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A380. Det närmar sig.

Started by griffin, April 23, 2005, 09:26:18

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Big bird aloft

Bien joué. Well done.

Anyone in aviation can tell you that first flights rank way up there on the list of exciting, memorable, and emotional highlights in our industry. You might even add "spine-tingling" to those descriptions.

So, it's got to be a great feeling for the Airbus team, now that the A380 has completed its first test flight early this morning (Seattle time). "Hats off" to them.

I'm sure everyone involved is feeling very proud today. And they should be.

Of course, we have our differences with Airbus on the future of ultra-large airplanes and whether this is really the way passengers want to fly. But that's a topic for further discussion some other day.

Today is the A380's day, and I send my congratulations.

Inte varje dag man ser Boeing vara så ödmjuka. Fast, vad har de för val. Nåja, tycker det är kul iaf.


Ja det var ödmjukt och bra. Den sortens kommentarer gynnar Boeing i fortsättningen, hur "marknadstankemässigt" det än är. :)
We're standing here by the abyss, and the world is in flames
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out, to the beast with many names


alla tiders kommentar ju.

Så skall det vara, även om han är ond eller något så var det fint gjort. Mitt egna krypin. Mer soldater, mindre flyg :)