NOrdic SImulator Group

Övriga spel => Operation Flashpoint / ARMA => Topic started by: KeyCat on December 27, 2002, 08:10:23

Title: Intressant artikel om AI'n i spel
Post by: KeyCat on December 27, 2002, 08:10:23
Hittade en artikel om AI där de även intervjuat BIS angående OFP. Intressant läsning och även OFP 2 nämns så vi kan ju alltid hoppas på en efterföljare någon gång i framtiden...

Source: Computer Games Magazine (May issue)

Operation Flashpoint is already pushing convergent A.I. technology of its own.
"One thing we are particularly proud of is our 'spotting model,'" says Spanel. "It considers an object's size and camouflage, so you are much more visible in open areas than near trees." Pretty impressive on its own when you consider that the game is modeling an exclusively external environment with varying terrain and gradation, but also a little intimidating when you realize this means "just running your tail off" won't save you from a pack of sharp shooting grunts.

"Our A.I. model also includes picking up on indirect clues," says Spanel. "For example, if a patrolling unit hears shooting or sees another unit get killed, it knows there must be an enemy near and starts reacting. First it lies down to be safe, then looks around and searches for the intruder. This includes the ability to cue off both audio and visual detection, and is affected by parameters like experience, equipment, light conditions, and the number of obstacles between observer and target. We introduced various delays, hand trembling, and observation errors to simulate every single limitation that we could think of human soldiers having."

Läs hela artikeln i Computer Games Magazine här: (

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)