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Preview @ Check-Six

Started by KeyCat, July 12, 2003, 08:05:57

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Check-Six har en ny preview! Tyvärr på franska men tursamt nog är ju bildspråket universiellt och det är otroligt snygga bilder (vissa från tidiga builds andra från den senaste).


Screen shot galleri:

Någon som kan franska och har lust att översätta kontentan? Att LOMAC kommer att ha banbrytande grafik är ju redan klart men det de flesta här undrar är om LOMAC håller måttet i realism, avionik, multiplayer, kampanj etc...

Spana in denna, explosionen ser näst intill fotorealistisk ut och det ser ut som de implementerat ett riktigt partikel system för dem, sweeeeet :D

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

>> It's all about teamwork! <<


Tja, babelfish gör en något sånär förståelig översättning. Översätter hela sidor så.. Bara att pasta in url:en i "Översätt en webbsida" och välja franska till engelska.. :)

Första sidan iaf:

It is not without emotion that Check-six will deliver its first impressions to you on the simulator of modern jets more awaited by all the community.
Delays in carryforwards, "Lock one: modern air fights "(or Lock it: Air fights simulation for the European market) is made more and more wish. The developers of lomac work of tears off feet not to disappoint because they know that the simeurs are extremely demanding. This explains that, and if lomac is made wait, it is only to leave the team of eagle Dynamics time to finalize their simulator as well as possible. But will have included/understood it to you, we enter now the last straight line!

This simulator is single in its kind, since it is the first time that one will be able to as many control different modern hunters with their avionics, their systems of weapon and their own model of flight:

Sukhoï Known-27, Known-33, Known-25 and two versions of Mig-29 (A and C) for the camp Are;
F-15c, A-10 and Mig-29A German (with specific avionics) for the western camp.

Useless to say to you that the project was particularly culotté and many obstacles! Who could, indeed, have imagined that 10 years ago? A Russian team based in Moscow modelling the systems of weapon of F-15c and A-10 thanks to the will of one impassioned American (Matt Wagner), the whole published by Ubisoft, a French multinational... a whole symbol: the cold war is definitely indeed consumed!

Although being directly resulting from Flanker 2, Lomac (acronym of Lock one: Modern Air Combat)est well an entirely new simulator. But that does not want however to say that the plays disavows its origins, quite to the contrary!

Let us recall on this subject that Lock it was directly built on the basis of Flanker 2.51, ultimate version of this simulator exclusively dedicated to the Russian hunters. We are then in 1999, and Eagle Dynamics works on a rather wise continuation, with like only significant innovation the possibility of controlling Known-39, modern version (but still with the state of prototype) of the plane of attack on the Known-25 ground. This embryo of Lomac is then called "Flanker Attack!"

Very quickly, the small team carried out by Matt Wagner decides to integrate American A-10 into the project. Indeed, the sales of Flanker 2 remained rather marginal in addition to the Atlantic, and A-10 seems to be an excellent idea to arouse the interest of the US consumer In addition, Jane' S has just cancelled its simulator of A-10, which leaves "Flanker Attack" without competitor for this plane.

After a few months of development, the project takes its marks and the list of the finally controllable planes is updated: Known-33, Known-27, mig-29A, mig-29C, Known-25, Known-39 Russian side, F-15c and A-10 American side. As for the name of the future simulator it becomes "Lock it: Modern Air Fights "or" Lomac "for the close friends;)

One year, Known-39 later will be finally given up for lack of time and means. It is true, however, that there are only 2 prototypes of this plane and its integration in an environment "the Nineties" was passably anachronistic.

Little time after it is the dynamic countryside which will be removed because of the departure (for health reasons) of the programmer in load of this part of the play.
But trêve of bad news! Let us pass to the rejoicings!

My first "solo circuit" in solo!

After an installation without problem, one finds oneself in the principal menu which proposes to you to test one of the 6 controllable planes immediately (2 versions of mig-29 cash for 1). You find yourselves, thus, instantaneously with the orders of the jet of your choice.
You can also go in the section drive or create a fast mission using very practical "the generator of battle". This last makes it possible automatically to create simple missions in a few seconds, placing you directly in the heart of the action.

Finally, I decide to venture me in the editor of mission for this first catch in hand.
After having chosen the hour of the flight and the various friendly or enemy countries, I find myself in front of the chart of the theatre of the operations: this one covers all the Black Sea, but only the traditional Crimea as well as the Caucasus are modelled with precision. Nevertheless, compared to Flanker 2, that represents a "useful" surface than doubled more (including the assembly line of the vertiginous Caucasus and its tops)!
navigation on the chart is completely intuitive: clic gauche/glisser to move, caster for zoomer/dezoomer, and clic right to make a measurement of distance... Perfect!
The chart is entirely captioned and all is represented there (roads, railways, rivers, cities): if one zoome sufficiently, each building is visible individually. Moreover it is possible to post the level lines (an essential option to create flight plans in the mountainous zones) or a "satellite" chart using textures of the play itself (very pretty but not very practical). Lastly, a set of filters makes it possible to post or not the various elements of the chart to make it more readable (that can prove to be useful for a mission a little charged!)

ââ,¬Å"I will make weapons from your booones!!ââ,¬Â


Ska bara noteras att han som skrivit den previewen är under samma NDA som jag av samma anledning...