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Topics - KeyCat

DCS / Flaming cliffs / VFAT 2010
November 29, 2010, 20:03:58

The Virtual Festival of Aerobatic Teams or VFAT is a big international airshow like RIAT or MAKS and spectators will be able to watch the demonstrations flown LIVE through our VFAT TV.

The pilots mostly simulate the displays of real aerobatic teams like the Patrouille Suisse, Thunderbirds, Blue Angels, Russian Knights and Blue Impulse, however, many teams also create their own spectacular displays instead of simulating real life counterparts.

Witness the result of another year of hard work by the pilots, simply for the enjoyment to the general public!

VFAT 2010 Dates:
December 03/04/05

Watch LIVE here:


BIS/Sprocket har Thanksgiving Sales med 50% rabatt.

€ 19.99 för Arma 2: Combined Operations är ett kap och blir en bra julklapp till brorsan!

Till skillnad från många andra sim/spel företag erbjuder BIS sedan lång tid tillbaka alla användare att testa och ge feedback på deras betaversioner.

Betaversionen installeras parallellt med existerande version och startas med en separat shortcut (skapas i A2 foldern) så man enkelt kan välja vilken man vill starta och påverkar således inget annat.

Inget krångel och inga krav men om du erhåller CTD's etc. så är det bästa sättet att ge dem feedback genom att ZIP'a ihop följande tre filer och maila dem till dwarden (snabela) tillsammans med aktuellt versions nummer och en kort beskrivning (de svarar inte på det e-mailet utan bara samlar dumparna för att kunna reproducera/fixa eventuella buggar).


För att ta bort en beta är det bara att radera (eller döpa om) följande biblotek (är nog inte samma för STEAM), gör detta innan en ny beta installeras.

 X:\<path till A2:OA>\Expansion\Beta

Lista över bra servrar. Lägg till (eller skicka ett PM) om du känner till andra eller har mer/bättre info så uppdaterar jag första inlägget.


[HUD]Arma2-DK ArrowHead
Max 30 spelare
Addons: Inga

Dansk server med utmärkt hårdvara och kanon ping! Kör nästan uteslutande Domination och admin (Dorph) är ofta där och kickar/bannar kidz som inte uppför sig.

Max ? spelare
Addons: ?

Inte uppe 24/7 men kan rekommenderas när den är.

P vs P - C&H

DAO-XR Valhalla
Max 120 spelare
Addons: Inga

Tysk server som lirar något som de döpt till Valhalla (baserat sig på gamla Berzerk). Ofta gott om folk men kan vara svårt att få igång nått egentligt teamwork teamwork.


SFP Warfare Anrop
Max ? spelare
Addons: SFP ?

Ni får hjälpa mig här, kör inte Warfare.


SWEC's Server lista (tack zyklone)!


BAF + (kommande) PMC DLC addons för 13.50 EUR om man köper innan 24 November!

ArmA 2 BAF + PMC Preorder Bundle

Dessa DLC är inget krav för att lira för det medföljer gratis BAF Lite och PMC Lite i patchar för att bibehålla MP-kompabilitet. Dessa Lite versioner är dock begränsade i textur upplösning och ljud men går att använda och får ses som "innehålls demos".

Mer info om British Armed Forces (BAF)

Mer info om Private Military Company (PMC)


Startar denna tråd och tillsammans kan vi säkert täcka de flesta procedurerna i Ka-50. Väljer att skriva på Engelska för då kan vi eventuellt dela det med fler framöver... Påpeka gärna fel om ni hittar ;)

HMS - Head Mounted Sight

1. Pull down HMS [H]

2. View at target are (solid circle = within Skhval FOV, blinking circle =
  outside Skhval FOV).

3. Slew the Skhval sensor to current HMS cursor position by pressing
  uncage Skhval button [ O ]. Then fine slew as usual and lock any targets.

4. If you want to look up another area just aim with the HMS sight and
  press uncage Skhval button [ O ] again, you will see a cross in HMS sight breifly.

5. If in hover mode with auto turn ON [Q] the heli will automaticly turn the nose to
  head the new target area but it will take some time so be patience.


Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead - version 1.55 highlights

- Numerous stability and functionality fixes and improvements
- Reworked MP SP/MP Mission Selector
- Various visual optimizations and fidelity additions
- Added many new scripting commands and event-handlers
- AI behaviour related fixes and improvements

Version 1.54-1.55 Changelog

* Fixed: Subordinates would ignore their leaders' GetIn/GetOut commands in some MP situations.
* Fixed: Tanks were jumping a lot when driving over stones far from a camera (
* Optimized: Improved performance when wheeled or tracked vehicles are moving (related to ground trace maintenance).
* Fixed: Possible player desync after DeleteVehicle command when player is a gunner.
* Fixed: Audibility of the VoN direct channel and conversations are now based on the player camera position, instead of the unit position.
* Improved: Tree LOD blending is now smoother in many situations.
* New: Free camera can be locked to plain objects like trees.
* New: New MP UI for Create Game (both host and remote).
* Fixed: Fps degradation when vehicles collided with rocks (
* New: -skipintro command line option to disable loading menu cutscenes.
* Optimized: File cache memory handling is now faster.
* Changed: foreach variable _index renamed to _forEachIndex
* Fixed: Stop firing at vehicle crew once it is dead. (
* Fixed: Rpt file no longer created in local settings when -profile is used (
* Fixed: Some texture or model files not loaded from mod paths starting with @. (
* Fix: Flooding of RPT file by "Cannot find Object" and similar messages after client disconnection.
* New: Scripting command HostMission.
* FIX: Engine crash with diag_log versus %
* New: MP Diagnostics logged into the mpStatistics.log file at the end of mission.
* New: VSync config option
* New: GetResolution script function
* New: forEach: variable _index added to retrieve the position of _x within the Array
* New: getVariable: default value can be defined
* Changed: Preprocessor error no longer terminates the game.
* New: getTerrainHeightASL script function
* Fixed: Reduced z-fight in scopes.
* New: event handler "fired" returns magazine name and object of projectile.
* Fixed: Slow animation step on some buildings (doors on LHD,..)
* Fixed: Alpha blend in fog.
* New: mergeConfigFile script function
* Fixed: Heads of distant soldiers were sometimes invisible (
* Fixed: Fired EH (
* Fixed: Person - helicopter collision not causing heli damage, (
* New: setSimpleTaskTarget script function
* Fixed: SetIdentity (relate to 73319)
* Fixed: Ammo created with createvehicle inflicts no "hit" damage
* Fixed: My own shots no longer causing stress.
* New: WeaponAssembled, WeaponDisassembled events
* Fixed: Nearby units are notified of vehicles created by CreateVehicle command immediately now.
* Fixed: AI helicopters hovering too high when deploying troops on transport unload WP.
* Improved: Animation interpolation no longer shortening hands.
* Fixed: Relative formation command (advance/fallback/flank) now working as expected.
* Improved: AI mounting vehicles or catching up with formation covering a bit less to move faster.
* New: Expansions possibly registered in Windows Registry (by some future setups) are loaded and available through ModLauncher.
When used with -mod commandline the prefix '%' should be used, such as -mod=%someInstalledMod.
* New: added addWeaponCargoGlobal, addMagazineCargoGlobal, addBackpackCargoGlobal
* Improved: Improved helicopter AI formation flying and collision avoidance.
* Fixed: MPEvents were not synchronized to clients after respawn.
* Fixed: leaveVehicle no longer unassigns units from other groups (
* Changed: Event handlers evaluation, EH are now processed after simulation.
* Fixed: AI soldier unable to fire at targets below or above itself (
* New: addBackpackCargo script function
* New: Multiplayer Event MPRespawn synchronized on all clients but triggered only on the client where respawn happens.
* Fixed: Client had problems taking weapon from remote vehicle (supply target was handled localy)
* New: Multiplayer Event Handlers MPKilled and MPHit. Their event handlers are synchronized over network to be the same on all clients.
Moreover, when the MPKilled or MPHit event occurs it is triggered on all clients, ie. it works in global manner.
Use them by new scripting commands addMPEventHandler, removeMPEventHandler and removeAllMPEventHandlers.
* Fixed: Join group changes unit's side
* Changed: Airplanes parallax HUD disabled, can be enabled by "enableParallax" in config
* Fixed: execVM with a zero sized file has frozen the game.
* Fixed: Switching vision mode with fire mode
* Fixed: AI equipped with TI see through smokes
* Fixed: Commanding units with aiming deadzone
* Fixed: crash on server when loading ban.txt
* Fixed: crash in Ka52 while player as gunner
* Fixed: Shadows sometimes disappeared, esp. when sun was behind a player.
* Improved: changed tank AI driver behaviour
* New: Better clients bad CDKey checking on server.
* Fixed: Crash with AI leaving vehicle with GetOut EH (
* Fixed: Client with bad CD key is kicked off from server instead of being politely asked to disconnect.
* Fixed: Airplanes HUDs projected into infinity.
* Improved: Tracers visible in all directions.
* Fixed: Unable to connect to servers with equalModRequired.
* Fixed: AI stuck while in combat/stealth mode
* New: Explosive shells penetrate bushes;
* Fixed: FireAtPosition aimpoint
* Fixed: Multiplayer on LAN was crashing when GameSpy server was unavailable.

* Tweaked envelope and landing speed of L39.
* Fixed respawn weapons for some TK soldiers
* Renamed faction CZ - > ACR.
* Tweaked airplanes radars.
* Parallax airplane HUD projection.

Uppdaterar även orginal A2 1.00-1.07 till 1.08 om det behövs. OBS: Inte kompatibel med Steam versionen.

Högt tryck på servern just nu så avvakta till imorgon om du inte har brått!


Jag har sedan i somras stångat huvudet med både ED (via e-mail) och dess moderatorer (via forumet) i en förhoppning att de skulle bekräfta och fixa denna minneshanteringsbug som introducerades med de senaste patcharna för både FC2 och DCS:BS i Maj.

Nu ~6 månader senare tog jag kontakt med dem igen och fick följande respons från ED (saxat ur deras respons)...

Constant CTD in multiplayer is an extremely rare bug. It's so rare, that it's possible to conjecture the cause to be outside of FC2.

Av de jag flugit med här på NOSIG vet jag att vi är 4 stycken (jag, Salsam, Red One och Horisonten) av total ~8-10 som har problemet när vi lirar på MP servrar med många spelare, finns även fler i deras forum som har problemet.

Om de kallar detta "extremely rare" och pekar på våra system så vet jag inte vad jag skall tycka om deras support. Min slutsats blir att Eagle Design är djävligt ovilliga att patcha sina produkter så beware!



Kampanj 6: Battle 1 - Op River Rat startar Söndag 5:e December klockan 1900. Joina om ni har lust!

Det går att joina närsomhelst under kampanjen (under förutsättning att det finns lediga platser) men IMO är det roligast att var med från start. Kampanjen pågår i 8 veckor (med eventuellt juluppehåll) och är oftast inte avgjord förräns i sista slaget.

DCS / Flaming cliffs / Aktiv squad?
October 11, 2010, 18:36:44
Funderar på att hitta en squad som flyger DCS:BS regelbundet/semiregelbundet under hösten/vintern. Någon som har egen erfarenhet och/eller förslag på squad att joina?


DCS: A-10C Warthog (English download BETA version)

"DCS: A-10C Warthog" is a PC simulation of the U.S. premier Close Air Support attack aircraft. This is the second aircraft in the DCS series, following DCS: Black Shark, and raises the bar even higher in the DCS series. Warthog brings the most realistic PC simulation of a modern fixed wing combat aircraft in regards to flight dynamics, avionics, sensors, and weapon systems. You also have the option to play Warthog in "Game" mode for a casual game experience. Fly missions in the Caucasus region of the Black Sea against and with a wide array of air, land and sea forces with new and improved intelligence. Create your own missions and campaigns with the included Mission and Campaign Editors, and fly with and against friends online using the included online game browser.

Pre-purchase of "DCS: A-10C Warthog" also provides access to Beta versions of the game and access to a closed Beta forum. Betas will be updated during development.


Minimal system requirements: OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7; CPU: Pentium 4 3 GHz; RAM: 2 GB; Graphics: 512 MB ATI or nVidia, DirectX 9 compatible; Sound card; 6 GB of free space on HDD; Copy protected, requires internet activation.

Recommended system requirements: OS: Windows 7 64; CPU: Intel Core i7-970; RAM: 4+ GB; Graphics: 512+ MB ATI HD4850+ or nVidia GTX260+; Sound card; 6 GB of free space on HDD; Copy protected, requires internet activation; Joystick.


Hösten närmar sig och dags för mig att joina CF igen...

Om någon annan är intresserad så hittar ni mer info här:


Inte för att det behövdes en demo för att övertyga mig till köp (definitivt mer än jag förväntade) men det är ju aldrig fel att testa först...

This 3GB demo thrusts you straight into the unique gameplay featured in the full version of Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead; it showcases the realistic sandbox environment, offers multiplayer gameplay, and gives you a peek at the vast array of vehicles, weapons, units at your disposal. The demo offers a massive amount of highly detailed content, giving you a sharp flavour of the epic new environment (modelled on real-world data), a full taste of the mission editor, and a real appetite to experience the most authentic mil-sim available: war without the training wheels.

Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead's demo includes:
Singleplayer mission "Coltan Blues" from the main campaign
Singleplayer scenarios "Benchmark" and "Little Bird"
3 Boot Camp scenarios (Basic, Driving and Helicopter tutorials)
Multiplayer missions "Hike In The Hills" and "One Shot One Kill"
multiplayer template "Team Deathmatch"
Mission Editor with save/load option

Och har ni inte A2 tidigare så rekommenderas ArmA II: Combined Operations som innehåller både orginal A2 + A2:OA. Föredrar själv DVD men snabbast/enklast är ju att köpa nedladdningsversionen från Sprocket (eller STEAM om man nu gillar det)...

Hoppas på lite mer aktivitet här när hösten nalkas!!


Intressant koncept av Oden, måste testas! Var håller du hus Oden?


Mycket fixar och speciellt bra för de som kör quad CPU och 4+GB RAM! Plocka bort "maxmem" och dyligt från kommandoraden efter ni installerat denna, behövs inte mer utan sköts automatiskt...

Version 1.07 Highlights

- Numerous stability and peformance improvements
- Various multiplayer fixes and improvements
- Improved support for CPUs with 4 and more cores
- Larger file cache on systems with more RAM
- Sound improvements
- AI improvements

DCS / Flaming cliffs / TacView 0.95 släppt
May 20, 2010, 18:16:59

Quote0.95 Full Flaming Cliffs 2 support, Black-Shark and Flaming Cliffs 2 recordings are about 3 times smaller


Tankar nu och skall se om jag får in den lite senare idag... Next är kompabilitets patchen för DCS:BS (inkluderar även den nya ljudmotorn i DCS:BS).


+ Corrected the 1st LOD model of the Su-25. Added missing damage model parts
+ Fixed the errors in the mission ââ,¬Å"Su-25 ââ,¬â€œ Routeââ,¬Â
+ Fixed AI logic for route navigation after conducting an attack
+ Fixed the AI aircraft parking errors in Sochi/Adler airport
+ The F-15 will no longer have the capability to identify friend or foe for a target masked in ECM
+ Aircraft will have the capability to refuel inside hangars
+ Fixed the error in the A-10 campaign structure
+ Fixed documentation errors
+ Reduced the turn rate of the F-15 below 0.4M
+ Fixed numerous errors in the encyclopedia
+ Fixed errors in the radio commands menu
+ Fixed the auto-start, installation and uninstallation functions
+ Increased the draw distance of foreground ground textures
+ The PgUp key will now function correctly during a cold start in an Su-25
+ Throttle input increments on the Su-25/T using the PgUp/PgDn keys have been made more even
+ Tuned the Z-axis for TrackIR
+ Fixed the input commands after opening the coalition chat window. RCtrl will no longer stick
+ The Su-25 skin names will no longer be duplicates
+ Added smoke rockets to the A-10 ââ,¬Å"AFACââ,¬Â task payload
+ Fixed the error with the target zone setting when the target zone radius is entered before the zone is placed on the map
+ Numerous enhancements for increased multiplayer game stability
+ Fixed the score count in multiplayer in cases of multiple hits on a target
+ Simultaneous running of DCS: Black Shark and Flaming Cliffs 2 on one PC is now possible
+ The LoGetWorldObjects function will now return correct names ââ,¬Å".Nameââ,¬Â, ââ,¬Å".UnitNameââ,¬Â and ââ,¬Å".GroupNameââ,¬Â
+ Neutral airbases will no longer report air traffic without contact
+ ATC will no longer be stuck on the phrase ââ,¬Å"Unable to clear for take-offââ,¬Â when a ground unit is present on the runway
+ Fixed the logbook error not counting the completion of a first campaign mission
+ Fixed Russian localization errors
+ Fixed the crash when pressing the Start button in the Training menu
+ Increased the WP smoke marker burn time
+ Fixed the error in fighter aircraft AI target detection logic due to incorrect radar range calculations regardless of target aspect
+ Fixed the error causing incorrect track playback after significant time compression is used
+ Added default tasking to air groups based on aircraft type
+ NAVY helicopters landing at Russian ships.
+ Was removed a first wide FOV from Su-25T Shkval which caused noticable frame rate drop. Now Shkval has a two FOV like a real prototype.
+ Subtitles of player and AI radio can turn off with corresponding option.
+ Fixed numerous other insignificant errors



To prevent cheating by exploiting altered visibility range settings in the graphics.cfg file, the the \Config\ServerGraphics.cfg has been created. Some parameters of graphics.cfg are exported to this file, which is included in the file integrity check system for online play. If the file contents on the client machine differ from the hostââ,¬â,,¢s, the client will not be able to connect.



+ Fixed an error in the F-15 polar curves that had caused a reduction in time required to achieve sustained turn rate at reduced speeds.
+ For the A-10 and F-15, added automatic flaps extension/retraction based on indicated airspeed when the flaps are set in the ââ,¬Å"downââ,¬Â position in the cockpit.
+ For the Su-27 and Su-33, adjusted the flaperon mechanization logic (the indicator will blink while the flaperon is adjusting depression angles ââ,¬â€œ this is not a bug).
+ MiG-29 flaps will move with the wind force.



Increased the error probability for radar-guided missiles (ARH, SARH, radio-command guided) based on altitude above ground. Currently the error probability increases from 300 meters to 0. Maximum error probability is at ground level for a target with minimum radial velocity. Error probability is reduced as radial velocity increases to 500 km/h. Above 500 km/h, error probability is minimal regardless of altitude.



For proper functionality, TrackIR software needs to be update via the ââ,¬Å"Check for Game Updatesââ,¬Â command in the TrackIR software.



LurchiDerLurch har släppt ett AC-130 Spectre Gunship Script för ArmA II (fortfarande beta, nästa version får MP stöd). Skrämmande prylar, inte skoj att tillhöra motståndarna när de sätter in denna...

Gillar att det emuleras IR-strobar på friendly units men måste säga att det blir nästan för enkelt med denna...

Kan hämtas här...