Svensk militär utr till ArmA2 !!

Started by Baztid, February 17, 2010, 18:01:11

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Do you know how you can tell if there's a fighter pilot in the room?


Don't worry, he'll tell you.


>> It's all about teamwork! <<


Swedish Army Mod Beta 1 släppt!


-Swedish units and gear-

We try to bring out all ideas about Swedish stuff that are possible in ArmA2. Soldiers, weapons and combat-vehicles, but also more random stuff like buildings, bunkers, camouflaged-nets, civilan stuff, and static objects that can be of interest for serious mission-editors. The only two demands we have on our content is that it should somehow be connected to Swedish military scenarios, and be of a certain quality to match the game.

This also means that we actually dont have any detailed plans of how the mod will end up and what it will contain. We will always be open for new and more ideas. In other words, there will always be something to work on!

-Modern graphic quality of the content-

Sure, good looking graphics isnt everything in a game, but it damn sure adds a massive touch of atmosphere and realism that we all want in our favourite games! All the content of SAM will be of good quality that matches the graphics of ArmA 2 (Some place-holders might occur though). This means that we will avoid porting stuff straight from OPF and ArmA1.

Instead we look for people who are willing to contribute with new or updated content, no matter if it's a simple retex of an ammo-box, or a whole new setup of soldier-models. All work and contributions are appreciated, encouraged and noted!

-Begin small, end epic-

Even if we're happy to recieve just about anything that is connected to Swedish stuff, we of course still have priorities. Right now at the beginning our focus is mainly to build up a complete and useful set of infantry with any gear they might use. As these things get finished, and we get more people working on the project, we will move focus to transports and simpler vehicles, and then heavy armored vehicles and air. Basicly it's all about finishing what you started, to avoid ending up with a mod that just contains a lot of unfinished stuff.

-Full support for ACE2-

One of the major reasons to why we started this project is because we wanted our Swedish units to use as much of the awesomeness of ACE2 as possible. In other words, ACE2 will be required to run SAM as it's intended to.
We will do our best to keep SAM updated with the latest functionality of ACE2, and make sure they run smoothly together.

-Open development-

We will have as active communication with the community as possible on several different forums, and always seek feedback on the contents of SAM. Praise or hate us, just come with something informative so we can either improve or explain ourselves.

Experienced "war-junkies" with special requests or faults to point out are especially welcome to come with detailed feedback. Since ArmA2 is a "simulator", we want our stuff to be as realistic as possible to match the gameplay.
We will show and inform about our latest work as often as possible, and what's being planned in the nearest future. Questions are answered and we will try to be as accurate as possible with future release-dates.

The Swedish ArmA2-clan SSG will however work as our main base for testing and discussions. If you dont speak swedish, then this is our international official thread for any related discussions. We will update both places with just about the same information.

Features in Beta1:

-Retextured SF soldiers with Swedish M90 and M90K camo
-Retextured Sniper ghillie in green and desert camo
-Retextured Pilot

-Brand new AK5C (Ironsight, Aimpoint, ACOG and M203)
-Weapons and Ammo boxes
-Retextured C130J Hercules
-Swedish flag

Finns bla på


>> It's all about teamwork! <<


Do you know how you can tell if there's a fighter pilot in the room?


Don't worry, he'll tell you.


Fan vad läckert! Fick riktig flashback där när de kom klivande ut mellan granarna, såg precis ut som ett ställe häromkring. :)

Stercus accidit
Quando omni flunkus moritatus



Nice! TGB 11 ger mig alltid flashbacks till P7 Revingehed anno 86 :)


>> It's all about teamwork! <<