounds upon entering
certain missions.
5. Fixed OCA weapons load bug in campaigns. ATO will now load more than 2 bombs for OCA
6. Fixed bug in code where 2D hits were not being recorded for dumb bombs in 2D. Planes carrying
dumb bombs will now be able to destroy targets in 2D.
Ramp/Parking Additions, Fixes and Changes-
1. AI wingmen will now move with you when you taxi rather than staying parked until you takeoff.
2. AI flights will move to takeoff position prior to Takeoff Time rather than sitting in Parking.
3. If you are in Combat Auto-pilot and enter Ramp Start, you can use Auto-pilot to start your
aircraft, including multi-engine starts. AI flights will also start multi-engine aircraft correctly.

Aircraft Carrier Operations Fixes-
1. AI flights will now raise their landing gear once they start their mission in the air when based on
a carrier.
2. AI flights will no longer get stuck in a nose high position after they start their mission in the air
from the carrier.
3. Carrier traps are now recorded and you can now get a successful mission rating after landing.
4. Some planes would explode on take-off from the carrier. This is now fixed.
Known Issues:
1. Some planes will still periodically be shown with missing landing gear.
2. In some instances, you will notice a graphics problem with the sky as it meets the horizon
resembling a ââ,¬Å"tearââ,¬Â in the seam.
3. In Setup/Graphics tab, the item for Video Card options shows both Direct3D HAL and Direct3D
T&L HAL. The Direct3D T&L HAL does not do anything so make your selection only Direct3D
4. Some shadows of aircraft on the ground will have light blue or whitish color while others will be
normal shadow.
5. Landing Gear Lights are not a smooth beam on the ground but may have a flickering pattern.
This is a known graphics problem.
6. While previously written TE's will seem to work okay, they might not work correctly. Particularly
threat circles and activity of AAA. Re-doing and saving TE's will solve the issue.

This picture below illustrates how variables in TacEdit v2.46 Weather section are used to edit
weather. Load your TE, Training or Campaign Save and in TacEdit select the Weather tab at the
bottom left of TacEdit.
Box item entries:
1. Temperature - Cloud Base level of Stratus 1 clouds in Sunny or Fair weather, or Cloud Base level
of Overcast clouds in Poor or Inclement weather
2. Con Layer Start - Level that Contrails on planes appear, in 1000's
3. Con Layer End - Thickness of Clouds whether Fair, Poor or Inclement, in 100's not 1000's as
5. Wind Direction - Reverse wind heading in degrees. For example above would be wind 'from' 360
6. Wind Speed - Actual level of Cumulus Cloud base if Fair weather is selected
1. Temp - Temperature in degrees Celsius
2. Wind - in Knots
3. Cloud Base - Enter digit for weather type: 1 = Sunny, 2 = Fair, 3 = Poor, 4 = Inclement
4. X Off - Do not edit any entry that shows 0.0077
Y Off - Stratus 2 Cloud Base, should be set higher than Stratus 1 Base
(Note: Entries in X Off and Y Off are sometimes reversed and that is ok)
When finished editing click on the Update tab in upper right corner then Save.

This procedure is written to discuss enabling Paul Wilson's Night cockpits to load automatically
when committing to Fly in Falcon4.
Other 3rd party cockpits that have a night cockpit folder may also be done but we will not cover
them as each may or may not have the files discussed below in them and you will have to adjust
yours on a case-by-case basis.
The PW Addon.exe places a 'Night Cockpits' folder in your Falcon4\art\ckptart folder. Open the
folder and inside are six more folders, each containing the night cockpit for the corresponding F16
type aircraft. Move all these folders from the art\ckptart\Night Cockpits to the new art\ckptartn folder
that is now installed. You will see that in the art\ckptartn folder there are already two other files.
These are 3dckpt.dat and menu.dat. Copy these two files and paste into each of the 6 individual F16
variant folders.
The following lines are pre-set in your Cobra Config Editor and have 3 sets of cockpit switch timings.
You can manually edit these if you wish. Find these lines near the bottom of your new Cobra.cfg file
included with this install. Use Notepad to open it.
set g_fdpitStart 0500
set g_fdpitStop 2100
These two lines control when your Day cockpit from art/ckptart folder is loaded in the Pie after
committing to Fly. In the settings above therefore, the Day pit will load from 5 a.m. till 9 p.m. Then
from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. the Nite pit will load.
The digits represent the time in 24-hour notation without the : symbol. You can edit them to be
whatever time periods you want.
To turn Nite pit loading off altogether, simply change the periods to:
set g_fdpitStart 0000
set g_fdpitStop 2359
Special Note: Once a pit is loaded and you are in flight, that pit will remain even if you fly beyond the
time period that pit should change. You would have to ESC out and rejoin to change pits from Day
to Nite or vice-versa.

Useful Keystrokes you may wish to use:
(Ctrl-x,g) turns Advanced Lighting On/Off in 3D world.
(Ctrl-x,h) turns Haze On/Off in 3D world.
(Ctrl-LAROW) refreshes IFF.
You may want to add some of these to your Keystrokes.key:
Go to your Falcon4\Config folder and right click on keystrokes.key to edit. Then Copy/Paste the
lines below into the file and save it.
This line will enable IFF Power to turn On/Off. Keystroke is (Ctrl-i):
SimIFFPower -1 0 0X17 2 0 0 1 "IFF-Scan Power On/Off"
This line will Toggle Engine Display in upper left of screen On/Off. Keystroke is (Ctrl-Shf-h):
OTWToggleEngineDisplay -1 0 0X23 3 0 0 1 "Toggle Engine Display"
This line allows you to cycle through engines in multiple-engine aircraft. Keystroke is (Ctrl-o)
CycleEngine -1 0 0X18 2 0 0 1 "Cycle Engine"
This line will Toggle Flap Display in upper left of your screen On/Off. Keystroke is (Ctrl-q)
OTWToggleFlapDisplay -1 0 0X10 4 0 0 1 "Flap Display Toggle"

Scan Mode IFFScan
Mode IFF is now featured on the FCR (fire control radar), together with AIFF on the NAV HSD.
IFF works by sending a signal to other aircraft and then interrogating the return of the signal in order
to determine if the radar contact is friend or foe.
IFF in Cobra One is powered On by default. To turn power Off/On you will have to add the keystroke
listed above to your keystrokes.key file and use Ctrl-I to cycle On and Off. You can also use the
switch located on the left side of your cockpit to turn IFF on and off.
With IFF on and FCR selected on the L-MFD, you can scan Radar targets for friendly v. unknown by
selecting Ctrl-LAROW on your keyboard. You will see a green 4-second countdown on the FCR
screen as the IFF scans the radar contacts (see Figure 1). When finished, all targets it interrogates
as friendly will be shown as small green circles and contacts it interrogates as unknown will remain
as yellow squares (See Figure 2). While green circles are friendly aircraft and yellow squares are
generally enemy aircraft, pilots need to use AWACS to verify the IFF interrogation authenticity since
some of the contacts may have missed the IFF scan.
Figure 1. IFF in scan Mode 4 Figure 2. IFF showing friendly & unknown returns
It is necessary to refresh this from time to time as radar conditions change. Scan Mode IFF is not
fool-proof and if your FCR drops radar track of any contact, then you will have to re-send the IFF
signal for re-interrogation. Also, if a new target appears after you perform IFF, youââ,¬â,,¢ll have to reinterrogate.
On the your FCR screen there is a CPL and DCPL mode which you access by pressing CNTL (OSB 5)
and then OSB 10. CPL interrogates what's showing on the FCR screen. DCPL interrogates the
whole 60x60 area in front of the plane and gives the pilot a snapshot of what is in the distant field of
view (See Figure 3). DCPL returns stay active for 5 seconds before being wiped.
On the HSD (normally right MFD in Nav Mode), the AIFF is active as well and will display friendly
interrogated returns based on the CPL and DCPL in the FCR (See Figure 4). If you do not want the
AIFF to display, on the HSD, press CNTL (OSB 5) and then OSB 3. This turns AIFF On/Off.
To return either or both MFDs then back to normal hit the CNTL (OSB 5) on each again.
To specify which aircraft have and do not have IFF, you will have to edit the aircraft flight model files
and add the following lineshasIFF
0 #turns it off ââ,¬â€œfor planes without IFF
hasIFF 1 #turns it on ââ,¬â€œfor planes with IFF
Figure 3. IFF shown in DCPL mode Figure 4. IFF showing returns on HSD

A new entry has been placed in your Cobra.cfg that you can edit with Notepad.
set g_fTaxiEarly 75
This figure is in seconds with 75 being default. This tells the AI when to begin moving towards
takeoff position. Adjusting this item may be helpful if you are having problems with AI planes
moving prior to Guests joining in Multiplayer.

Added new cockpit code to allow for dual gauges for aircraft with dual engines.
Callbacks 154-157 FTITLEFT/RIGHT Tape and Dials.
-Uses FTITStart, FTITIdle, and FTITMax in .dat file.
-Defaults to 5, 7, and 8.9.
-Dat file numbers multiplied by RPM: Start= 0 - 0.69 rpm, Idle 0.69 - 0.85 rpm, Max 0.85 to 1.03 rpm.

Ganska imponerande.
BMS verkar ha pysslat rätt länge med den.



Jag VILL inte börja mäckla med patchar igen! X-(

Stercus accidit
Quando omni flunkus moritatus


Intressant. Som sagt, Falcon upphör aldrig att förvåna...


De har lag till en mycket trevlig funktion, som minskar antalet visade specialeffekter om FPS sjunker under ett förinställt värde, klart coolt. Värdet ställs in i F4config.
