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Topics - KeyCat

Har så smått börjat undersöka möjligheterna med CoC Network Services 2.0 för att eventuellt i framtiden enklare kunna göra avancerade MP uppdrag till OFP.

Problemet är att jag inte har någon dedikerad server att kunna testa på och som det mesta krävs det att man leker/testar/labbar för att lära. Så frågan är...

Är det någon som har/har möjlighet att ge mig tillgång till en 24/7 dedikerad OFP server för test ändamål? Behövs även möjlighet att kunna FTP'a upp mina test uppdrag och eventuella addons (m.a.o behövs FTP möjlighet till FlashPoint biblioteket via en simpel FTP-server).

Observera att det primärt handlar om att testa script/mission ideér etc. vilket innebär att det oftast är endast är 1 client  (dvs jag) som loggar in och genomför diverse tester vilket innebär att bandbreddsförbrukning borde vara minimal.

Utan tillgång till server är det mycket svårt att göra mer avancerade script eftersom man måste testa de olika funktionerna "live" för att vara säker på att saker och ting fungerar som det skall.

För er som är intresserade av mer info om CoC Network Services kolla här:

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Sprang på denna tråd i BIS forumet.... Låter kanon och det skall bli mycket intressant att se hur de löst uppdateringarna mellan de olika uppdragen. Har önskat mig en bra co-op kampanj sedan dag 1!

Mer info finns här:

Operation Enduring Freedom

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

IL-2 / CoD / BoS / AEP patch 2.04 släppt!
July 21, 2004, 09:54:01
Har inte hunnit testa den ännu men detta står skrivet i README.RTF...

Changes and Additions

1. Tweaked damage modelling for Il-2, Ju-88 and B-17.
2. Tweaked flight model for the Spitfire Mk. IX.
3. Modified DGEN and NGEN.
4. AI will check for friendly fire more thoroughly.
5. Replaced Spitfire ASI with new ASI with new graduations.
6. Moved attachment points for FAB-250s on B-25s.
7. Made throttle lever of Me-163 move smoothly.
8. Added bomb load variants to Hurricane Mk. IIb.

Changes and Fixes

1. Reworked engine overheat for Spitfire Mk. IX.
2. Tuned the maximal RPM for Brewster Buffalo.
3. I-185 wonââ,¬â,,¢t explode when propeller tips touch the ground.
4. Reduced tail wheel bump for some planes.
5. Fixed a floating tail light on TB-3 4M-34R.
6. Fixed a bug that could make Me-163ââ,¬â,,¢s wheel cart to drop off the plane twice.
7. Fixed some spelling errors in game texts.
8. Removed fire extinguishers on P-38s.

Patchen hämtas här:

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

DCS / Flaming cliffs / Dubbelsäte i LOMAC
July 13, 2004, 22:11:26
Med senaste 1.02 patchen implementerade ED även ett odokumenterat experimentmode för dubbelsitsiga plan. Funkar enbart över LAN och det finns iofs inga dubbelsitsiga plan att välja men det hade varit skoj att höra om någon testar.

Om jag förstått saken rätt skall en kunna spaka men bägge skall kunna interagera med planets radar etc...

Hittade följande beskrivning (på tyska):

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Läste ett tips på det officiella forumet inatt och har precis testat och det funkar. När man spelar in ett track i MP så sparas det (idiotiskt nog!) med serverns inställningar, dvs har servern externa vy avstängd så kan du inte byta vy när du lokalt spelar upp tracket igen.

Men med en HEX-editor är det enkelt att råda bot på. Öppna *.trk filen i HEX-editorn och sök efter ExternalView="0" och ändra nollan till en etta (ASCII 31) och spara filen.
På samma sätt kan man enabla ExternalLabels="0" (ändra till en etta) om man föredrar att ha dem påslagna när man kollar på det inspelade tracket.

Nu kan man börja använda inspelnings funktionen mer som ett hjälpmedel när man lirar på on-line servrar och i efterhand gå igenom och kolla vad som egentligen hände och förhoppningsvis lära av sina misstag samt dra lärdom från de som är bäst genom att studera hur de agerar i olika situationer :)

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

DCS / Flaming cliffs / Cloud Mod v 1.00
June 27, 2004, 15:14:03
Mitch Janssen har släppt en trevlig mod som förbättrar molnen i LOMAC och gör dem större och "fluffigare". Hoppas han/någon fortsätter på konceptet och gör andra molntyper etc. för att få mer variation i vädret...

Finns att hämta här:

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

DCS / Flaming cliffs / Akan siktet i 1.02?
June 25, 2004, 09:58:25
Vet inte om det här är en bug eller bara om det är jag som suger därav ställer jag frågan...

Någon mer än jag som upplever att akan siktet i MiG-29:an är annorlunda kalibrerat än i tidigare versioner? När jag kör IRST har jag betydligt svårare att träffa med akan än tidigare, verkar som om jag får sikta över för att träffa?

En annan sak som jag undrat över, modelleringen av akan verkar relativt klen? Jag har iofs ingen egen erfarenhet men misstänker att ett par träffar från en 30 mm akan gör ganska stor skada på ett modernt plan men i LOMAC tycks planen tåla en hel del träffar.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Patch 1.02 är helt klart ett stort steg i rätt riktning! Undrar om det finns möjlighet att på något sätt ställa in så att labels syns på egna plan inom låt oss säga 1000 m men inte alls på fi? Hittar dock inget i labels.lua eller dockumentationen som tyder på detta...

Added the ability to change the color of labels (Config/view/labels.cfg -> config/view/labels.lua)

1. Colors in RGB format {red, green, blue}, volume from 0 up to 255
2. ColorAliesSide = {200, 0, 0}
3. ColorEnemiesSide = {0, 0, 200}

Enda chansen som jag ser det är om det finns någon RGB kombination som är gjord transparent, någon som vet?

En annan sak som gör mig konfundersam  följande i read_me-102.doc.

User-made snap views are saved in the Config/View/SnapViews.lua file if the parameter DisableSnapViewsSaving = true in the Config/View/Cockpit.lua file.

Borde det inte vara tvärt emot för att spara egna vyer? Alltså DisableSnapViewsSaving = false? Är det bara en typo?

Sist vill jag bara nämna att deBug, Doc, ctrl och jag gjorde en del testflygningar igår med blandade resultat... Vi hoppade först in på en server via HL som verkade OK, var ca 10-12 personer där men resultatet var tyvärr lag city och ospelbart. Eftersom även pingen flukturerade ganska kraftigt på oss alla och var periodvis mkt hög tyder det på att han som hosta a) hade en burk som suger b) hade en lina som suger c) inte konfigurerat den rätt eller d) en kombination av alltsammans???

Tidigare var jag och deBug inne på en amerikansk server med ping på ca 120-180 ms och allt fungerade som det skulle med "acceptabelt" warpande på vissa.

Efter det misslyckande försöket på servern med "lag city" hostade deBug på sin maskin och vi andra connecta i 128KB/128KB i ett enkelt DF mission. Pingen låg mellan 25-50 ms på samtliga och nu var det skillnad, 99% av tiden fanns inte en tillstymmelse till lag/warpande och tät formationsflygning är fullt möjligt (nu var vi dock bara 4 stycken, skall bli skoj att se med 12-16 plan i luften) :)

Som sagt patch 1.02 var ett behövligt lyft för LOMAC och jag hoppas inte det slutar med denna utan att vi får se mer av denna produkt antingen i form utav fler uppdateringar och/eller nya addons att köpa! Mer/bättre väder modellering och en bättre kampanj motor hade ju inte skadat ;)

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Ytterligare ett bevis på att OFP motorn är mycket universel. Nu kan vi bilda MCNG :D

Mer info och download finns här:

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / Camo Nets
June 12, 2004, 00:40:34
RockofSL har släppt sin mycket trevliga UK Camo Nets... Blir en helt annan grej att hitta/se saker med dessa :p

Hämta här:

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Senaste versionen av AA släpptes häromdagen. Har ännu inte testat men intressantast i denna version verkar vara den nya "ragdoll" effekten samt nya vapnen RPG och AT4...

America's Army: Special Forces (Downrange)
Release Notes (Version 2.1)

What's new

Character 'Ragdoll' Physics

New in this edition of America's Army is the implementation of the Karma Physics Engine. This new feature applies real life physics to all player characters in the game. This produces real-time unique animations for each character during gameplay. These unique animations are calculated using real life physics as well as many other factors including, the gun/bullet type used, the distance from a frag grenade, the damage location on the body, etc.

New U.S. Weapon - M136 AT4

The M136 AT4 is the Army's primary light anti-tank weapon. The M136 AT4 is a recoilless rifle used primarily by Infantry Forces for engagement and defeat of light armor. The recoilless rifle design permits accurate delivery of an 84mm High Explosive Anti-Armor warhead, with negligible recoil. The M136 AT4 is a lightweight, self-contained, anti-armor weapon consisting of a free-flight, fin-stabilized, rocket-type cartridge packed in an expendable, one-piece, fiberglass-wrapped tube. The M136 AT4 is man-portable and is fired from the right shoulder only. The round of ammunition is self-contained in a disposable launch tube. The system weighs 15 pounds and can be utilized effectively with minimal training. The Opfor equivalent is the RPG-7.

New 'Tournament Mode'

This version of America's Army features new tournament mode features, which are accessible either via the command line or a GUI interface. It will include an adjustable pre-match warm-up period with an in-game notification that the match is beginning. The time remaining until the tournament start is also displayed on the score screen, as well as in-game reminders, and a final 10-second countdown.

Tournament Mode

The new tournament mode has the following features:
- The ability to launch tournament mode via the command line
- Tournament Squad Leaders with special permissions
- A pre-match warm-up time which does not count toward the tournament score.
- Score screen is displayed at the end of the match, and the match does not automatically restart.
- Time until the tournament starts is displayed on the score screen.
- Messages remind the players how much time is remaining before the tournament begins.
- Ten second countdown reminder before tournament starts.
- Tournament and warm-up start messages.
- The ability to control tournament functionality via ini file settings

New Admin functionality:
- The ability to set/remove Tournament Squad Leaders

New Tournament Squad Leader or Admin abilities:
- Restart the tournament when the tournament is over or during play
- Force the start of the tournament
- Force the start of the warm-up period
- Force the start of the tournament with a 10 second count down
- Mute a players on same team or whole team
- Place players on team
- Place players on specific fire teams in specific classes
- Set the Tournament start time

Generic Steps for Starting a Game in Tournament Mode:

1. Set the ArmyOps.ini file settings for the tournament.

In the [AGP_Gameplay.AGP_GameTeamObjective] section set the following values:
- TournamentWarmupTime=1
- TournamentStartTime=2

TournamentWarmupTime will be the number of minutes to wait until starting the warmup period. TournamentStartTime will be the number of minutes to wait until starting the actual tournament. Make any changes to the standard roundspermatch and matchesbeforecycle variables as desired.

* NOTE: There also exist a preset tournament configuration file called servertournament.ini located in the 'System' folder.

2. Launch the server in tournament mode.

This is done by launching the server with the Tournament or LanTournament command line flags. An example command line would be:

server LANTOURNAMENT pipeline.aao log=server.log

* NOTE: There also exist a tournament server batch file called RunServerTournament.bat that contains a sample command line for running a typical tournament server. This file is located in the 'System' folder.

A server launched with the TOURNAMENT flags will be set up for internet play. A server launched with the LANTOURNAMENT flag will be set up for lan play.

3. The two leaders of both teams must connect to the server.

4. Log into the server as an Admin.

5. Admin designates the Tournament Squad Leaders for each team.

One player from each team must be designated as a Tournament Squad Leader. Select the Tournament tab from the in-game menu. This displays a list of all of the players currently on the server. To add the player as a tournament squad leader first highlight their name in the list. Then select the team to add the player to and click the Add button. Then click the Set button next to the team leader section to set the player as a team leader.

6. Squad Leaders add team members to their team.

Once the admin has set the Tournament Squad leaders, they are able to perform their tournament commands. First they must select the members for their team. To add a player to a team first highlight the name of the player to add to the team. Then select the team to add the player to and click the Add button. Repeat until all team members are added to teams. (Note: admins cannot be added to teams).

7. Squad Leaders assign team members their fire teams and classes.

To add assign a player first highlight the name of the player to be assigned. Then select the appropriate unit slot from the drop down box (Squad Leader, Fireteam Alpha, Fireteam Bravo etc.). Then select the appropriate class within the unit from the drop down box (Rifleman, Grenadier, etc.). Finally, click the Add button to place the player in the specified slot.

All players should be assigned to a Fireteam and class.

8. The Warm-up period begins automatically.

Players can play normally and warm up during this time. Warm up has no bearing on the score of the tournament. This time may also be used to verify that all players are on the correct team in the correct classes.

9. The Tournament begins automatically.

A countdown will notify the players that the tournament is starting. Once the ââ,¬Å"Tournament Startingââ,¬Â message appears and the round restarts, the tournament has begun.

10. Tournament Ends, Tournament Score is displayed.

When all rounds have been completed and the tournament is over, a screen will appear displaying the winner of the tournament and the final score. This screen will continue to be displayed until the tournament is restarted.

Advanced Tournament Options

Admins and Tournament Squad leaders with the proper permissions can perform certain tasks which control the flow of the tournament. The normal flow of a tournament is automatic, however these actions may be performed if the normal flow needs to be altered. The actions are performed by clicking the corresponding button in the Tournament Tab of the in-game menu.

RestartTournament - Restarts a tournament during play or after the match is over. The tournament will start over and all scores and values are reset.

StartTournament - Forces the start of the tournament.

Warmup - Forces the start of the warm-up period.

CountDown - Forces the start of the tournament with a 10 second count down.

Depending upon the values set the in the ArmyOps.ini file, Tournament Squad Leaders may be able to perform additional commands. Admins may always perform these commands. The following are some of these commands:

tournament SetStartTime newstarttime

This command will set the time in minutes until tournament start to the specified newstarttime value.

Advanced configuration file (.ini file) settings:

These settings are listed in the following format:
[Type] [Variable Name] [Default]

int TournamentWarmupTime 1
Number of minutes to wait until starting the tournament warmup

int TournamentStartTime 2
Number of minutes to wait until starting the tournament

bool bTournamentSLCanAddToTeam True
Tournament squad leader can add players to teams

bool bTournamentSLCanStartTournament False
Tournament squad leader can force tournament start

bool bTournamentSLCanStartWarmUp False
Tournament squad leader can force warmup start

bool bTournamentSLCanStartCountDown False
Tournament squad leader can force tournament start with 10 second countdown

bool bTournamentSLCanRestartTournament False
Tournament squad leader can restart the tournament

Advanced Admin/SquadLeader Commands (built into GUI):

Command: RestartTournament
Argument Type: N/A
Description: Restarts the tournament either in progress or after it has ended
Usage: "tournament RestartTournament"

Command: StartCountDown
Argument Type: N/A
Description: Forces the tournament to start with a 10 second countdown
Usage: "tournament StartCountDown"

Command: SetStartTime
Argument Type: int
Description: Sets the time until the tournament starts
Usage: "tournament SetStartTime newstarttime"
(newstarttime = minutes until the tournament starts)

Command: StartWarmUp
Argument Type: N/A
Description: Forces the tournament warmup to start
Usage: "tournament StartWarmUp"

Command: StartTournament
Argument Type: N/A
Description: Forces the tournament to start
Usage: "tournament StartTournament"

Command: AddToClass
Argument Type: string or int, int, int
Description: Places a player on a fireteam in a specified class
Usage: "tournament AddToClass PLAYERNAME UNIT_SLOT SLOT_INDEX"
(PLAYERNAME = The name or player ID of the player,
UNIT_SLOT = 0,1,2... 0 = Squad Leader,
1 = Fireteam Alpha, 2 = Fireteam Bravo, etc.
SLOT_INDEX = 0,1,2... 0 = First slot in the unit,
1 = Second slot in the unit, etc.)

Command: AddToTeam
Argument Type: string or int, int
Description: Places a player on a specified team
Usage: "tournament AddToTeam PLAYERNAME TEAM_ID"
(PLAYERNAME = The name or player ID of the player
TEAM_ID = 0 or 1 0 = Assault, 1 = Defense)

Command: Mute
Argument Type: string or int
Description: Toggles the muting of a player or all players, Works just like admin mute, only Tournament Squad leaders can't mute players on the other team
Usage: "mute all" or "mute PLAYERNAME"
(PLAYERNAME = The name or player ID of the player)

New Stryker Armored Vehicle

This version of America's Army introduces the Army's new Interim Armored Vehicle, a.k.a. the Stryker. The Stryker vehicle is currently implemented as a stationary vehicle with a fully functioning .50 cal turret usable by the player. The Stryker's turret is accessible from inside the vehicle and has full zoom capability. These new Stryker vehicles are available in the "SF Arctic" mission. The Stryker turret zoom in/out keys are defaulted to the MouseWheelUp and MouseWheelDown keys, however they can be changed through the settings menu.

New Multiplayer Missions

Included in this version of America's Army are two new multiplayer missions. Both of these new missions are Special Forces missions containing both the Special Forces playable Soldier class, as well as the Indigenous Forces playable class.

- SF Village:

Insurgent forces have acquired multiple weapons caches and are holding up in an abandoned desert town. A Special Forces A-Team, along with friendly Indigenous Forces, must infiltrate their position in town and seize these weapons caches in order to degrade enemy capability to arm insurgent forces.

- SF Arctic:

Coalition forces transporting arms and ammunition struck an improvised explosive device (IED), immobilizing one of their vehicles on a high-altitude mountain road. A Special Forces A-Team, along with friendly Indigenous Forces must now protect their essential materials and supplies from an assaulting resistance force who wishes to capture those supplies. The Stryker vehicles accompanying the supply convoy have taken defensive positions to help defend the immobilized convoy.

New Realistic Suns Including Lens Flare

Sun lens flares portray the real-life effects that you see when looking toward the direction of the sun. Their introduction has a really exciting impact on gameplay and in a variety of ways.

When looking in the direction of the sun, this has a slight-to-moderate impact on your character's vision. Sun flares add a much greater immersiveness to the game, brightening-up your gamma momentarily. Needless to say, sun flares have a much greater impact on certain levels/ missions. They are not limited to SF-only maps and are retro-fitted to previous/existing maps including Radio Tower and SF CSAR.

Class Selection Page Enhancements

New in this version are 2 new enhancements to the in-game class selection page:

- 'SWAP' feature

Players can now request to swap weapons/classes with your teammates simply by hitting the 'Swap' button next to his name in the in-game class selection page. Once your teammate acknowledges your request to swap classes, your positions will automatically switch.

- Weapons Mod Set Quick-Select

Players can now select their weapon mods set directly from the class selection in-game menu rather than having to go back to the main user interface.

New RPG and AT4 3D Ironsights with Adjustable Range Settings

Both the RPG-7 and the M136 AT4 have new 3D ironsights in this latest version of America's Army. These weapons also both have the new functionality of 'adjustable range settings' based on the distance to target. Players can now adjust the ironsights based on the range to target, and then simply aim directly at the target when firing. The RPG/AT4 can be set to the following ranges: 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 meters. The range adjustment keys are defaulted to the MouseWheelUp and MouseWheelDown keys, however they can be changed through the settings menu.

New 'Auto Slow Mode' Toggle for Zooming

New in this version is new functionality for toggling 'auto slow mode' for zooming. You can now go to slow mode and raise your sights by pressing the zoom key instead of pressing two different keys (zoom and slow mode keys). This new feature allows automatic switching your player to ââ,¬Ëœslow walk modeââ,¬â,,¢ while zoomed in and auto-switching back to ââ,¬Ëœfast-walkââ,¬â,,¢ when they un-zoom. There is an option added to the settings menu to toggle between this new system and the old system.

New 'Combat Reload' Including 'Plus One' loading

When a player has an applicable weapon and reloads with a non-empty magazine, they now retain the round in the chamber and the magazine that was removed is decremented 1 round. With proper timing this also allows for a faster reload time as the player's animation will not have to clear the chamber and tap the forward assist with a round still in the chamber.

New Alpha-Spectate Enhancement

New in this version is an enhancement to regular spectating mode. When spectating a player in 3rd person, the player's chararacter will now become transparent as your camera position comes closer to the player character model. This prevents graphical clipping and allows the spectator to focus on the action surrounding this player's character.

New Demo/Kiosk Mode

New in this version of America's Army is a Demo/Kiosk mode. This 'Demo Mode' allows for the game to run demos either at the press of a button or after a customizable set time limit. This demo mode allows for the gameplay to be demonstrated without having internet connectivity. Player created demos can be used in this demo mode as well.

* NOTE: If you enable 'Demo Mode', you restart the game for this setting to take effect.

Extras Included

Gamespy Arcade:

GameSpy Arcade is the fast, free way to find games and opponents America's Army online. Join millions of other players just like yourself!


SeeMePlayMe is an online gaming and chat program that allows you to connect or create custom game servers. SeeMePlayMe supports online multiplayer gaming, voice, video, text chat, and room creation.


Xfire is a free application that makes it easy to play Americaââ,¬â,,¢s Army with your friends. Xfire shows you when and where your friends are playing online and lets you join their game with one click.

* NOTE: If you have patched from an earlier game version, you can find these 'Extras' setup files in the game's root installation directory. (Default is C:\Program Files\America's Army)

Other Additions

- Bullet/Explosion decals on terrain
- Display as OpFor option for Spinny Weapon Weapon Mod page
- Added locational damage for projectiles. Players no longer take global damage from getting hit with projectiles. They now take damage based on the speed of the projectile and the area of the body hit. For instance a player hit in the head with an RPG round will now die, but a hit to the arm would not be fatal.
- Added delayed shell ejection. Weapons with delayed shell ejection (M203, M24, Mos, BS1 etc.) will now ejects spent shells. Bolt action weapons now correctly eject shells when working the bolt.
- Added config variable "PlayerAdmin" under section "[Engine.AccessControl]" to list players authorized to be player admins.
- "admin ban" command.
- "admin banlist" command.
- "admin unban" command.
- Added America's Army Europe (NATO) Server icon
- Server Browser Filters: PunkBuster, America's Army Europe (NATO)
- Controls Options Setting: "Auto Walk Zoom"
- Audio Setting: "Use Default Driver"
- Player Count is displayed next to each team (Assault and Defense)
- Smooth zoom transitions for 3D sights and 2D ironsights
- code-based Weapon Cyclic rate control for smoother weapon animations
- Added a folder for demos.
- Player Start: IF Advanced Marksman (VSS Vintorez Sniper)
- Server will now re-authenticate itself at the end of every match.
- New Arctic IF player textures.
- Dropped weapons now lie on their side and match the slope of the terrain they have landed on
- Added an External Link message if you try to connect to a legal map that you don't have
- Added a dialog box that asks if you want to enable PB the first time you run the game
- Added turret death message
- SF Sandstorm: added new animated palm trees and louder ambient wind sounds
- IRC in-game chat enhanced with new text characters and colored text.

What's changed

- Binoculars no longer breathe cycle
- Players can now use the 'password' text box in the Server Browser for both the admin password and the game server password
- Single Player defaults to SF instead of IF
- Improved team swapping. Will now fulfill players change team requests better
- code-based Weapon Cyclic rate control for automatic weapons
- Weapons are now dropped realistically when the player dies
- Adjusted physics for rocket projectiles.
- RPG rounds now dud 10% of the time instead of 20%
- Rocket Projectiles trails now go out when their propellant runs out.
- You can't get idle kicked for a round that lasts less than 20 seconds
- Internet browser list no longer clears when you close menu (it still clear when you go to the LAN browser or switch levels though)
- Adjusted the Ak74 iron sight position to provide a better sight picture and reduce model "jitter"
- The dialog box that tells you that you're trying to join a PB enabled server now allows you to enable PB and join the server
- Various scope/sniper tweaks.
- SF Sandstorm: removed the M203 from this map
- Adjusted many map weapon loadouts and spawnpoints (esp. frag nade loadout)

What's fixed

- Shells can no longer climb walls if you're too close to a wall
- Nightvision is disabled when broll is on (exploit)
- Fixed 'duplicating weapons' exploit
- Fixed many map exploits
- Missing Fonts (double quotes, special ASCII characters, etc.) have been generated and integrated (IRC)
- Fixed a bug where the an RPG round would float in mid-air if spawning on an IF.
- Fixed a bug where player animations were playing the wrong speed in multiplayer.
- Fixed a bug where the M24 would stay zoomed after firing while moving or changing stances.
- Map loading time should be decreased
- Audio Settings: Default Driver cannot be chosen if Hardware or Hardware + EAX is chosen
- Fixed "Gun half up" bug
- Fixed shell casings not spawning sometimes
- Fixed rifle range crash bug
- Soldier "spinny" Weapon and Weapon Mod should not appear in odd instances (loading screen, etc.)
- PunkBuster enable/disable unified between Internet and LAN server browsers
- Server browser filtering tweaks
- Sniper qualification now test rifle range score as well as sniper training
- Fixed duplicate grenade getting dropped just as grenade is thrown
- Weapon or grenade geting stuck if sprinting right after spawn, or right after switching to grenades
- Disabled Console Commands: PAUSESOUND/UNPAUSESOUND (possible exploit)
- Gamma can't be set higher than 1.5 in the .ini file
- UI weapon mods should no longer sometimes disappear and reappear in levels
- RemoveClassInventory properly removes items when non-SF qualified but in an SF slot (Sandstorm grenades)
- Fixed weapon reloading bug
- Server Browser: password is always passed on Server Join (for admin and/or game)
- Server Browser: Check for MILES-only servers
- SF CSAR: fixed 5 known map exploits
- Adjusted 1st person spec view interpolation (smoother iew now)

Known Issues

- Weapons occasionally overlapping in hands when spectating other players
- RPG will occasionally be seen as backward when spectating other players
- UI Spinning Weapons sometimes stops spinning after disconnect
- Karma bodies sometimes disappear when they land on certain StaticMeshes
- Spectating camera may not rotate around some Karma bodies

Mer info och gratis nedladdning finns här:

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

En snubbe vid namn Olivier Beaumont har en hel del trevliga checklists och nav-kartor till LOMAC på sin hemsida...

Han har även en avdelning för Falcon 4...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

CoC "grabbarna" har släppt sin STORA smällare :p

Kräver CoC Unified Artillery för att funka.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / Bradley Pack
May 12, 2004, 13:41:37
Rudedog har släppt version 1.10 av sitt mycket trevliga Bradley pack...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Falcon 4.0 / Intervju med BMS
May 05, 2004, 11:05:46
Intressant läsning och rätar dessutom ut en del frågetecken och tar död på många rykten...

BMS killarna verkar mer än "hyvens" och vi kan ju alltid hoppas att det är denna version vi kör på LAN'et :D

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

DCS / Flaming cliffs / Rosa elefanter (nästan!)
April 28, 2004, 06:53:36
Nä jag har inte käkat svamp men sprang på problemet i LOMAC 1.01 och mitt Ti4200. Blir följande resultat om jag slår på advanced haze. Provat med ett par olika nVidia drivers (ver 56.72 och 60.72) men problemet kvarstår. Någon som känner igen problemet?

Övrig konfig är Windows XP Pro, DirectX 9.0b, AMD XP 1800+ och 768 MB RAM.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Allmänt / Rå GPU fakta
April 27, 2004, 09:02:18
Hittade dessa "bra och ha" tabeller på Rojak's site....

/Christer (a.ka KeyCat)

En tilläggs URL av Mr Jim, massor av olika grafikkort och länkar till reviews av dessa, praktiskt.

Edit: Tog bort stickyn då länkarna är inaktuella. Någon får gärna leta upp liknande sidor igen. / Horizon
Verkar som saker och ting börjar arta sig vad det gäller buggarna så för min del är det snart dags att ta en ordentlig titt på LOMAC, så fort patchen är släppt...

1.02 patch MP 04/25/04

Vi kan ju alltid hoppas att 1.02 patchen kommer innan LAN-mötet i Halmstad nästa månad...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / A Shau Valley
April 25, 2004, 08:55:28
En ny mycket trevlig Vietnam karta är på gång, baserad på verklig topografi. Beta version finns att hämta hem (kräver snabb dator!)...

Beta version

Karta över området

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)


Hade varit skoj att höra om resultatet om någon här flyger en match...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)