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Sjömålsrobotar mm.

Started by F16_Filur, April 24, 2016, 12:13:43

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Test launch of the RBS-15 missile



Länkarna fixade.
Misstänker att sista GLSDB är något Horizon kommer att gilla.  :)
Skjutningen från Visby-korvetten är också intressant med hur man ordnat en kanal för raketmotorns gaser/utblås tvärs genom fartyget.


"The missile was developed from the RB 04 missile that was used by the Swedish air force. The front of the missile was retained, including the warhead, but the rear received new wings and a turbofan engine replaced the rocket previously used. The RBS-15 underwent trials on the missile FAC HMS Piteå from 1983 and became operational with the Swedish Navy in 1985. The Västergötland class submarines were projected to have 4 vertical missile launch tubes for RBS-15 missiles in an extended hull but this was canceled due to budget constraints to not fitting the way Swedish submarines operated."


Och när vi snackar om sjömålsrobotar, mycket intressant här om Exocet-missilen.

Discovery Channel Sea Wings: The Falkland Surprise

I flera fall exploderade inte stridsspetsen, men det hindrade inte en del fartyg från att sänkas i alla fall.
Ironiskt också att Royal Navy hade 15 egna fartyg utrustade med missilen.

Anti Shipping Missile survey - Air Power Australia, Dr Carlo Knopp

Någon har gjort en lista här. Ta den med en nypa salt. Exocet MM40 Block 3 har tex även GPS-guidning:

QuoteComparison between Anti ship missiles :

1.Naval Strike Missile
country : norway/poland
range : 185 km
speed : 900 km/h
weight : 410 kg
warhead : 125 kg
guidence system : radar

country : sweden
range : 200 km
speed : 1100 km/h
weight : 800 kg
warhead : 200 kg
guidence system : GPS/radar

country : Soviet/Russia
range : 120 km
speed : 3600 km/h
weight : 4500 kg
warhead : 320 kg
guidence system : radar

country : France
range : 150 km
speed : 1134 km/h
weight : 670 kg
warhead : 165 kg
guidence system : radar

country : India & Russia
range : 290 km
speed : 3675 km/h
weight : 2500 kg (air launch) 3000 kg (ship&ground)
warhead : 300 kg
guidence system : radar

country : USA
range : 125 km
speed : 864 km/h
weight : 691 kg
warhead : 221 kg
guidence system : radar &gps

7.Sea Eagle
country : UK
range : 110 km
speed : 1050 km/h
weight : 580 kg
warhead : 230 kg
guidence system : radar

8. P-800 oniks
country : Russia/USSR
range : 300 km
speed : 3600 km/h
weight : 3000 kg
warhead : 250 kg
guidence system : radar

manufacture : MBDA
range : 180 km
speed : 1110 km/h
weight : 770 kg
warhead : 210 kg
guidence system : radar & Gps

country : Russia/USSR
range : 300
speed : 735-3000km/h
weight : 1800 kg
warhead : 400 kg
guidence system : radar

country : israel
range : 130 km
speed : 840 km/h
weight : 520 kg
warhead : 150 kg
guidence system : radar


Kroatiska testskjutningar, Mk1 som jag förstår det.

Integrirano djelovanje raketa RBS-15

Nadzorno tehniÃ,,ko gaÃ,,‘anje protubrodskom raketom RBS 15B

QuotePrimary weapon of the Croatian Navy for its five guided missile corvettes and three coastal systems mounted on Tatra trucks. In total, 48 Mk.I units are in service. Plans for upgrading 21 missiles to a standard incorporating elements from both the Mk.II and the Mk.III versions was cancelled in 2009 due to budget restraints but light software upgrades were continuously executed and have improved the missiles' navigation, precision and electronic defence. The latest of this upgrades was conducted in 2010 as part of usual service works. Unexpectedly though, in August 2014 the Croatian government decided to send at least 20 Croatian RBS-15 missiles through an overhaul program so as to keep them operational and current for another 10 years. The missiles are to receive upgrades to increase their range to about 90ââ,¬â€œ100 km as well as to improve their guidance, precision and survivability against jamming. The missiles were successfully tested and fired in a live naval exercise in 2015.



De sista två har jag missat. Väldigt ovanligt med filmer från skarpskjutningar med Rbs-15. Helt i linje med allt hemligfierande av svenska vapensystem. På gott och ont.
We're standing here by the abyss, and the world is in flames
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out, to the beast with many names