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Open Letter från BIS

Started by MacLeod, June 22, 2005, 17:38:34

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QuoteArmed Assault (working title, aka ArmA) will be our next title for PC with an expected release date prior to the end of 2005. It will bring you a new engine with numerous improvements, including a completely new Direct X 9 graphics engine with support for detailed vegetation and dynamic water, reworked physical simulation and collision detection. Not forgetting of course, support for join in progress multiplayer. It will also contain a brand new environment and campaign set in the recent past. We also keep in mind all of the great community content created so far and weââ,¬â,,¢ll try to make it as easy as possible to convert and use any OFP content in ArmA. Good news for addon makers is that porting their work into ArmA will help prepare them for future releases of our engine, which in the coming years will expand over many areas the ability of our technology.


Fram tills dess lär det bli en hel del BF2 :D


>> It's all about teamwork! <<


"support for join in progress"  :) :) :)
87th Stray Dogs VFW


"Reworked physical simulation and collision detection." Låter inte heller så tokigt... ;)
...000... =)


jo, det vore ju kul om inte ett 13,5 ton tungt stridsfordon studsade som en fjäril när det kom i hög fart över krönen.


Hehe, fast just det är ju faktiskt rätt så roande, i alla fall i de gammla patcharna när man lätt kunde hoppa över/på fiende helikoptrar som flög på normalhöjd med en M113... :D
...000... =)


Bwahahahahahahahahahaha har jag aldrig tänkt på Dubble0zero
isuc at OFP :D