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Topics - KeyCat

Postat av placebo på det officiella forumet... Förhoppningsvis säger de något positivt om OFP 2 även om det mest troligt dröjer länge ännu :D

We're pleased to confirm that Bohemia Interactive will be at this year's E3. Marek Spanel and myself will be in attendance at room 6941 of Kentia hall where we intend to announce our release plans for 2005 and beyond. We will also reveal further details about the games we're currently working on.

We greatly appreciate the support and loyalty that the Flashpoint community has shown to us over the years and thank you for your continuing anticipation, support and patience.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / Fler saker på G!
April 16, 2005, 18:44:38
Jotte och jag har precis avslutat ytterligare ett test av saker som kan tänkas komma i nästa uppdatering av NOSIG Standard Pack och denna gången handlar det om gräs :D

En snubbe vid namn Djukel har skrivit ett kanon script som ger dynamiskt gräs över hela ön och efter lite modifiering funka det även super i multiplayer utan att öka mängden nätverkstrafik.

Ta en titt på dessa bilder och Jotte kommer säkert att posta sina...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Ta en titt på dessa bilder :D



Japp, ni ser rätt! En snubbe vid namn Locke @ Germany har gjort en banbrytande mod så att man kan luta sig höger/vänster samt rulla runt om man ligger i OFP. Funkar mycket bra i SP och jag har implementerat hans Beta i NOSIG Standard Pack uppdateringen men det kvarstår att hårdtesta det i MP innan vi ropar hej. Bör inte vara några problem när alla använder samma CONFIG.BIN fil men jag vill testa först innan jag lovar för mycket.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Verkar som det är på gång att bildas en liten grupp som moddar/fixar Longbow 2 :D;f=9;t=002658

Nu är det ju inte alls säkert att de kan fixa de problem som finns men jag är tacksam att någon ens försöker... Time will tell!

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

IL-2 / CoD / BoS / SEOW Public Demo
April 04, 2005, 12:34:25

The SEOW DEMO has been updated and is now showing the "Prokhorovka Campaign" by Murdock.


Mission Planner Link >>

The Mission Planner will present you with a logon screen. Depending on what you wish to look at, use the following:

Allied Commander:
UserID: AlliedHQ
password: canberra

Axis Commander:
UserID: AxisHQ
password: tokyo

The nezt screen presents the campaign sectors that are currently avalable. For this DEMO, I have installed the "Prokhorovka Campaign" by Murdock and it is available by selecting "Prokhorovka" on this screen.

The next screen displays the overall campaign sector map sub-divided into individual "districts". Simply click on the "alpha letter" to display the district or select from the two dropdown boxes at the top.

Any additional information concerning the features, the SEOW Forums, and the latest files can be viewed at this link to

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Allmänt / CPU, GPU och nu kanske en PPU?
March 10, 2005, 14:03:29
Ett företag vid namn Ageia håller på att utveckla en ny så kallad PPU (Physics Processing Unit). Om de lyckas med PhysX och om spel/simulator utvecklarna stöder den kan det bli ett riktigt lyft för fysiken i simulatorer.

Mer info:

Time will tell...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Igår släpptes demo och ett sk "media pack" till Dangerous Waters. Tanka här...

Verkar dock vara en SP demo men det är ju bättre än inget demo alls!

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / Alternativa tracers!
February 02, 2005, 15:54:29
En snubbe vid namn bn800 har löst tracerproblemet på ett litet annat sätt än Wolfbane.

Jag har själv inte testat dem ännu men det är på min "att-göra" lista och det ser ju ganska bra ut på bilden ovan.

Hur som helst så inkluderar jag länken nedan ifall någon vill testa...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Sprang på det här...

Quote, Inc., and Sonalysts, Inc. announced today that the inaugural title of the Sonalysts Combat Simulations brand, named S.C.S. Dangerous Waters! has now officially gone ââ,¬Å"goldââ,¬Â. Production begins immediately, and pre-orders are opening today.

The game will be shipped in two different versions ââ,¬â€œ a Deluxe version for $55 plus Shipping and Handling on 2 CDs comes with a 570 page printed spiral bound manual and a short installation guide; and a Regular version on 2 CDs, with a short printed installation guide and the manual included as an Adobe pdf file on CD for $45 plus S&H.

The game will not be sold in stores, and is only be available via mail order directly from For European customers, the game ships out of our warehouse in Ireland, while North American customers will receive it from our warehouse in Vermont.

First copies of S.C.S. - Dangerous Waters are expected to ship within 2-4 weeks.

S.C.S. - Dangerous Waters will be the first title of its kind, allowing the player total control over multiple air, surface, and subsurface platforms in a modern-day naval environment! The game allows the player to focus his attention and to take direct control of individual crew stations in a vibrant and dynamic 3D environment and also to plan and execute combined arms naval strategies from a top-down, commanders eye perspective.

S.C.S. - Dangerous Waters allows the player control over 7 of the world's most potent naval platforms (out of a total of over 270 platforms available in the game):

ââ,¬Â¢ Oliver Hazard Perry class [Guided Missile Frigate]
ââ,¬Â¢ MH-60R Seahawk [Multi-Mission Helicopter]
ââ,¬Â¢ P-3C Orion [Maritime Patrol Aircraft]
ââ,¬Â¢ Kilo class 636/877 [Diesel attack submarines]
ââ,¬Â¢ Seawolf class SSN [Nuclear attack submarine]
ââ,¬Â¢ Akula I/II class SSN [Nuclear attack submarine]
ââ,¬Â¢ 688(I) class SSN [Nuclear attack submarine]

Other features include:

Cooperative and head-to-head multiplayer modes allow controllable submarine, surface, and air platforms to battle it out in the definitive naval combat experience.

Players can command a platform on their own in multiplayer, or collaborate with multiple players in "Multi-station Mode" as they each operate individual stations and strive to work together as a team on the SAME platform.

Dangerous Waters uses the Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine to allow you to order a vast array of commands using only your own voice. You can issue voice commands in every crew station and do tasks such as set course and speed, classify and designate target contacts, launch weapons and countermeasures and more.

By assigning certain crew stations to be manned by the "virtual crewmen" the player can hand off various functions for the simulation to manage. This allows the player to tailor the game's difficulty level to their liking and the precise level of involvement and micro management that they wish. The player can choose to man every single available crew station themselves, just a few select stations or relinquish control to the A.I. and let the 'autocrew' do the rest. Autocrew control is dynamic so the player can enable or disable this feature for every crew station modeled in the game.

Detailed depictions of each controllable platform's stations and their respective arsenals provide a realistic game play experience.

Authentic simulation of sensor performance both in the air and through the ocean environment challenge the player to detect unknown enemies. Realistic depictions of flight characteristics, buoyancy, air resistance, and gravity provide realistic control and maneuvering.

Updated 3D graphics engine provides realistic depictions of ocean swells, water reflections, and environmental conditions using the latest vertex and pixel shader technologies.

Extensive worldwide database provided by the U.S. Naval Institute offers detailed descriptions of platforms and weaponry to accommodate all possible global conflicts. Over 270+ platforms comprising 17 of the world's navies can do battle for control of the open ocean.

Powerful mission editor used by the developers to create the missions that will be shipped with the game, will also be available to the players to create their own scenarios. Players will be able to create their own single missions, multiplayer missions, or develop their own campaigns. These tools will allow the player extensive control over the mission content and enable him to generate an infinite number of scenario possibilities.

Players will compete in campaigns in which their actions have a profound effect on the missions that follow. The use of dynamic elements such as probability of inclusion, dynamic groups of objects, dynamic inclusion of mission goals, and rules of engagement (that can change mid-mission) all ensure that the campaigns will never play the same way twice.

Upon selecting the platform and mission difficulty level, the player will be provided with an entirely random and dynamic scenario. It will be composed of an infinite combination of mission goals, enemy forces, and random locations.

For more information on S.C.S. - Dangerous Waters, please visit:

About is an independent, internet-based publisher and developer of superior war and strategy games, among them the award-winning 3D tactical WWII combat simulation series Combat Mission (three successive Wargame of the Year Awards).
Other titles include Strategic Command ââ,¬â€œ European Theater (PC Gamer ââ,¬â€œ 90%), as well as the famous TacOps4 modern combat simulation, a commercial version of the official tactical training tool used by the U.S. Army. Besides computer games, offers a selection of books, prints, and other warfare related articles to one of the worldââ,¬â,,¢s largest and fastest growing wargamer fan communities!

Find out more at

About Sonalysts, Inc.
Sonalysts, based in Waterford, CT, is an employee-owned business with approximately 450 employees. Its annual sales are in excess of $50M and it has been serving Government and commercial clients since 1973. Sonalysts began developing computer simulation games for the commercial market in the mid-nineties as part of its diversification plan following the end of the cold war. Sonalysts has developed three PC naval simulation games to date - 688(I) Hunter/Killerâ„¢, Jane's Fleet Commandâ„¢, and Sub Commandâ„¢. Each of these games has won a variety of awards from "Best Combat Sim of the Year" to "Best Maritime Sim" of 2001. Sonalysts' games provide the user with a scalable experience so that the most dedicated simulation and casual players can both equally enjoy them. All of the games (including the S.C.S. - Dangerous Waters engine) have been used by the U.S. military for training and/or as a simulation analysis tool. Janeââ,¬â,,¢s Fleet Command has been used by ABC and NBC News to assist !
in broadcast visualization of military operations in Iran, Kosovo, and Afghanistan.

For more information about Sonalysts, Inc., please visit
For information on all Sonalysts games, please visit

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Håller på att sammanställa första uppdateringen av NOSIG Standard Pack! Förvänta er dock inga stora förändringar eftersom det mest handlar om att uppdatera redan existerande addons till senaste versioner.

Förändringarna hitintills är:

1.10 Change log

- Removed "Readme KMM Yugoslav.txt" since it's not used
- Removed VIT KSVK 1.00 since it's not MP compatible
- Updated MAP Baracken Addon to 1.50
- Updated HYK Modern U.S. Army Infantry Pack to 1.53
- Updated CBT Bradley Pack to 1.41
- Updated CBT M113 Pack to 1.21
- Updated CBT Misc to 1.10
- Updated JOF Objects1 to 1.20
- Updated JAM 2 (added correction for flying bullet sounds)

Första frågan! Är det något som vi missat att uppdatera?

Andra frågan! Vilken ny addon skulle du (eventuellt) vilja se i denna uppdatering om du fått bestämma? Välj en addon och skriv en motivering till varför just den skulle göra NOSIG Standard Packet bättre...

/KeyCat & Jotte

En briljant snubbe vid namn Wolfbane (Svensk förövrigt) har lyckats fixa en av de mer irriterande sakerna i gamla hederliga OFP...

Nu är det slut på de där gröna och röda "laser strålarna" till tracers. Med Wolfbane's script blir tracers betydligt snyggare och mer effektfullt eftersom de nu även kan ricochetera :D

Håller på att uppdatera mina NOSIG Mission Templates så att de även använder detta coola tracer script! Har tyvärr inga screenshots att visa men effekten av dem bör ändå upplevas, så mycket bättre är det!!!! Speciellt när det är mörkt...

Kan säga såhär, min personliga "kravlista" på OFP mission ser nu ut följande...

 NOSIG Standard Pack 1.xx
 GroupLink II scriptet
 JAM2 High Dispersion ammo på AI infanteri
 Wolbane's tracer script (default tracers OFF)
 TACTEvent scriptet
 Kegety's Spectator script

Allt detta blir inbakat i ovan nämnda mission templates....

Till Jotte: Innan du säger något skall du testa den version jag har nu! Tracerna träffar mitt i prick och är definitivt inte bara ögon godis ;)

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

IL-2 / CoD / BoS / Patch 3.03 släppt...
December 25, 2004, 22:37:33
3.03 patchen är släppt...

Från readme.txt

Pacific Fighters v.3.03 (3.03m)


The current version 3.03 (3.03m) is not compatible with the previous versions of the game when playing via network. Both the server and client must have appropriate versions of the game in order to connect.

For your convenience weââ,¬â,,¢ve introduced different version numbers for the stand-alone installation and the joint FB+AEP+PF install.
3.03 ââ,¬â€œ for stand alone PF
3.03m ââ,¬â€œ for FB+AEP+PF
And of course, the versions 3.03 and 3.03m are not compatible with each other playing via network.

Notes on the Patch Installation

This 3.03 patch may be installed over the previous 3.0 stand alone version.
The 3.03m patch version can only be installed over the merged PF 3.0 install (FB+AEP+PF).

This 3.03 patch maybe installed as well over 3.01(3.01m) or 3.02b(3,02bm) with corresponding installation versions.

To install the patch, run
1) Stand alone PF: PF_patch303.exe and follow the on-screen instructions.

2) Merget install FB+AEP+PF: PF_patch303m.exe and follow the on-screen instructions.

Notice: The new method tested in 3.01 and 3.02 need more work for protection of possible online cheaters. So currently we release such exe file only for dedicated server.

Notice: the main purpose of this patch

The version 3.03 makes compatible online all the language versions that are released or coming soon in several countries.

Main modifications and fixes

3D models

1. More inaccuracies in cockpit gauges are corrected (however still several cockpit changes with some levers and indicators will be available only in the add-on with new planes later).
2. Corrected many minor glitches.

FM and aircraft performance

1. Additional minor individual tuning of flight models and aircraft performance were made (Dive speed F4F for example).
2. Reworked physics model of automatic multi-stage supercharger (most visible result - on FW-190A/F, P-51s and some others).

Other improvements:

1. Multiplay: Corrected on client side the ships damaged. Corrected respawn method for more than one carrier on the dogfight map at once for one army.
2. Improved visibility of some ships, vehicles and columns.
3. Additional fixes for dynamic campaign.
4. Corrected external fuel tanks on Spitfire IX and Spitfire VIII
5. Corrected rocket loadout for Seafire
6. Corrected bomb racks for Spitfire IX
7. Corrected several non-destructable ground vehicles
8. Corrected compass of P-38s

New objects:
1. Static smokes
2. Static fires
3. Static airfield electric lights

Suggestions and Bug Repots

Please send all suggestions and bug reports regarding Pacific Fighters to

Please send all bug reports relating Dynamic campaign (DGen and NGen) separately to

Pacific Fighters v.3.02b (3.02bm)

Main modifications and fixes

Damage model

Corrected P-40 engine damage model

3D models

More inaccuracies in cockpit gauges are corrected (however several cockpit changes with some levers will be available only in the next add-on due to big size).

FM and aircraft performance

1. Additional individual tuning of flight models and aircraft performance were made for the P-39s, P400, F4U, F6F and some other planes.

Other improvements:

9. Multiplay: Corrected on client side the ships damaged (will be other with add-on).
10. Parafrag bombs explosion changed to an instantaneous fuze.
11. Improved visibility of many ships.
12. Made new optimization for the speech loading.
13. Changed visibility of the planes and objects on the ground.

Notice about item 2: Unfortunately we did it wrong due to wrong initial info. Itââ,¬â,,¢s why we changed it now when we got the right info. Due to this change the tracks which display these bombs my playback incorrect.

Pacific Fighters v.3.01 (3.01m)

Main modifications and fixes

Damage model

1. Ships have improved damage model for small unprotected gun mounts. Now when they receive enough damage they can be ââ,¬Å"shot offââ,¬Â. NOTE: this will not affect the ships that were built for the original IL-2 which are still available in the merged install. Only the later ships (cruisers and battleships) that shipped with FB, AEP and of course all PF ships will be affected.
2. B-17E and B-17F damage textures are fine-tuned.
3. The left wing damage model are corrected on the P-63C.
4. Visuals for wing and engine damage model are corrected on the A-20G.
5. Additional thorough testing was performed on damage model physics for most planes. In some cases additional changes were made to the damage modeling.

3D models

1. All currently reported inaccuracies in cockpit gauges are corrected (however several cockpit changes with some levers will be available only in the next add-on due to big size).
2. Pressure gauges are added to the F6F.
3. Graphical inaccuracies in arrestor hooks are corrected on some planes.
4. Additional aesthetical changes which donââ,¬â,,¢t affect gameplay are made to some cockpits.

FM and aircraft performance

1. Additional individual tuning of flight models and aircraft performance were made for the F4F, F4U, F6F, Ki-43, Ki-61, A6M, Spitfire, Seafire, SBD and other planes.
Note: Spitfire and Seafire engine overheat model was finetuned as much as possible within the constraints of the current global engine model.

2. Engine cylinder compression and prop pitch modeling was extensively redone, which now results in the planes losing airspeed faster as engine RPM decreases.


1. Many users requested additional control over the ship flak guns. Weââ,¬â,,¢ve added a new ROF(rate of fire) function to the FMB. This function controls the time it takes the ship to reload the weapons. Acceptable values range between 0.5 and 100, where
0.5 - half the historical time (i.e. ships fire twice as fast)
1 ââ,¬â€œ historical reload time
5 ââ,¬â€œ recommended value for lower-end machines.
100 ââ,¬â€œ the absolute slowest reload value possible. You will see virtually no flak with this setting.
Note: this function is a compromise between historical accuracy and the requests of many users who have lower end machines but want to participate in large-scale battles with many well armed ships. Increasing the pauses between salvos will lower the ship flakââ,¬â,,¢s calculations during the game and thus introduce increased frame rates.
2. Japanese planes now use also the V formation
3. When the AI planeââ,¬â,,¢s aircraft carrier is sunk, it will look for a nearby friendly carrier. In case none are found, the aircraft will attempt to locate a nearby friendly airfield; barring that they will ditch in the water or a nearby island.

Other improvements:

14. Improved water explosion effects.
15. B-25J bomb sight units are changed from metric to imperial.
16. Added fire extinguishers to A-20G and B-25J.
17. Fixed co-op track playback bug.
18. Fixed 3D A6M2 folding wing bug.
19. Fixed rare cases of aircraft raising gear while parked on carriers.
20. Added several stationary planes.
21. Several void.bmps added to several planes.
22. Corrected names and ammo loads for Ki-61s.
23. Removed fire extinguishers from P-38.
24. Corrected take-offs from damaged aircraft carriers.
25. Extensively reworked sinking behavior of ditched planes.
26. Added the ability to use time-delayed bombs against ships.
27. Corrected service dates and designations for some planes
28. Corrected the bug that occasionally appeared in co-op games when using
the No User Loadout option of FMB.
29. Added new skins for B-24, B5N, F4F-4, FM2 and J2M (Thanks Dani Santos)

Dynamic Campaign fixes and improvements

1. Wrong objects in final missions in case of autonomous install
2. Wrong airfield in New Guinea
3. Crashes in mountains in New Guinea.
4. Crash in second Midway mission when using Hard campaign difficulty
5. Collisions of Rufe at Iwo when using High Air Intensity
6. Wrong objects on some maps.
7. Guadalcanal NGen campaign did not work when selecting Hellcats as bombers.
8. Occasional start on water when moving to Iwo map
9. Text corrections
10. All ships now fire in DGen and NGen, but their rate of fire is lower. By default in these campaigns it is 5 times lower, but it can be modified.

To change ship rate of fire in DGen campaigns, add a line to conf.ini

SlowFire=n.n, where n.n = 0.5 to 100.0

To change ship rate of fire in NGen campaigns, add a line to corresponding camapign file, look as an example at /NGen/CampaignCoralSea.dat

It starts with lines:


All ships in this online campaign will have their fire rate 5.1 times slower than original.

10. Iwo, Chichi, Okinawa, Wake operations added to USMC career
11. New Guinea aded to USAAF career.
12. Midway removed as USAAF operation.
13. Some plane choices are changed.
14. P-38 can be used in Japan 1945 operation
15. Marianas operation added to USN and IJN
16. CampaignLength parameter does not affect Pacific maps anymore (otherwise it could lead to very short campaigns)
17. British markings on B-29 in USAAF Japan campaign - fixed.
18. Kates dropping torpedoes to ground in Pearl Harbor - fixed
19. In order to allow planes with arrestor hook to fly from ground bases, it is possible now to use classes file associated with your career. For instance, this is a file from IJN fighter career classesIN1.dat

A6M5A Palau BASE
A6M5B Palau BASE
A6M5C Palau BASE
A6M5A Okinawa BASE
A6M5B Okinawa BASE
A6M5C Okinawa BASE


Plane_code Operation_code BASE (or CARRIER)
This file allows A6M5A and A6M5B which are carrier based planes by default to fly from airfields at Palau, Iwo and Okinawa.

Graphic engine changes

1. Improved icon visibility for ground objects and planes.
2. Improved water effects such as explosions and wakes.
3. Improved water rendering:
a. Decreased tiling with Water = 0
b. Removed noise dots and squares in sun glint for all modes
c. Improved waves and whitecaps with Water=3.
4. Improved multiple visual effects.
5. Removed black dots that sometimes appeared around clouds
6. Improved caching for faster rendering in the Perfect mode

Recommended drivers
As of this moment, the latest recommended WHQL drivers are
ATI cards:
Catalyst 4.11
NVidia cards:

Additional Notes

1. Missions, tracks and other file names do not allow period, commas and special symbols such as umlauts.
2. When creating squad files for network play, please use these standard country codes to assign your squad to a specific army:

de - Germany
fi - Finland
fr - France
gb - RAF
hu - Hungary
it - Italy
ja - IJA
in - IJN
nn - None
pl - Poland
ro - Romania
sk - Slovakia
ru - USSR
us - USAAF
un - USN
um - USMC
ra - RAAF
rz - RNZAF
rn - RN
du - NL

Creating FMB missions with ships.

If you wish to create missions with ships performing evasive maneuvers simulated with waypoints, please use the following guidelines:

1. Do not make sharp turns in the waypoints, especially for the carriers with the
planes on the deck. This is especially important if these planes must land or take-off during these waypoints.
2. If you wish to make turning waypoints for other ships, then see the item above and please make as many waypoints as necessary to create smooth enough turns.
3. You can currently use this unsupported feature, which may be removed in the future.
- set the group of planes on the carrier by the rules described in readme v.3.0.
- set for this group of planes with only one (take off only!) waipoint, fuel=0, No weapon, Radio Silence.
This way you will have static aircraft permanently sitting on the aircraft deck.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)
IL-2 / CoD / BoS / NOSIG's eget SEOW Air-War?
December 09, 2004, 17:10:39
Med ft's introduktion och efter att ha läst igenom features listan på SEOW (se denna tråd) verkar SEOW nästan för bra för att vara sant... Detta är vad många av oss drömt om i "evigheter" men som aldrig tidigare riktigt förverkligats av någon förrän nu! Självfallet dyker följande frågor upp....

Om SEOW visar sig vara så bra som det låter finns det intresse att någon gång framöver dra igång ett eget SEOW Air-War här på NOSIG? Lite mer specificerat...

1. Finns tillräckligt många intresserade så vi kan "befolka" bägge sidorna (man skulle kanske kunna tänka sig utmana någon annan squad/grupp)?

2. Kan vi komma överens om lämpliga inställningar (cockpit ON/OFF, padlock ON/OFF etc. etc.) som passar alla/de flesta?

3. Finns de tekniska resurserna (dvs server med lina)?

Finns säkert fler saker att diskutera men ovanstående kan vara en bra start...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Sprang på denna...

En gedigen lista men undrar fortfarande om de förbättrat editorn så att det är möjligt att göra intressanta Blue vs Red missions on-line (dvs inte bara "air-Quake") och även om de fått in de i mitt tycke vitala "random funktionerna" i editorn?

"Flaming Cliffs" contains the following improvements and changes compared to the "LockOn: Modern Air Combat" 1.02 version:

1. We added the Su-25T aircraft with new flight dynamics. New operational modes with aiming complex "Shkval" and night aiming system "Mercury" were introduced. New search and aiming system of anti-radar missiles for radio-frequency emission sources with the help of "Phantasmagoria" station was added. New system of active infrared jamming "Suhogruz" was added. Appliance of "Vihr" missile complex, removable gun systems, anti-radar and laser missiles, ordinary and guided bombs was implemented.

2. We carried out avionics modernization of the Russian aircraft Su-27, Su-33, MiG-29:

* New operation modes of weapon control system and radar were added. Among them are a TWS tracking mode of up to 10 targets, sub-modes of target search in forward hemisphere (HI PRF), target search in backward hemisphere (MED PRF), automatic mode of forward and backward hemispheres simultaneous view (HI-MED PRF).
* Dependence of target mark on radar cross section was introduced.
* Jamming gate when using ECM and jamming lock-on device for further shooting was introduced.
* Vertical scan modes, Fi0, navigation modes were revised.
* Indexes of weapon availability on pylons and a weapon alertness sign were introduced.
* Radar physics was changed, inertial target tracking was implemented, range detection limitations depending on flight altitude and angle of roll were introduced.
* Aircraft AI behavior was changed. Now AI planes with ground task will not be hunts for any SAM, having thrown the primary targets.

3. All angle dimensions of Russian HUD correspond with the real ones. The list of snap-views which can be set was enlarged due to introduction of mirror-views, besides via configuration LUA files for each aircraft you can set not only "quick" views but also initial camera position and angle of view.

4. Parameters of various weapon types were re-specified and adjusted:

* Shaped-charge projectiles hit effect is calculated. In the case of a target miss they hardly damage the armor.
* Cratering bomb effect is more accurately calculated.
* Anti-aircraft missiles trajectory were changed and optimized.
* Realistic launch and hit range of air defense systems was modeled.

5. New weapon and pods models were made: SPPU-22, KAB-500Kr, KAB-500T, R-24R, R-24T, Kh-31, Kh-31P, Kh-35, Vikhr, KMGU, AGM-45, AGM-88, external tank PTB-800, MPS-410 EDM pod, L-081 "Phantasmagoria" pod, SPS-141, 5V55R S-300 SAM missile, 48N6E2 "RIF" SAM missile and other.

6. New modules of aviation missile launchers and catapult devices AKU-58, APU-62, APU-63, LAU-118A were made.

7. Fortification buildings, bunker, block-post, comm center, weapon storage bunkers were introduced. They can be set by a user via mission editor for any mission.

8. Three new campaigns for Su-25T, SU-27 and MiG-29 aircraft were created. All in all they comprise 76 missions.

9. A new course of training tracks showing all the new features which the Su-25T aircraft provides.

10. The manual is significantly broadened and enhanced. All aspects available for operating aircraft are fully described with detailed description of devices, equipment and systems functions.

1.1 Bug Fixes and New Features

Added Sun, Fog and Lights dependencies for TV guided weapons and targeting systems

Adjusted air-to-air gun symbology for increased accuracy

Added LUA binding to the HUD RGB color for all aircraft

Effects are now visible in IR sensor view

Fixed indication lamps of SPO-15LM still showing a threat even after the threat radar has been destroyed

Corrected landing gear position indicator logic for Russian aircraft

Added course deviation and glide slope warning flags to HSI for Russian aircraft

Added IR jamming for Su-25T.

Decreased range of cannon funnel to 3200 meters for Russian aircraft

Auto-Lock enabled when in VS and FI0 for Russian aircraft

Decreased search and track angles in FI0 mode and removed all information about target (speed, altitude) in this mode

Changed weapon indication on HUD for Russian aircraft

Changed SETKA mode logic, increased HUD limits for Russian aircraft

Added inertial tracking ability after radar tracking loss after 4 seconds (Russian Airplanes)

Changed HUD pitch indication for all MiG aircraft

Laser range-finder automatically switching off after being active more then 1 minute. Next usage will be available after off- time = 0.8-1.0 * work-time. Overheating protect override available while using laser ranger by Shift - O-O-O-O-O , in this case protect will be disabled but service life will be reduced much more faster.

Horizontal radar zone in the BVR SCAN mode is now changed discretely: LEFTMOST, CENTER, RIGHTMOST

Added target's hemisphere dependency for target detecting range for Russian aircrafts. Hemisphere mode may be changed, available values is "ППС" (forward, HI PRF),"ЗПС"(rear, MED PRF), and "ЗПС" (automatic, HI-MED PRF), when hemisphere mode is "АВТ" ability of detect targets decreased to 75% of maximum range in "ППС".

Vertical radar angle changed to dH/D*57.3 where dH is predefined by pilot target exceeding (+/ - 15000 m) , D - predefined target distance (10000 -150000m) , you may change D by CTRL+/- or analog axis Target Specified Size /Distance, dH changed like old vertical radar rotation

Implemented TWS BVR mode for Russian fighters (switch on/off ALT I), auto-tracking will track the most dangerous threat and will auto-lockon when target reaches launch zone

Implemented HOJ mode for Russian fighters

Russian missiles will check ECM of target on HOJ mode (they will miss when ECM disable)

Missile will select mode HOJ or turn back when ECM of target disable

Ripple quantity and interval control logic for Su-25

The yellow lamps will stay lit on PI-10P weapons indicator after sub munitions release from the KMGU-2 dispenser. The lamps will be turned off only after the dispenser is jettisoned

Increased HUD Limits for F-15C

Corrected wrong Su-27 chaff-flare counter

Vertical velocity scale added to A-10 Nav mode

Fixed AoA and G indicators readout errors on Russian aircraft

Added two new key commands - "RWR/SPO signals volume down" and "RWR/SPO signals volume up". Default key settings are "Alt + ," and "Alt + ." respectively

F-15C Steerdot logic improved (now it's designated point of target intercept)

"Ekran" system will reset now after Russian aircraft damage is repaired

Added HUD font switching to more visible if cockpit view angle more than 110 degrees

SPPU-22 shells counters were implemented on the weapon status panel (PI-10P analog) for Su-25. There are two counts windows - for "internal" (closer to fuselage) and "external" pods. Readings for shells counters were changed to the sequence - "K - 3/4 - 1/2 - NZ - Nil ("zebra")". The reading 'PPU' was added to the list of selected weapon

Changed maximum Roll Rate for SFM

Changed Roll Rate on high IAS for SFM

Changed SFM on high AOA

New realistic and easy black-out models have been developed for the Standard Flight Model (SFM). For this model pilots fatigue depends on G value, time at high G, dG/dTime factor, time of rest at low G, and others... An average pilot with G-suit was modeled

Automated aerial refueling removed. Manual flight is required.

Increased circular error probable (CEP) of air-to-surface missiles and unguided rockets and cannons.

Added roll motion for shells and unguided rockets

Enabled second cannon for Su-17M4, Mirage-2000-5, Tornado F2 and F-5E

Missiles will no longer fly through the launch aircraft's wing at launch for F-15C.

Corrected improper launch data and position calculation during drops from Multiple Ejector Racks

Added cockpit shakes when firing cannon

Remade KMGU-2 bombs launch sequence - added animation for rotary claimshell doors (0.6 seconds), added the time interval between submunitions block drops (0.2 seconds). Added the launch sequence for AI. Increased CEP for KMGU-2 to 10 m per 1 km. The new bomb called as "KMGU-2 * 96 AO-2.5RT"

Added "KMGU-2 * 96 PTAB-2.5KO" bomb

Added smoke generators with different colors - now it is possible to select a color of a smoke (red, green, blue, white, yellow, orange). A smoke will be visible only if a smoke container is loaded on a pylon. Improved smoke generators effect. Smoke lasts much longer now.

Corrected weights for some weapons. Corrected weights of sub munitions pods

Changed the visual appearance of a small oscillations right after the drop of bombs

Corrected back cannon fire direction for Tu-95 and Tu-142. Added back cannons for Tu-22M3 and IL-76MD. Increased shells loading for all back cannons to 1200 rounds. Increased a maximum fire range to 1800 meters

Corrected the lack of internal cannon burst cutoff for F-15C

Decrease engagement distance of ZSU-23-4 radar from 12 km to 5 km

Increased engagement zone of S-300, Buk, Kub, Patriot, Hawk, "Moscow", "Ticonderoga", "Perry"

Implemented optimal ballistic trajectory for long range SAM missiles

Provided R-33, AIM-54, AIM-120, AIM-7, R-27R/ER, R-77 loft flight with new algorithm

Changed number of an unguided rockets in a burst fired by an AI during an A-G pass. The numbers are: one rocket per each block for S-13 and five rockets per each block for S-5/S-8. The intervals between two bursts in a pass are set to 3 seconds

Corrected launch sequences for unguided rockets - removed cut off burst after two rockets fired; S-24, S-25 will be launched only one per a pickle

AI will disable radar when distance to air target less 5 km but more than 2 km (for infrared targeted missiles) and will enable radar if target distance less than 2 km (for gun use) except MiG-29 and Su-27 (IRST)

Air defenses will now attack the player if they player takes control of an AI aircraft

The Russian AI planes now ECM when launching a missile (if the seeker-type is not IR) up to missile time-out

Added checking of target being hidden by buildings and map objects for attack aircraft

AI cannot use heavy A-S missile (Kh-29, Kh-31┘) for moving objects (except ships)

The Mi-8MT will no longer fly into the ground when flying over mountains at low speed

Helicopters will no longer crash at take off as they very occasionally would at some airfields

AI will be visible to the enemy when starts on ramp

SAM will be active when they have been given a delayed start time

Ground and naval units now account for wind velocity component during aiming

Fixed the aiming point of some AI ground units when firing at other ground units

Ground AI unit will account for its turrets rotation angle limits when will make decision to engage a hostile or not

AI with 'average' skill level will be able to fire unguided rockets and cannons at a target even accounting it's more poor aiming capability. It was done just by extending a maximum aiming error for opening fire.

Optimized ingress route for runway attacks. AI will bomb nonmoving (and not runway-class) ground targets with upwind/downwind passes if speed of wind is more than 10 m/s

Reduced vehicle tremor and smoothed their movement over uneven terrain

Added shake when hit or collision

Added world events randomization to the mission simulation. Track playback uses recorded randomization value. Set RandomMissionEvents = false in the Config\World\World.lua file to disable randomization

New ejection sequence with rocket-powered ejection seat

Disabled cockpit view for the dead pilot (when the canopy is destroyed)

Added the customizable "HUD-Only" view" position, see parameters in the Config/View/Cockpit.lua script - our present to cockpit builders

Set axis restrictions for mouse plane control

Disabled "Mouse Look" until 'S' key pressed for similar initial camera position in all mission/track starts

Backspace key in F2, F6, F7, F8, F9 and F12 views inverts camera direction instead of moving camera ahead/behind the object

In the local mode (Shift-Esc) horizontal rotation rotates the camera locally round the vertical axis in F2, F6, F7, F8, F9 and F12 views

Incorrect object camera position after view switching have been corrected

Upgraded LUA Socket 2.0 files from Alpha to Beta

Fixed the cockpit-camera initialization bug between missions

Added embedded media player feature for AVI files to the Open file dialog

Fixed view control problem when recording an AVI file not from the beginning of the track

Added a LoGetWorldObjects() function to the exporting feature for remote map display. Added example to the Config/Export/Export.lua file

Added the LoGetMCPState() export function. Expanded the input commands list in the Config/Export/Export.lua file

Only NumLock stops the padlock in the F11 view. The camera position doesn't return to previous state. In the padlock mode next Keypad Del locks another object

Permitted simultaneous use of mouse and TrackIR

Fixed model time delay for restoring mission saved state

Corrected view system serialization for saved state files

New export features (see Export.lua) are available to use : Radar / EOS targets parameters by LoGetTargetInformation() and LoGetLockedTargetInformation(): new flight parameters are available to export LoGetMagneticYaw() ,LoGetGlideDeviation() ,LoGetSideDeviation() ,LoGetSlipBallPosition() LoGetBasicAtmospherePressure()LoGetControlPanel_HSI(),
LoGetEngineInfo() , all export parameters are translated to metric system

Route information available to export by LoGetRoute() (view Export.lua)

The default mission date may be set in the Config\World\World.lua. Made sky stars and planets positions dependent on the date. The season settings are still independent on the date so player can use different season textures.

Custom view for cockpit mirrors implemented in the Config/View/SnapViews.lua file such as Snap[plane][11] (Left) Snap[plane][12] (Right), user can customize these settings manually or in the run-time like other snap views

Default cockpit camera horizontal angle, vertical angle and view angle are defined by the Snap[plane][13] table now in the Config/View/SnapViews.lua file

Made cockpit camera rotation limits configurable for different planes in the Config/View/Cockpit.lua file

Updated Georgian anthem and flag.

Added new static object category - Buildings (blocks, pill-boxes, bunkers, ammunition depots, armories, etc.)

Improved cooperation in air engagements between multiple planes - wingmen will now attack targets that are already attacked by another member of a flight

Improved gun aiming, including deflection shooting

Better ground evasion in low-altitude air combat

Planes will now return to base when suffering heavy damage

AAA and SAM units are only attacked with appropriate weapons and attack profiles - AAA is bombed only from high altitude, SAM sites are no longer attacked with AG missiles that have lower range than the SAM itself. Likewise the initiative to go after unassigned targets is decreased, and AI planes are now easier to control in their behaviour during ground attacks.

Planes are more hesitant to jettison their AG ordnance - only when a missile hit is probable, not already immediately when a missile is launched

Helicopters slow down when attacking with missiles, increasing their stand-off capabilities

Unguided rockets are fired in bursts now depending on caliber

Various issues with wrong aiming of ground units have been corrected

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)
Allmänt / Telia ADSL strul...
December 07, 2004, 20:48:38
Har haft en hel del strul med mitt Telia ADSL abonnemang de senaste månaderna och tänkte bara höra om det var någon som är drabbad av samma sak?

Problemet är att jag blir sporadiskt bortkopplad från Internet i ca 5-10 minuter och oftast kommer anslutningen tillbaks av sig själv utan åtgärd men ibland krävs omboot av datorn och modemet för att få igång det....

Tydligen skall problemet beröra en hel del abonnenter här i södra Sverige, någon här som upplever samma strul???

Efter att ha fungerat i stort sett klockrent i 2.5 år börjar det nu bli ganska tröttsamt med alla dessa nedkopplingar och jag hoppa Telia får rätt på det inom kort :-X

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)


Fortfarande betaversion men nu lär det väl komma upp ett antal servrar så man kan testa PF on-line. Skall bli skoj att testa med 128 plan i luften :p

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

DCG blir bara bättre och bättre....

Based on the Dynamic Campaign Generator for Combat Flight Simulator 2, this program generates dynamic campaigns for IL-2 Sturmovik, IL-2 Forgotten Battles and Pacific Fighters by Maddox Games. Over time, the front lines will shift, airfields may be captured and recaptured and objects appear and disappear. Squadrons will transfer closer to the front as friendly ground forces advance or bug-out should the enemy break-through. Armor, truck columns, and trains will also move from city to city during missions and ships from harbor to harbor, starting the next mission at the city or harbor moved to in the previous mission. Build ups of guns and armor will also appear at the "front" and captured locations will have new defences generated.

IL-2 DCG will also track plane losses, pilot deaths, and the replacement of both, awards and promotions, as well as the destruction and replacements of moving vehicle and tank columns, trains, and ships, and static ground defenses. All in all, DCG offers IL-2 players a dynamic world in which to fly.

IL-2 DCG can now fully replace the stock dynamic campaigns ("DGen"). If IL2DCG.exe is used to replace DGen.exe, selections from the DGen campaign selection screen will over-ride selection made in DCG when in single player career mode. See the Installation and Settings Instructions for more details.

IL-2 DCG also works with the IL2FB Dedicated Server and FB Daemon 2.2 (or greater). From the IL2DCG Menu just set the "IL2 Program Location" to the il2server.exe file in the IL2 Server folder in the same way you would select il2fb.exe in the "Forgotten Battles" folder.

Although IL-2 DCG does all the above and more, it remains a work in progress. Bug reporting, comments and suggestions are welcomed. For the latest news, support, and bug reporting visit

BTW, Någon som vet när den dedikerade servern till PF tänkt släppas?

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Ytterligare en preview som berör multiplayer aningen mer...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Operation Flashpoint / ARMA / Group Link II 1.91
October 20, 2004, 15:48:48
Har uppdaterat Group Link II scriptet och nytt i denna version är att fiende AI'n nu även kan få för sig att söka efter en inne i byggnader :D

Denna version har också full stöd för alla BIS standard east, west och resistance fordon. Har även implementerat KTottE's förslag (hail arrays!) så nu är det  mycket smidigare att lägga till valfria 3:e parts fordon...

Group Link II 1.91

Glöm inte att läsa README.TXT ;)

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Verkar snart vara tillgänglig...

Gillar speciellt det här...

DW is really designed for multiplay. Yes, players. Multiplay. If youââ,¬â,,¢ve ever wanted to have those modern-day sub-vs-sub-vs-ship-vs-plane duels, here it is in grand glory. Because according to Jamie Carlson, DWââ,¬â,,¢s biggest fun will be the ability to collaborate in multiplayer with other units to identify and attack the enemy team, without fragging your own teammates. If youââ,¬â,,¢ve ever really wanted to play underwater chess, hereââ,¬â,,¢s your chance. Same goes for you surface-warfare nuts. Hereââ,¬â,,¢s your chance to see if you really can got get a modern day sub from the surface and live. Are your helicopters and sonars equal to the deadly sub?

Att lira multiplayer och vara tex commander och sonar man i en samma ubåt mot en eller ett par andra mänskligt bemannade ubåtar/båtar hade varit skoj att testa :D

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)