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SFP 2015 Public Beta Release

Started by Subroc, August 04, 2010, 13:12:53

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Swedish Forces Pack
SFP 2015 Public Beta

After months of work we feel its time to share. This release covers most of our ambition of soldiers, weapons for the 2015 scenario (A 1981 scenario is also coming later).
It is however full with bugs, there of the name beta. However we think people can have some fun, get a taste of what is coming.

Currently including:

* 2 Aircrafts, Saab JAS 39 Griffin and the Saab 105 in a "counter insurgency" configuration.
* 2 helicopters, the NH 90 and the A109.
* Several armored vehicles including the Leo 2 and the Swedish Cv 90.
* The RGM 32 patrol vehicle.
* Soldiers in desert, woodland and winter uniforms.
* Several weapons.

Our team is also looking for new talents and we are looking to fill this positions:

* ACE/config expert. (To make a separate fully compatible config for ACE)
* More players
* Mission editors
* Config fixers
* Documentation writers
* More modellers, esp for the 1981 scenario
* Textures, to improve our current models.
* World editors, to help out with the Swedish island currently in progress.

This release is available in two different packages. One includes bugs and one is without.
For people that normal post bug reports, doesn't like when things isn't up to ArmA2 quality we recommend
the High Quality No-Bugs version and for laid back casual gamers we recommend Low Quality Bugs version.

Download links

High Quality No-Bugs version

Low Quality Bugs version

Operation Arrowhead, CBA and an open mind.